@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “One cannot act like an animal and act like a human simultaneously. Ever heard of Plato’s Forms? They become a Form of animal. Best left to the imagination of children and clowns. Shall we allow children, clowns, and bestiality to evolve our culture?”
Well then, have you read Aristotle’s & Bertrand Russell’s arguments against it? When one dress’s up as a character to play with his/her children, does he/she transform into the character? You must have no multitasking skills if you think this way, which explains your narrow mindedness.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “In fear, even the clown and child knows they are acting.”
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “The beastial believe it is normative to human expression in reality. That is abnormal, and therefor philia.”
I don’t understand this, please explain clearer.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “It degrades humanity by substituting animal behaviors for human behaviors. Nothing could be further from the truth of humanity.”
Again, you can do both, no need for substituting.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “What religion do you accuse me of following? Certainly not Christian, I’ve already damned them.”
Good question, if I had to guess, I would say the church of the flying spaghetti monster. However, why don’t you just tell me, so I don’t mock you.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “Are you denying that mating is a biological imperative?”
Are you going to be answering questions with questions?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “Don’t confuse drive with desire.”
Deal with one part (biological imperative) then the other, or is everything so clear cut that desire must be the cause of philia?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “Animals have drive. Humans have drive and desire. No human has a drive to mate with a dead corpse. They may have a desire to do such a thing, but desire is not explained by evolution.”
Again, revert back top of this commentary.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLie, wrote, “You’ve asked difficult questions. Shall we limit the answers to simplicity for your amusement?”
Yes, a simple answer would be best, but it isn’t that simple. Well guess what, flame-bait was the correct assumption for my intentions to this thread. I put zero thought into this thread. I was going with the flow & the flow was fast pace, thus my explanation were flip-flopping due to the amount of reply’s and information presented, although I did clear it up later on, but @Keysha, still thinks I’m flip-flipping which is understandable, no thanks to the fault of my own. Well @Keysha, read @RealEyesRealizeRealLies, as she/he elucidated it well. Anyway, I thought it was too funny & fun for me to engage in as I’ve been sick(flu) all week. The funniest part is that I can argue this ridiculous topic pretty well, despite people calling my refutations “illogical” “unreasonable” as a cop-out to protect their intellectual integrity & this question has great depth to it as you see it evolving in this thread. Would have been better with homosexuality in it, but it seems half this site is full of sensitive homosexuals. A good argument is able to change anyone’s views on anything, however, the problem with this site is, there is no agree to disagree. All philosophical arguments end up with arguments to both sides, there is no absolute truth. Yet, here, when one refuses to heed the words of one’s ideology, he/she is deemed ill as with the philiacs. I’m actually way to exasperated to type & argue at this point. Burnout if you will. The fun turned to dullness. Besides, this has all been covered one way or another, if you visit the various philosophy forums, I went in great depth there as did many of the other users about all these debatable topics without copy pasting information from wikipedia because of laziness to do some real research. @tragiclikebowie, despite her copy pasting ability did present researched arguments(not her own of course, but valid), however, there is an equal amount of arguments to which my copy pasting skills showed as well, until it was removed by the moderators as “off-topic”, when it had everything to do with topic, but when rational is out the window, petty emotions come in. Also, this site should really lighten up on the rules and allow free speech, seems to be more of a council of tyranny rulers which dominate the users to succumb to their absurd ideology & if not, then termination. As with the case of when I added homosexuality to the first question. In the end, it’s all nonsense, as it doesn’t matter, & nothing changes. Actions speak louder then words right? That’s all that counts, putting ideas in to practice. Unless of course it’s something concrete such as a scientific law, the rest is up for imagination. Life is absurdities and void. Looks like I’ve copt-out of this conversation. Now you can make fun of me that I obviously don’t know anything which is why I’m “running away” from the discussion now. :) “My loser declaration”