I'm looking for the movies with the best twist (surprise ending), know any?
I like movies that have a good twist at the end. So I would like to know a few that are really good so I could have a few good movie nights!
I really enjoyed “The Game”.
If you name some I have seen that is fine, because I would like to make a top 10 or even top 20 list.
What is your top 5 or top 10 favorite movies with a “twist”?
If you can only think of one, that is perfectly fine :)
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35 Answers
The Usual Suspects
@janbb : How could I forget The Usual Suspects!! Great Movie!
I loved The Game, too. Also, of course, Sixth Sense. Several other movies with great twist endings are:
The original The Manchurian Candidate
Bunny Lake Is Missing
Arlington Road
Planet of the Apes
“We finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you. God damn you all to hell!”
You see, it was Earth all along.
Yes, “Sixth Sense” and “Fallen” are two I seen and love. I forgot about these, thanks.
I never seen “Shutter”, “Bunny Lake is Missing” or “Arlington Road”!
I am looking forward to trying these out. Thanks.
I don’t remember “Casablanca”, I better re-watch it.
@AstroChuck : “Planet of the Apes”, a classic twist! Forgot about that too.
The Prestige
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
@mikey_ca I love The Game, one of my favorite films.
@AstroChuck you gotta see those two. Great endings on both.
The original A Tale Of Two Sisters (there is also an American re-make) has a pretty decent, if slightly confusing, twist ending. It’s also pretty spooky too =)
You’ll never see another movie the same way.
I enjoyed Surveillance . I honestly didn’t see that twist coming.
And Old Boy is phenomenal.
The History of Violence is one that hasn’t been mentioned yet. I “got” the plot twist about three minutes before they actually revealed it. It’s a really good movie, brilliantly acted. Very, very violent but for once, the violence is actually a key part of the plot, it’s not incidental.
I love The Fallen. Until now I’ve never met anyone else who’s seen it.
I second Sixth Sense that one really surprised me and also Planet of the Apes….that one is classic!
I’m still intrigued by Mulholland Drive.
Citizen Kane
Fight Club
Sixth Sense
Mulholland Drive
Blue Velvet
The Maltese Falcon
Planet of the Apes
requiem for a dream
anything by David Lynch
when the devil knows youre dead
no country for old men
Primal Fear
Life of David Gale
The Others
The Ring
The Descent
High Tension
The Devil’s Advocate
Shutter Island!!!!!!!!!!!
@erikaziger Shutter Island? No. I saw that coming from a mile away. Pretty much a scary version of A Beautiful Mind.
Sleuth , but you have to promise me you’ll watch this classic & not that piece of garbage remake. :)
Star Wars: Episode V—The Empire Strikes Back
@erichw1504 My friend was pissed at me because I called the “twist” in Shutter Island 20 minutes into the movie. And I literally said to her “Uh, I’ve seen A Beautiful Mind. Not that hard to figure out.”
Jacobs Ladder should be mentioned.
@SheWasAll_ my mother does that. Especially with whodunnit type crime stories. She’ll announce early on, “Oh I bet it’s so-and-so” and she’s always right.
The Perfect Storm – George Clooney (2000)
The ending surprised me as I didn’t expect it, at all.
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