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talljasperman's avatar

Could I have been exposed to Hogweed years ago? I have problems with light in the mornings and I cover my windows and skip school?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 24th, 2010

the plants were 50 big thick stemmed plants growing in my backyard and I played in them when I was younger…I tried cutting it with a knife and I tried to tackle them and I couldn’t damage any of them… what kind of plants are these and could it describe what happened to me… I was photo-sensitive for years after. I Looked on Wikipediea and the plants look similar… but with-out the flowers on top

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9 Answers

MaryW's avatar

Here are some really good pictures of the plants at various stages.

I think you would have had horrible reactions to it at the time if you reacted to it. It does not do a dormant reaction thing. But you could have lasting problems if you were “burned” by it at the time.
here are pictures of the burns

lillycoyote's avatar

This seems to have some pretty good information about the health effects of exposure to hogweed. I’m no expert, but it also seems that if you had been exposed you would have had some pretty bad reactions within a matter of days. Do you remember that happening after you tried cutting this stuff down? Blisters, sores, etc.?

talljasperman's avatar

@lillycoyote Severe emotional disturbance…. photosensitivity… mild sunburn…allergies… I was also playing and hiding in the attic where there was powered grey mush for insulation (asbestos?) in grades 5–9 something plagued me bad… it’s been 20 years and I’m finally recovering… I have no Idea what else It could be…other than a mental illness or a reaction to emotional abuse from home.
maybe it’s something else… but I just watched a news video of hogweed spreading thu Canada and It looked similar but without the flowers…. it was a group of heavy stalks with painful prickly detachable thistle… my father ended up cutting the whole group down and wrapping them with twine and driving them away (at the time I thought It was plants to make illegal drugs from…) I took a strong huge roast knife to them and I couldn’t get any progress from it… It was one tough plant… very thick green stalks…I’ve never seen the plant again until the news video.

talljasperman's avatar

@MaryW thats it… but there were about 30–50 in my back yard in a 10 by 10 meter square. I thought it was thistle so I wore long shirts and pants and I took procautions…. I must have gotten some of it in my eye when I did a school biology project on the seeds…

zophu's avatar

Best to see a doctor and talk to him/her about it. As soon as you’re able to.

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