General Question

Jude's avatar

Favorite new artist (paintings, drawings, sculptures; any artistic medium)?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 20th, 2010

My girlfriend introduced me to Derek Gores today. I really like his stuff.

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11 Answers

Scarlett's avatar

I think his name is Leonida fremov ?? Not sure… look him up… His paintings and use of colors is AMAZING. He’s my top favorite.

Vunessuh's avatar

My favorite new artist is @lucillelucillelucille. She showed me some of her work when I visited her last week. I was in complete awe at how amazing and realistic her drawings are. The details in her work are incredible and some of it is so imaginative and unique – I had never seen anything like it before. Her imagination rocks. Not to mention, she’s an amazing potter. She’s also managed to carve a few things. I think one of my favorite pieces was this red bird she carved out of wood. She’s incredibly versatile and good at practically every artistic medium she’s tried which I find pretty damn inspirational. =)

Scarlett's avatar

Oh, it’s LEONID AFREMOV. Check him out on Google ::)

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh I’d love to see Lucille’s work. :)

Luffle's avatar

I like artwork by Arthur Gonzalez. He is listed as a ceramics artist but I really like his collection of rejection letters from various art galleries from the past 20+ years. I like how he turns something negative into inspirational artwork.

MaryW's avatar

Wellll my favorite new artists are my two grandkids who have entered their art in the County Fair. They enter in several mediums and subjects. They are 6 and 9. Each started at age 3. They have inspired the class in their age group to grow over the last 6 years and we have had great fun. Their Art may be seen displayed in my front hall for the full year following each Fair along with what ever the ribbons they have won (or not).

Earthgirl's avatar

Hey Jude…ha ha…sorry I couldn’t resist, check out this artist Zhao Kailin. I saw his work in the Eli Klein Gallery in Soho NYC recently. Love at first sight. If you google there is more of his work online. He is absolutely amazing. Like a modern day Bougereau. Hope you like him as much as I do. This piece is called My Heart Will Go.

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