Why do Americans not see Bush clearly?
Asked by
Upward (
March 21st, 2008
from iPhone
Bush has done 1000 years of damage to Americas image around the world. He will go down in world history as the evil president. Why do so many Americans not see him for who he really is?
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51 Answers
Perhaps were are not as open minded as you and don’t see things your way. After all, we all know that truly open minded people see things one way and there is no other possibility. Anyone who disagrees is obviously closed minded.
His approval rating is around 31%. Most of us see that he is a terrible person and a terrible president. We just can’t really do much about it.
I will agree that he hasn’t made the best choices, but who put him in office, not only once…but TWICE?!?! That would be the American people. True he’s screwed some things up, but he’s not the only person in control of this country, you know. We have three branches of government with a system of checks and balances for a reason. I think everyone needs to realize that its the entire american government that has let us down these past years, but more importantly, that its our fault as a country for putting those officials in office.
Your statement is a bit innaccurate. The majority of people do not approve of the job he has done. There is not a poll that actually asks if people think that he is a terrible person. You may think he is a terrible person in your judgment, but that does not mean that every one does.
You are correct.
Luckily this national nightmare will be over soon.
we are all rich and he’s giving us a peice of the pie and forget the 3000+poeple that were murdered on 9/11 we could care less
And we can only hope we get Hillary or Obama so that government will take care of us!
The reason we don’t see Bush accurately is because too many in Congress went right along with things that he did and don’t want to get caught themselves.People like Hillary who voted for the war and defended it up until she was running for President, and who, in spite of all her talk, will not get us out of Iraq. Of course she says what she has to to get elected.
If you think people are unhappy now, wait until we get Hillary!
@ flipper- I’m with ya on the Obama train, but no way about Hillary! That bitch is crazy!
@ trainerboy- I agree 100%
I don’t want them to help us. I just don’t want them to hurt us. Bush is hurting us. I guess it is great if you have been owning stocks in energy companies for the last couple years.
ya gore is laughing all the way to the bank
As you know, I don’t have any stocks in energy companies or oil companies. And you don’t think Obama or Hillary is going to hurt us? As you know as well, there is not a tax that they do not love, nor a government program that they won’t do.
As you also know John, that will hurt all of us as it will bankrupt the producers and put money in hands of bureacrats who have no clue how to generate anything productive but do know how to take from those who do.
Good answer though. Nice sarcasm!
John doesn’t know what you have as far as stocks unless you are relatives. Why do you keep saying he knows when you don’t know what he knows?
I’m with flipper on this one and its called making a point
John said I have stocks in energy companies when he has no clue about me to stereotype me as some sort of uncaring money grubbing person. I have a different point of view.
I don’t know how you have invested. It was a general thing. If you had stock in the oil companies you would be happy.
The word “if” is really important.
The issue here is about Bush!
Not about the next president or dems/rep.
He has attacked two countries taken prisonors to 3rd world countries to torture and hold them. Caused the death of over 20,000 civilians and 3000+ servicemen.
All based on misinformation & lies.
When do we realize something is wrong?
Were we wrong in ww2 also
I have done very well with energy stocks and I’m not happy. I would give all my profit to get one inocent Iraq child his life back.
should we take that money use it to take down all the schools we have built
Hillary went right along with it. Just because she now says she take responsibility for her vote by blaming Bush (which doesn’t seem like responsibility at all by blaming someone else) if she is the next Presidnet, it does have something to do with that. She will lie to get into office and was part of the killings that have gone on as she supported the war until she was running for President and the polls shifted from support for the war to against the war.
You also do not know what information that Bush had. Was it the same that Bill Clinton had, or John Kerry or Al Gore had, who all said Saddam Hussein had WMD’s. Of course they probably would have done nothing about it except send letters saying we are very, very mad at you, while Hussein violated UN sanctions with oil (with the UN being part of it).
So yes, it does have to do with who is the next President to me because let’s not pretend that Hillary, nor Obama for that matter is really going to get us out of Iraq.
They may tax us into a depression and force upon us a bureaucratic health system that is run as efficiently as hospitals on the Indian reservations or the VA hospitals. Just take the worst HMO, multiply that times ten and when we have tht, you will really have something to complain about, so yes, it is about who will be the next President.
You would give all your profit back to get one childs life back? Sounds good since you know it can’t happen. When did you sell your stocks by the way and whom did you give your profits to, to show your protest of the war?
My question is ONLY about BUSH.
Oh, excuse me for breaking protocol. Apparently this question is designed to give you only answers that you want to hear.
ok you said bush does not care and you talked about kids well bush is the most pro life president ever
You do not see Bush clearly. You are clearly not open minded enough to see it only one way. You are not open minded enough to see there is only one possibility. How dare you suggest it could be any other way you closed minded sheep. Think for yourself and see it the way upward does!!!!
and if bill had not been to busy having sex in the bathroom when the USS cole was bombed maybe bush would not be dealing with it now
Again you do not see Bush clearly. That is the question. Clearly meaning the way upward sees it as that is the only clear way to see it. This is not about Bill as that would not support the point of this question which is to bash Bush so knock it off.
ya I’m sorry I see the light now I want that change obama talks about I’m going to need that change after paying the taxes he puts on me
Stop bringing up other people. You can only bash Bush and ONLY BUSH. The question is too open minded to hear different points of view.
ok ok damn bush starting hurricanes and war what else can we blame him for ow I know he hates us so much he was behind 9/11 and I bet his dad was in on it to
The best we got out of all this is Bush is pro life? All this death, lies, torture, war & bad economy can be forgiven by saying he’s pro life? Come on, somebody must know something else that makes his presidency worth while.
he protected us after we were attacked but I can’t say that because he was behind 9/11 shoot hang on give me a min
Protected us? How by attacking inocent people? It just made us look evil to the World. The 9/11 attackers stated goal was to run our economy into the ground…
Looks like they are doing very well…
ya your right its just the evil Americans fight in this war
how dare us go over there by ourselfs and attack their lil kids
How many are out of work in this country
is not the unemployment rate at its lowest sense ww2
@ Upward- you can’t directly attack President Bush. Bush is not the only person involved in making decisions for the United States. You really need to take that into account before you start hate bashing on the guy. If you want to help those children with your money, why don’t you use it to go over there and help the ones in need now?
and he cares so lil about us that he walked away from his easy life of being rich set in his owners box at his baseball teams games to be our president because it would be cool and ow so much easier
I’m still waiting to here why anyone thinks he is a great president.
randy I thing he missed 5grade social studys
he cut taxes he protects unborn Babis and when we are attacked he protects us unemployment is down we have had 48 strate months of growth
I guess its bush fault banks loaned money to people to get house they know they could not afford when the rates went back up that’s why the economy is hurting now not the war
why you leave no one to bash bush with you so its no fun
Alright Upward, I think oneye1 has made enough points. Do you have any arguments as to why the man is so bad without using something that is the entire governments fault? Remember, its not about what congress backed, its how horrible George W Bush is.
I think he gone thanks for playing should we all hate bush or not tonite
I am going to acknowledge I get caught up in sarcasm some times and it does not serve a real purpose other than to divide even more.
The tone of this question though is that if you like Bush, you do not see him for who he is. The statements that he has done1000 years of damage to this country is way over the top, as well as saying he will go down in history as an evil President. When President Carter left office he was seen in a very different light than many see him today, although still seen as an inept President, people have a much higher regard for him. History may be the same for Bush as more facts come out, or it may be different. I was around when John Kennedy was assasinated. He became almost a saint to many. In hindsight, he is seen as a fairly inept President who was an inpsiring speaker. History has a way of shifting perspectives.
Your ioinion is your opinion ,Upward, and in spite of your beliefs about Bush being evil, you still have that right in this country. The Constitution seems to still be the rule in spite fo some of our Presidents and Congress, although we woudl be well to wake up to how we may be eroding it in the name of preserving our way of life, so I am not totally with others on Bush keeping us safe.
However, if someone sees things differently,which I do, although I do believe he has not done well with his stewrdship over the growth of government, and I believe Iraq was a mistake, he was not alone. Congress went right along with him on spending and the war.
If you look at Hillary, she supported the war until public opinion shifted and she started running for President.
Anyway, I apologize for my sarcasm. You have the right to your opinion Upward, but just because you see things a certain way is no more a clearer view point than mine or oneye’s or anybodies. It is simply your perspective. If you are going to ask a question like this, you can expect differing points of view and comparisons of Bush to others, so don’t expect your answers to be limited to Bush and Bush alone.
If you would have said, “This is how I see Bush….what do you see?” that would have been a more open question, but the way you word it seems to indicate that your mind is made up (closed) and you don’t want to hear any dissenting voices. If you don’t want to hear that, do not ask.
Can’t we all just get along???
Rodney King
some people are so stupid, google “checks and balances in the u.s.” the president does not control everything, it has to go thru congress first, you bush bashers are so ignorant about how the government works because you just want someone to blame.
Bush has made a mockery of checks and balances. He and his VP have made the single largest grab for executive power in fifty years. Suggesting that his misguided leadership and regressive policies are somehow Congress’ fault is just unsupportable.
Anyone who assumes that Congress should have stopped him needs to look at three things: the thin Democratic majority (although this appears to be improving), Bush’s unprecedented number of “signing statements,” and his massive abuse of recess appointments. Bush is an out of control president pushing destructive policies, using borderline criminal tactics. We haven’t had such a good candidate for impeachment since Richard Nixon.
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