Love & marriage, love & marriage. Go together like a.........?
Asked by
ucme (
July 20th, 2010
Horse & carriage? Nah not here not in this thread not while I live & breathe. Oh no, instead find your own wise/crap/funny/imaginative lyrics to replace & who knows even better the original. Know need to rhyme if you prefer it that way. Go on, you know you want to, I dare you…
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33 Answers
sad old cabbage..( cabbage is what most people become a few years after the state of marriage!)
Oil and water in disastrous proportion.
“If you want to read about love and marriage, you’ve got to buy two separate books.” – Alan King.
Small plot of arable land in the Middle East and two ancient tribes that both claim ownership of said landdddddddddddddd!
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and floccinaucinihilipilification.
Okay hands up who swallowed the dictionary? Come along I haven’t got all day…
You can’t have one without the other
Love and mariage, love and marriage,
they go together like…. wreck and rampage ;-)
Apple pie and vanilla ice cream!
What? Too naive?
Love and mariage, love and marriage,
they go together like…. t|ts and cleavage.
Love and mariage, love and marriage,
they go together like…. hope and courage
Two people who love each other
Rainbows and fairies. Good luck with both. You’ll need it.
Love and Marriage go together like prepubescent lonely teenage girls and Twilight.
@ducky_dnl Bahahahaaa!!! Funny enough to make me actually LOL.
Pregnancy and miscarriage.
Love and mariage, love and marriage, go together like a noose and bondage.
go together like a right of passage.
like a spoon and porridge
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