Social Question

ucme's avatar

You're offered a role in your favourite tv show & you get the chance to make up a new character for you to play, what would be the show & what type of character would it be?

Asked by ucme (50052points) July 25th, 2010

Yeah, maybe just a walk on role or even a speaking part. Whichever, assuming you accept the invitation, which show & what new character would you suggest?

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8 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

I would want to play myself, because I’ve been rehearsing for it all my life. Of course, if i didn’t make it through the audition, I’d have some rethinking to do.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Red Dwarf. Me.

knitfroggy's avatar

I’d like to be one of Dexter’s victims. I think that would be pretty fun.

Or a Fang Banger on True Blood that has a torrid affair with Eric Northman or Bill Compton. I’m not picky. :)

Flowergurl's avatar

I would love to be on The Big Bang Theory playing a love interest for Sheldon. Of course I would need a lot of coaching when trying to learn and speak their Vulcan language.

knitfroggy's avatar

@Flowergurl That is an GA. Sheldon is my favorite character on that show.

filmfann's avatar

I would like to be on House as Cameron’s new sex toy.

downtide's avatar

The show would be Torchwood and I’d be a new team member, perhaps replacing Ianto. Maybe I’d even flirt with Cap’n Jack.

mattbrowne's avatar

Dr. Leonard Leakey Hofstadter with the skills of Charles Francis Harper while dating Penny.

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