OH boy this is going to be a long one:
“Is it because people don’t like Muslims?” – Well in a word yes, Muslim fanatics are the most common to be cited for terrorist acts, and have developed a bad name for all Muslims
Is it because the WTC was bombed by terrorists we were Muslims? – Definitely there would be the same uproar if the terrorists happened to be Christians (though it would be very unlikely to ever be Christians blowing a building up to the ground because of a differing belief system).
Christian/Jewish – religions, and don’t kid yourself people you can’t really separate the two of them being that the first half of the bible was written from the Torah, Jesus of the histories was Jewish remember? But the Christian/Jewish religions aren’t based on total and complete submission to god that is the biggest difference between the motives between Islamics and Christians/Jews.
Let me explain:
The first big difference in beliefs is that Islam is based on submission to god. That is why they submit themselves 5 times every day. Christianity/Judaism is based on the following of gods will towards salvation (whether it’s through the 613 Mitzvot of Judaism, or through Jesus Christ of Christianity).
The second is that Muslims do not have a Pope like Christians do. There are Imams in all Islamic areas but there is really no position that they report to, and no unilateral governing of the interpretation of the Qur’an that all Muslims can follow. Christianity has a pope, and Judaism has the Talmud who interprets and tell of the right way to worship in Christianity and Judaism.
Because of that second point about no central leadership in Islamic religions, it fosters many extremists. People need guidance, all people, we constantly look to leaders. the world is full of them, leaders, and followers. Terrorists are the followers of certain fanatical religious extremists. The idea of Martyrdom in those sects of Muslims is, more or less, kill yourself forcing others to submit themselves to god’s judgment, and be rewarded.
I sort of started going into this when I answered “is it because they were Muslims that took down the WTC” but here goes the rest of it, Yes I imagine that it would be roughly the same if they suicides who hit the WTC then a church would be equally unpopular for the reasons that it would represent the ones who hit the towers. It’s like pouring salt in the wound.
Some examples of recent years terrorist acts by Christians, atheists, etc. I could find specific cases but I’m just going to generalize:
Christians who shoot up an abortion clinic
IRA members who blow up a car near an English police station
George W. Bush and his national security agency uprooting Muslims from all over the country, shipping them off to Guantanamo (from which many never returned). Think of how terrifying that would be if you were one of the peace loving Muslims just wishing to worship how you choose in a country with freedom of religion.
The KKK which is still quite active today even though I’m not entirely sure if there have been any violent attacks recently (I don’t keep track of these)
Terrorism – The systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/terrorism) notice how there is nothing about religion, or group affiliation etc in here. Anything that is done to cause fear in others is terrorism
I believe I digress some…..Moral of the story – Muslims do have the right to build a mosque anywhere that they acquire it through legal terms and achieve the proper zoning permits etc. HOWEVER, given how strongly this country feels about the WTC incident….and its affiliation with Muslims….building a new Mosque (other than the many that already scatter NYC) was probably not the best choice.