I had "minor" surgery yesterday morning, and I feel really punk today. Is this normal?
It was for a ganglion cyst. I assumed it would be done under local anesthesia, but they knocked me out. I felt OK yesterday..tired, but that’s about all. Today I feel a little nauseated, really tired and kind of dizzy. No fever.
I have a call in to the Dr’s nurse, but I’m sure they’ll just tell me to come back in. They don’t want to say “that’s normal” over the phone because of the potential for a lawsuit if what I’m feeling is an indication of something more serious. I just don’t want to incur another Dr’s office fee if I don’t have to.
So, all things considered, is this probably normal?
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56 Answers
That sounds very normal. Rest up and see how you are feeling by tomorrow. (Aw – c’mon, just be a mensch. :-))
I worked with a guy that was “knocked out” for surgery and felt the same after a day. They told him it was normal, that the anesthetic is somewhat toxic to the body.
@janbb You want me to be “manly” about it? Ok…. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. IT HURRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTSSSSSSSSSS! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I DON’T FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL GOOD!!! Wait on me hand and foot and pet my head. You wanna see my stitches? I think the anesthesia made my dick bigger. Wanna see it?
@Dutchess_III GA. lol. He bounced back after a few days of rest. If it goes much beyond a few days, see the doc. (We get so little sympathy from the ladies we have to go for it when we have a reason, like illness)
Was the cyst in your wrist? I never knew they operated on those. I used to get them, and so did my mother.
@Adirondackwannabe Yeah, well my husband promptly went out of town soon after we got back from the hospital yesterday! He came back for the night, but left again early this morning to go back to the same job out of town that he started yesterday,
@JLeslie Yes, it was. What do you mean you “used” to get them? They don’t go away….? I knew it was harmless, but I was hoping it was the reason that my pinky finger on the same had has been kinda tingly and numbish for about 9 months. All the doctors said that wasn’t the cause (and they were right, of course) but I was just hopin’. Plus it were be ugly.
@Dutchess_III Well, back in the day I used to hear you can bang them with a big book like an encyclopedia to get rid of them. I never did that, not sure if it is a real remedy that was used? For some reason I think my mom did that once? Not sure. I had a couple as a teen. I get it at the top of my wrist in the same spot each time. I probably had it for years and then it went away, and then reoccured again. I no longer have one, but that wrist, my left wrist is very weak, always has been, not sure if it is related or not. It went away on its own. Maybe I banged it by accident or something? I have no idea. Here is a mayo link stating they do go away on their own http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/ganglion-cysts/DS00767
If you were having tingling it was probably worth a try. It still may help after the swelling goes down. I’m going to guess if it is not the cyst, you might have carpal tunnel, but I am no expert on the subject.
@Dutchess_III I think you are still stoned from the drugs.
Throw on The Doors and ride the snake.
@JLeslie My Dr. told me about the book thing. I asked why they didn’t just drain it. He said they could, but with both the book thing and the draining there it will probably come back. He explained it like this (I’m just using my own analogy) like, the tendon that runs your fingers is encased in a fluid filled sheath, to allow the tendons to move freely, like oil in a car, I guess. The cyst is caused when you get a weak area in the sheath…like a hernia. Sounds to me like your sheath repaired itself.
@judochop Na! I haven’t even touched the pain pills because it really doesn’t hurt, as long as I keep a thick pad between it and the key board,
@Dutchess_III Yeah, I think when they do surgery they can see where it forms or something and it is less likely to reoccur. I once heard that without surgery, even if it goes away, it has an over 50% chance of coming back. I don’t know if mine repaired itself, it is more likely I don’t do as much to aggravate it as I did when I was young. If that has anything to do with it forming? I have no idea really.
My mom avoids surgery at every cost, so growing up in that household I tend to be the same. And, since she had the same cyst of and on, and had lived with it, I guess I just thought it was not a big deal.
@JLeslie Wish I’d talked to you before yesterday! Yes, they put a stitch in the place where it is “torn,” and that gives it a chance to heal.
Ahhh, I’m sorry you are feeling punk. Just get some rest and drink a glass or two of orange juice.
I got a fasting blood test yesterday, and it left me feeling dizzy and tired all day. Today, I get to see my doctor and discuss the results, plus get an anti-shingles shot.
Oh -and feel better soon, sweetie.
Fasting blood test means she had to fast for the test, so I guess she was low on blood sugar maybe and then they took blood from her to boot.
Thanks @JLeslie How long did you have to fast, @YARNLADY?
I remember before one test that was going to be done in the morning, the nurse said I had to fast after dinner the night before. Um, the test was done at 9 a.m., and I usually don’t even eat until after that! I thought that was kind of a funny way to phrase it, because “fasting,” to me, means going days with out food for whatever reason, which I’ve done before (When I was younger.) I think she should have just said, “Skip breakfast, and don’t eat until after the test.”
@Dutchess_III Fasting for a blood test usually means 12 hours, but I should let @YARNLADY answer, because I do not know exactly what she had done. 12 hours should not be a big deal if everything is working right, but sometimes they don’t take you on time and you wind up out at 15, 16 hours which can mean getting pretty hungry and cranky. I get fasting tests every 6 months or so for cholesterol.
Wait! @janbb Didn’t you just say “Vertigo much?” Say it again! I have an answer!
O.K. – I’ll play “Vertigo much?”
I’ve had surgery a few times and I always get nauseous and pukey after a general anaesthetic. It generally wears off after a day or two.
@janbb Vertigo? I don’t know vhere it vent! Somebody took it!
@downtide Thank you. You just saved me $20!
@Dutchess_III if you’re feeling no better tomorrow I would advise going in, but I have every confidence that you’ll be fine.
All jellies, but mostly the male jellies: See answer 7 and take note of the first part. If your s/o is having surgery the least you could do is stay around to help her out for a little while after you bring her back from the hospital. It will build you a few points you can put in the bank for when you screwup.
@janbb Yeah! I just crack myself up!
@downtide Thanks!
@Adirondackwannabe Well, to be fair, I knew he had this stuff coming up this week, but I really didn’t have any choice but to get it done this week because I’m off of work until next Monday. I made the initial appointment on Monday, and we set the surgery for two days later, so he’s not being TOTALLY awful! Besides, I’ve made it through much, much worse than this by myself. It was just nice, actually to have someone actually there at the hospital with me. Other than that, yes boy jellies. Take heed….
I was required to fast for 12 hours. I took along a Nature Valley breakfast bar, an orange, and a cup of coffee, which I consumed right after the test, in my car. I couldn’t have driven home without something.
It’s my second glucose test in the last three months. They keep coming in high, but it’s going down because I’m sticking to my diet better. I’ve lost 10 pounds since April.
@JLeslie When you put the fast at a 12 hour thing, that makes more sense. But…it still seems like an awfully official term when you’re include the 8 or 10 hours when you’re asleep!
@Yarnlady~ Good for you!!
@Dutchess_III You sound like you are feeling better. LOL like I can tell from a fluther answer. Gotta run :). Try to rest. I still think it might help your tingling, give it a chance.
thinking about the fasting thing, I always go about 14 hours between dinner in the evening, and the following morning’s breakfast. And that’s on the days when I actually eat breakfast at all. Sometimes I don’t. I couldn’t go 12 hours in the daytime though.
They knocked you out for a ganglion cyst? Maybe you talked too much.
@Rarebear :) Well, they DID have to tell me to stop talking with my hand, the one that had the IV in it!
Yeah, it surprised me too. I think I would have been a lot more worried if I had known they were going to go that far. I DID get a Beer Block, which I think should have been just the ticket! :)
a Beer block?? or a beer bong????
@jazmina88 She meant a bier block. But a beer block works pretty well too.
It’s fairly common to knock someone out for a ganglion cyst because in order to actually get the whole thing out and not have it reoccur, they need to dig around and pull out the roots.
I’d say you’re going to feel slightly off for about odd for about 2–3 days. I’d definitely walk around outside if you can – circulation is important as it helps you heal faster and shakes off the cobwebs a bit.
You feeling better yet today D?
@NaturallyMe Yes, much better! (Plus I’m still ahead of YOU!!) Thank you everyone. Thanks so much.
Anybody know where bob_ is? Don’t tell him I’m doing better. Tell him I’m doing worse. I want him to make me a sammich.
@Dutchess_III – Great! So now i can be mean again and kick yer point’s ass.
O woe woe woe is me! I am so sick! I am tired and dizzy and I think I’m gonna frow up! I think I’m dyin’! But I think a sammich would make be all better! Will someone who is going to be here soon pwease make me a sammich?
(I’m waiting…) Falls to the floor in a faint THUMP! I need a sammich!
Did someone say sammich? I’m hungry…..
Here’s a sandwich to make you feel better!
Um…why do I not want to click on the link…..? I am afraid
WOW! Bob_ I really love you!! Wowwee! I’m healed!!! I’m going to save that sammich for ALL time! I’m never going to eat that sammich! I’m going to put it on my wall and look at it every day! Thank you!! You don’t have to shut up ever again. :)
Get away from me Jelly B. It’s MY sammich and you can’t have any!
@bob_ – are you just gonna stand there with that MEH look on your face and let her NOT share that sammich with me??
Yes he is, Jelly. I’m the one who’s sick, not you. And he doesn’t love you. HA!
That’s discrimination @bob_!
And i wouldn’t laugh so hard D, your dentures are gonna fall out!
@Rarebear Sho nuff! Finally convinced her to give it another try. :) She fits right in and now everybody hates her, just like the old days!
@Rarebear – ‘tis me! :D
@Dutchess_III – not as much as they hate you! Bob_ hates you so much he gave you a sammich with a dead pig on it!
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