You get a Glock 9mm for your birthday what is your reaction?
How would you handle this? You have a birthday party (and no it is not about me) and one of the guess gives you a fancy wrapped present and they are quite exited to give it to you. When you rip off the wrapping there is a fancy cherry wood box. Upon opening the box laying on dark blew velvet is a chrome Glock 9mm pistol with fancy etching and your initials engraved on the side and matching cherry wood handles. The giver of the gift is beaming and telling you how special the pistol is and do you just love it, what is your reaction? If you did not like it would you say so right there even if it causes a scene or wait until later? Maybe you love it and how do you express it? What reaction would you have?
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61 Answers
I’d trade it for a Beretta or a Colt 1911. I am not fond of Glocks. Other than that I would love the gift.
I’m not much of a gun person. So I would probably smile, thank the person, then perhaps try selling it later.
Smile and thank the person. Then mugh him/her.
I’d keep it! I’d register the gun, of course, lock it away somewhere.
I would love it, and say “Do you want to come with me to get the lock?”
i would say ’’ Wow fucking awesome man thanks’’ and sell it on ebay
@YARNLADY most firearms sold new now are sold with a lock. It is probably in the case.
If it’s a 17L with tritium sights, I’d be happy. I’d probably trade it for something else though. The 9mm is a bit puny for my tastes. I’m quite happy with my G30, although the recoil is a bit sharp and it’s certainly no target piece. Glock makes good, reliable, quality weapons.
Assume they gave it to the wrong person, they must be confused!
But I guess I’d be worried that they wanted my prints on it? I might be cautious about reaching out for it…
‘Cause there’d be no way they could assume I would want it.
“No you shouldn’t have… really you shouldn’t have!”
I’d love it. I mean, I like my Beretta better than any Glock, but still, pretty nice gift.
I hope it’s the Glock 26! I would still prefer my Ruger LCP. It is much smaller and lighter.
If they don’t want it, send ti to me. I’ll give you $300. I can work out the FFL transfer.
I would be alright with that.
id love it, then of course if the person had a Glock himself .or at least a gun….id ask him if he wanted to go practice target shooting in one of those indoor ranges, i love skeet shooting so target shooting would be the next best thing :3
@Hypocrisy_Central The engraving adds to the value of the gun, even if the initials are not those of whoever buys it. A collector would not be put off by them at all.
My favorite would be an older Ruger or Colt, but that would have nothing to do with it. If someone did something that nice for me, I’d be tickled to death and I’d consider the friend AND the personalized weapon close to me forever.
I’d ask them what the Hell they were thinking putting my initials on it. Then I wouldn’t touch it at all and call the police and ask them if it was used in a crime.
Yay! I’d give them a kiss
@mrentropy What is the background for your answer? Just curious.
I would be thrilled.
I would then ask for advice on how to properly shoot/handle a gun to avoid any brain slushy mishaps. It is a Glock, after all.
@MissA Um.
If I were going to use a handgun, I wouldn’t want my initials on it. You know….
And, I don’t have a gun permit. I don’t have any guns. I’m not against them, I just never got around to it. If I wanted to fire guns on the range, I had two friends who had enough weapons between them to survive a zombie apocalypse. However, even they know I don’t have a permit.
I also have never said “I would really like a gun,” so it’s unlikely that any of my friends would give me one.
For someone to give me a gun, which I presume is quite expensive, and have it monogrammed with my initials, makes me think that maybe the giver had done something not really legal with it and wanted to make sure that if the police found the gun it belonged to me.
@mrentropy I see. I’m not exactly sure I understand your thought process…but, it IS yours.
I am severely disappointed, because I wanted a P99.
Then I would take that damn pistol and start shooting him in the face.
I would express my appreciation for a truly extraordinary personalized gift. I would explain that I would have to put it away in locked storage until I can obtain a FAC (firearms Acquisition Certificate) and suitable training to get a license to use it (for target practice).
I have no desire to own a handgun, but like this I can sell it or turn it in to the police and still have a cover story for the gifter.
I don’t know if one can own a handgun in Canada. Anybody know?
@MissA I understand, if my friends know that I have no interest in a gun, even though they have plenty I could use- (maybe even for a zombie acopolypse) Why would they go to the extent to not only get me a gun, but put my initals on it? I would be worried because of the randomness and the attention to detail. None of my friends would ever get me a gun…so I would be suspicious. Is that a fair assessment of what you were saying @mrentropy?
@KhiaKarma Pretty much, yep :)
Case A would be, if I had a gun and decided to commit a crime with it (which I wouldn’t), I wouldn’t want my initials on it because it would identify me.
Case B would be if the giving person had committed a crime with it and wanted to get rid of it, giving it away as a gift would be a great way of doing it. Having it etched with my initials would be a great identifier for me having committed the crime.
I wasn’t really serious.
@Dr_Lawrence I believe handgun ownership by private citizens is VERY tightly controlled in Canada. I researched a bear hunt a few years ago in BC, and was told in no uncertain terms not to bring my handgun.
@KhiaKarma While I appreciate your effort to understand my answer…no, it’s not what I meant.
The question did not say that the recipient did not have any interest in the gift. I won’t comment further since @mrentropy has stated that she “wasn’t really serious”. I was.
You squint, and say “Thanks. You just made my day!”
I am not a gun enthusiest, and I do not own a gun. I know a lot of gun owners, and I know that guns are very special to them. They fear guns will soon be outlawed and giving one as a gift is a legacy present.
They will be thrilled to give you a gun, and they hope for you to have the same reaction. I try to be polite, and say thanks, even when it’s a gift I don’t like.
I wouldn’t love it because I chose my HK P30 9mm over several Glocks but I’d be happy to add it, hug the gift giver and invite them to go shooting. Now, if they’d given me the Sig Sauer 226 in 357 then I’d love it.
@mrentropy I’m sorry, SIR. Since you’ve said, privately, that you were just being,,,I’ll be truthful. I thought that you sounded like, maybe you were an elderly woman. Perhaps a bit paranoid.
Okay, beat me up!
@MissA No wonder I don’t get any dates.
@mrentropy Are you going to sit on the fluther couch and have us prepare you for dateship? That’s my word, but you can use it!
@mrentropy Oh, boy…even worse, I didn’t look at your avatar.
I really AM sorry.
I don’t know anyone who would give me such an expensive gift.
That’d be really cool. I’d love it. Hope it comes with bullets
I’d be confused because such things are illegal in the UK. But I would definitely want to have a go at shooting it.
My cousin offered me one before I left Wisconsin. He thought I’d need one for protection. but he’d never been here (and still hasn’t been here), so I think he mistook the NYC of the late 1990s for the NYC of 1977…
I would be thrilled with such a thoughtful gift! It would indicate that the giver knew me well enough to know I appreciate a fine firing weapon and it would make a nice companion piece to my Ruger .357 which also has my initials on it! Sweeeet!
I would realize that once again my wonderful “gift-impared” husband has given me something that in actuality is for him. It would safely go in the same storage area where I keep my wet-dry vac, pressure washer, and compressor that he has bought me for Christmas presents. Thanks again Honey!!
I would really like that. I prefer a .40 S&W but if it was a gift it would be cool. The pistol I currently own is marginal at best
@Dr_Lawrence One can possess and transport handguns in Canada, the paperwork is a nightmare though. I compete in pistol competitions in Canada and have the proper documents. Civilians cannot carry concealed handguns or use them for personal protection though. My Hammerli target pistol has to be carried in a locked container, always in my custody and the ammunition carried in a separate locked container. My certificates and other paperwork have to be in perfect order, although the police officials are very helpful in getting everything straight.
I’m a frequent border-crosser and carry a shotgun in my car. I have the paperwork drill down to a science for this, very smooth on both Canadian and US side. RCMP and local authorities are very helpful to us Yanks wanting to transport firearms for legitimate (in their opinion) purposes. Ottawa is about to pass legislation to streamline some of the paperwork.
Regardless of model a Glock 9mm makes a very nice gift. The person could of brought me a much cheaper gift. I would really appreciate it personally.
@filmfann Why do you feel personal hand guns will go the way of Kajagoogoo? Not long ago the High Court affirmed the right to own guns so I don’t think they will be going away anytime too soon.
My inner reaction would probably be “ummmm….?”, but from your description is sounds quite pretty, so i’d smile and say “hey, this looks cool, how interesting! And the engravings? Aww…” or something like that. Then i wouldn’t know what to do with it. I’d be tempted to display it somewhere in the house in some corner that needs spicing up, but then i’d worry that it’s just lying there, ready for some burglar (who happens to have matching bullets with him) to put bullets in and then he’s armed. I’d probably just end up storing it in one of my cupboards.
@Hypocrisy_Central Most collectors don’t care about whose monogram is on the piece, only the quality of the work. I have an H&H .500 Nitro double rifle with my great-grandfathers monogram and family crest on the lockplate. The important thing is the story that goes with the piece and its documentation, not whether the initials match your own. The rifle was made for him in 1908 when he was stationed in German West Africa (now Tanzania). He was later killed in the Battle of Tannenburg in 1914.
it seems unusual although thoughtful that a person would give a gun of any kind to a person they were not sure cared for them. Guns are really expensive and before I would go through the trouble i would like to reasonably know the recipient would be pretty tickled to get the gift. You know, for nothing more than to not seem awkward. Re gifting guns seems like a bad idea.
Is it an 18C? If so, I’m shooting a load in my pants before I even load a clip into the gun.
@jerv might that be a double tap?
@jerv Hit the deck and give me 50. A gun is an artillery piece.~
“This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for fighting, this is for fun.”
Those who would be trilled to have it would you exercise your open carry right to show it off? Just asking….........
@Hypocrisy_Central, absolutely not! It might decide that it wanted to shoot a child or a police officer!
@Hypocrisy_Central Only in a rural area. I don’t believe in getting folks upset unnecessarily. That’s why I chose the G30 over my old M1911 for civilian carry, more concealable (and 3 extra rounds).
I would not carry it. A presentation piece with that much workmanship put into it deserves to be displayed in an appropriate setting, not getting beat up being lugged around all day.
I have other, more suitable carry guns available.
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