Has anyone ever had to call a fire truck or ambulance to get them out of a crazy situation?
I was out mowing and snagged a live electrical wire with a light on top of the cab on my tractor today. When I tried to back up it then pulled an electrical box over which caused sparks to fly everywhere. My husband is a few hours away, so I had to call 911 and ask for help. Fifteen minutes later, the firemen finally gave me the thumbs up to exit the tractor. Along with the firemen, two police cars, an ambulance, and the power company truck showed up too. I’m ok, but totally embarrassed.
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7 Answers
That’s what they are there for. Better an embarrassment than a funeral . . . it will be a great story in a couple of years.
I called 911 when some teen neighbors started yelling “Help, help” outside in the pool. I ran out and found my 16 year old son laying on the side of the pool, and he said he fell off the slide. He had a big bump on his head, and they took him to the emergency room. His Dad went over from work and after a few hours brought him home. He was not hurt badly, but we removed the slide.
My grandma tells a story about babysitting me when I was about 2. She put me down for a nap. Somehow I locked the door to the room. It was an old, bolt type lock. I don’t know why they had a lock like that on a bedroom door. Probably a left over from when my mom was a kid and wanted privacy. My grandma didn’t know what to do, so she called the fire department. They came out and had to beat the door down with an axe. I had laid down and fallen asleep in the mean time, and was scared to death when they chopped the door open. Of course it made the paper in our small town. There was a picture of me sitting on the fireman’s lap, wearing a fire helmet.
I had a tractor incident at age 12. Rolled it over on a slope and pinned my leg under a wheel. The rescue squad levered it off me. Fortunately only bruises.
Never except for the time I came home from shopping only to be greeted by the fire department in my driveway. Captain was there to warn me of all the blood all over from when my youngest slid head first into a clay pot. Yes there was!
Like when a major fire began in the basement and I had to get 6 people and two dogs out safe and alive?
Woke up to the house on fire, like @Dr_Lawrence had to get people, dogs, cats and a litter of kittens out. Went through the back door to put all the critters in the unattached garage. Was barefoot and stepped in (use your imagination). I was standing on the front steps as the fire department arrived, guys walking up with hoses. I pointed at my foot and said, “Well you can start here . . . ”
Couldn’t live in the house for 6 months as the entire upstairs and one room downstairs were damaged by fire and the whole thing by smoke and water. I did learn a helpful trick from the company that helped clean up the house—they said they use a tablespoon of vanilla to a gal of paint when they repaint after a fire to help kill the smoke smell. Seems like it worked.
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