General Question

xTheDreamer's avatar

How to upload, play & edit .MTS format video?

Asked by xTheDreamer (897points) July 21st, 2010

Hi, I have bought a Canon Vixia HF S10 camera and I wanted to know when you guys upload your videos to your computer from that camera does it come out in the .MTS file format? If so, how did you guys get it to play on your pc/laptop, on YouTube & edit it?

I’m having trouble uploading my vids from that camera to my laptop and I can’t seem to play the video on the laptop nor get it to upload to YouTube.

It would really mean a lot if you could help me out, cause I hope my dad didn’t waste money on buying that camera for my birthday and can’t even upload or play a single thing.

Thanks beforehand.

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8 Answers

BhacSsylan's avatar

I don’t have much experience with digital cameras, but I can that that Any Video Converter has worked pretty well for me in the past. It should be able to change the .mts files to .avi, .wmv, .mp4, or pretty much any other main format you’d want it in, and then you should have no trouble playing or uploading them. And it’s free, which is snazzy. Good Luck!

[edit] and .mts is listed as a supported format, so you really shouldn’t have any trouble.

xTheDreamer's avatar

@BhacSsylan I’ve tried to convert the video but the thing is when I convert it & play it back the video would become out of sync thus the imagery would be slow and the audio would not match with the imagery.

BhacSsylan's avatar

Oof. Well, as I said I don’t really have any experience with digital cameras soo… I’m sorta out of advice. I’m sorry >.<

xTheDreamer's avatar

@BhacSsylan Well it’s alright, at least you tried. Thanks anyway.

metadog's avatar

I have that same camera and felt very ill advised when I went to use the video I took. The MTS files are a pain in the back side! They are massive! First of all, the software that comes with the camera, while poor, is still the best place to start to convert the video. I also got a copy of Cucusoft’s “DVD Ripper + Video Converter Ultimate.” This software is cheap and does a great job converting the video. Windows Live Movie Maker, which should come with your PC, does a fair job with basic video editing. However, I also have Adobe Premiere CS5 (expensive and requires a lot of mojo in your computer). Premiere can natively manage and edit MTS files. I struggled quite a bit until I got Premiere. There is also digital video conversion hardware, but that costs bucks…

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