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tinyfaery's avatar

Can you help me not give in to Facebook?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) July 21st, 2010

I am not social, so I have never had the urge or the need to belong to a social networking site. However, since my grandmother, the family matriarch, died, the rest of my family does not get together much anymore. Everyone has their own nuclear families and our clan seems to be dissipating. Plus, since my mom died and I have dad issues, I have not seen my dad since January and we have spoken only twice.

All of my family, even dad, is on Facebook. And truth be told, I miss seeing my cousins, aunts and everybody. So, is there a way, other than a social networking site, that I can communicate and share things with my family without having to see them? I have thought about letters, but I don’t think anyone will write me back. I have also thought about just emailing, but that seems like it would take up a lot of time—cousins, niece, nephew, sister, etc…

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