Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think the word "refudiate" just might find a niche in our language?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) July 21st, 2010

For example, an older person whom I strongly suspect is in cahoots with the Tea Party faction (though he would deny it,) constantly sends me Obama-bashing emails, along with decent mail, funny stories, etc. Yesterday he sent me about 9 pictures of incredible car or truck wrecks like this (OK, they could be photoshopped but it was interesting anyway!) And, (surprise, surprise) the last picture was of Obama being sworn in as President. Well, I wanted to pass the car wreck pics on, so I simply REFUDIATED the picture of Obama, and sent them on!

That’ll work, won’t it?? : ) : )

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13 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Oh, God, I hope not. It is clearly an ignorant mix of refute and repudiate.

ragingloli's avatar

re fu di ate, verb: to beat about the bush, to quibble, to make cheap excuses, to claim to have invented a new word in a desperate and pathetic attempt to cover up the fact that one has previously demonstrated an utter inability of speaking one’s own native language properly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@marinelife I’m thinking that we start using strictly against republicans when they start their Obama bashing, to underscore their own ignorance. Not to be used in serious conversation.

Nice Raggie!

kevbo's avatar

It does have a certain wordfulness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@kevbo LOL!! I say use it when ever you can when speaking to a rabid left wingnut! Like the song goes, “Rub it in, rub it in!”

Austinlad's avatar

If it does, I’m leaving the country.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Austinlad PLEASE read my responses. It would be used strictly against a left wingnut Republican to underscore and remind them of how st00pid their leader IS!

kevbo's avatar

Sarah Palin is so full of liefe—such je ne faux pas. It’s irrefudiatable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

:) @kevbo!! Sarah Palin is a LOL cat!

figbash's avatar

I really hope it doesn’t. I’d hate for anyone to actually validate such idiocy.

janbb's avatar

I think only lolcats should be able to use “refudiate.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sarah Palin says “eye agreez. w00t!”

mattbrowne's avatar

Wow. In one week the Google result list went from 300,000 hits to 1,120,000 results for refudiate. The Internet doesn’t forget.

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