What is your guy's opinion about teens watching or seeing porn?
Hm I’m just wondering since I know most kids my age know about porn and all. I mean A LOT of the guys that I know, know a lot of vocab and stuff but it’s simple stuff like oral,vaginal, and other stuff like that. But seriously….I don’t think I would believe one of my friends saying that his so called “Girlfriend” game him a BJ….. But is this having to do anything with pornography at all? I mean I know most kids didn’t even know about porn back in the day (I’m hoping) But now it’s increased through the years. I honestly (of course) see/watch porn to be honest with everyone. I mean I get curious with everything so…it pretty much ends up there. I know most people wouldn’t influence their kid to see or watch porn. But what do you guys think on it? Anything against it? Any thing that’s on the side of where you aren’t against it?
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29 Answers
Porn can be exciting but it very misleading. It gives people false expectations for themselves and others. Real live great sex is not much like what porn portrays. I’d elaborate but I’m ready for sleep now.
Porn can help people feel excited and can help some people relieve frustrtions. I wonder what age od teen you are rhinking of I persume of legal age. I agree with above that it can be misleading if you dont know anythjng about sex before you watch them. Not all women moan and groan it can be a bit awkward women dont all look like those that are usually in them. There are other ways to learn about sex type sexual language definitions into google to find out what different terms mean search for sex advice videos rather than porn. Porn can be exciting useful and fun to watch but dont be fooled into thinking that is just what sex is about it isnt like that all the time many make love in a gentler way good luck in your
It can be a slippery slope ( no pun intended. lol )
In all seriousness though, I believe many men are at risk of becoming sexually addicted to porn and losing or seriously diminishing their appetite for real intimacy with real women.
Fantasy and arousal are both highly addictive. Sexual arousal releases buckets full of dopamine into ones brain and is one of the most addictve sensations there is.
I think it is best to seriously limit ones intake of porn and be aware that you might be setting yourself up for lifelong issues that can seriously impact relationships.
@sakura Hm yes I under stand what you mean by that. I mean it seems more logical to me that they don’t ALWAS moans and groan to the “pleasure” I mean I’m not getting any thing bad from it. I know sex is a big thing to deal with. And it should be done properly. But yes I know I’m not getting mis lead by the porn.
@Coloma hm yes I can see that lol! I know many guys are losing that intimacy with their significant other (honestly it disappoints me in a way) But know it is addictive. Gladly enough I’m not addicted to it. And I’m sure hoping that I won’t be soon. But I know how to control myself and when I know to stop. And yeah…I know I’ve only had one relationship but she was the one that cheated on me so the porn didn’t really do anything to me at that moment.
I guess porn is like chocolate and alchohol moderation is key. However some people are gluttonous and have more than they should everybody is different and everyone has different needs. My only real concern would be if porn was the only sex advice a peron had variety is the spice of life and a little of what you fancy every now and then can go a long way.
I don’t think porn is healthy for anyone, especially not teenagers who are still discovering their sexuality. It might be pleasurable, but many people have said the same about smoking – and I think it is just as toxic as smoking.
I don’t think I would want my child watching it. Not in my house. When they are adult they can do whatever they want.
I think Cracked.com nailed it best with their Sex Ed For Boys: Why Porn Is Not A Good Way To Learn About Sex
I would posit that it is a really bad way to learn about sex.
I would not want anyone to watch porn before their parents or someone caring has had “the talk” with them and explained the difference between loving and exploitative sex, true emotional connection and mechanistic sex, and so on. Being porn is so accessible on the Internet today, that talk should happen sooner rather than later. Properly armed, a teen should be able to handle the shock of it when and if they encounter it.
After all, we humans were designed by natural selection to become sexually active as soon as we become fertile, because for most of history very few babies made it through childhood and most adults lived no more than 30 or 40 years at best. If we didn’t begin childbearing in our early teens throughout most of human history, humans would never have survived as a species. We came close to extinction as it was 75.000 year ago.
Today, the complex society we live in means there are compelling reasons for us to delay sexual activity far longer than our bodies are telling us we should. But when they reach sexual maturity, teens are prepared to handle the reality of sexual knowledge, and parents need to get past their squeamishness and pass on the knowledge that will prepare them to view sex as a normal and wonderful part of life—and also the knowledge that will protect them from being seduced into unhealthy views of sex. Parents incapable of doing it because of their own hangups should have a competent child psychologist step in for them.
@Ivan I was going to say the same thing. =0)
I’ve watched porn, sometimes my husband and I watch it together. But I have to say it’s very deceitful. Your average male is not hung like a horse and doesn’t have a tight toned body, and your average female is not thin with huge breats and beautiful. Also, nice girls that you want to spend time with aren’t usually going to do a lot of the things you see in porn, and they also won’t say things to you like the porn girls do.
It’s entertaining to watch sometimes, but you have to remember it’s all one big lie.
I was a teenager, and I watched porn.
Seriously, with all the peer pressure and curiosity in the mix, teens will be tempted to watch porn. Hell, even people whom I thought are ‘clean’, turns out they do watch porn too.
It’s just a phase where teens hopefully will grow out of it.
Sometimes I’d think that pornography is kind of a manhood thing; hell if I catch my friends watching porn, the invisible “respect meter” kinda goes up a little. It’s like a, “dang, now we’re all in it together” kind of feeling.
2 cents from a 19 year old. =3
Just take care not to over immerse yourself in it, and things will be fine.
Everybody is curious at some point in their lives, and so they look at pictures and eventually grope each other or something. That is normal as far as I am concerned. But I would be a little cautious about getting into porn too deeply.I told my my (male) children that I would be concerned that somebody who got too heavily fascinated by porn might not be able to function physically or emotionally in a normal relationship. I can’t prove that of course, but I have known guys who were really into porn, and they seem to have an edge to them when it comes to their interactions with women. Could be wrong I suppose, but I think it impressed my sons.
Forewarned is forearmed. Porn is like one big ad. It’s a lie. It’s just for masturbation, but it is not a model for real relationships.
“Back in the day”?
I think that teenage boys have been jacking off to one thing or another since the dawn of humanity. Sure, nowadays we have gone from cave paintings to streaming internet video, but I think it safe to say that most guys my age (mid-30s) and somewhat older probably had at least a magazine under their mattress.
I agree that it is more accessible these days, but so is everything else; this is the Information Age. And if I could’ve gotten full videos when I was a teenager, I would’ve. So would my father, and his father, and his father….
@wundayatta If you don’t know by now that sex and love, while related, are different, then I see a problem. Porn isn’t a lie; it’s about sex. Porn doesn’t pretend to be a romance story, it’s all about money shots and getting off. There is no Prince Charming taking you off to Live Happily Ever After; it’s slamming and “Oh!”-faces and maybe some afterglow. I see porn as honest.
I know very few kids who didn’t grow up sneaking looks through porn mags and nowadays free online porn, most them view it long before they have sex beyond “playing doctor” with other elementary aged kids.
My personal opinion is porn is deceptive enough for adults and so can only be a nightmare in the making for teens coming into their own. I think health and safety classes should go over basic human anatomy in relation to sex but I doubt the public would ever allow it.
@jerv Porn is honest? You think that is a realistic depiction of sex as it is normally performed? Do you expect your woman to open up her mouth in front of you so you can ejaculate in it like she’s a urinal? Do you want her to be fulfilled only when she has three cocks inside every available orifice? Do you think that everyone should have a threesome with two women servicing one guy? Is sex all about the guy’s pleasure and nothing to do with the woman’s?
Sadly, teenage boys are looking at this stuff and are learning what love making is about from them, and these are the things they expect to do with women, because they believe porn tells it like it is. I’m sorry, but porn ain’t no Howard Cosell—not by a long shot. (oops—it was unintentional—really)
Porn is a lie through and through. It is designed for one thing and that is to help people masturbate. Or occasionally to get it on with each other, but it’s a solitary activity far more often than it is a couple activity, I’ll wager.
But in either case, it’s designed to be stimulating. It’s not about reality. It’s about the fantasy of perfect sexual gratification—usually of the male.
Finally, @jerv, if you don’t know by now that the separation of sex from love is a mental health issue, then it is perfectly understandable why you think porn is honest. A lot of people don’t get this. More and more all the time, I think. Especially younger people. Porn does not help.
Do you know why it is necessary to have money shots? This is, God help me, a filmic problem. How do you show an internal feeling? How do you show people that an orgasm has occurred when it usually occurs inside the woman? The guy (or woman) who figured out that every guy should withdraw so you can actually see the jiz spewing around probably should be a billionaire if they had only had the foresight to copyright intellectual property.
And now that’s what too many real guys in real relationships think is supposed to happen! Pardon me while I go puke. Porn is honest? My sweet ass!
@wundayatta I don’t expect realism from any movie, but movies are often about fantasy anyways. Are you a ninja? Superspy? Millionaire? Aspiring world-class athlete who finds a cranky old man to train you for the Ultimate Championship with a corny music montage? Puh-leeze!
“Sadly, teenage boys are looking at this stuff and are learning what love making is about from them,”
As I said, that’s been going on for so long that I can only presume that you are older than the print industry. Sorry, I don’t buy it. Sure, it doesn’t help, but neither does being an outspoken intolerant prude; that teaches that it is okay to hate and discriminate.
There are enough couples that watch porn together for me to take that wager. Pay me.
Aren’t most films and books about the fantasy of perfect gratification? Isn’t that what American society has always been about, and much of Europe before that?
Do you know why films do a lot of things that they do?
People these days have all sorts of fucked up ideas, and trust me when I say that they aren’t from porn. However, I sincerely doubt you are capable of enough objectivity to bother taking a look at the cause and effect here so I won’t waste my time.
There are certain things that you either know or will never get no matter how often you are told or what people try to teach you, and even amongst the people who never watched porn in their lives, there seems to be a big old “living in Fantasyland” mentality. For instance, do you realize that some people believe that trickle-down economics works? Or that everybody in teh military is a psychotic bullet sponge? Pardon me while I slam my head against the wall in dismay at the ignorance of humanity.
I’m pleased to see that a few men have a healthy and ‘honest’ perception of the deception, and advocate minimal, if not complete, abstinence from an industry that thrives on ‘projecting’ an unrealistic and biased view of sexuality.
As a woman with a healthy sexual orientation I can tell you that I certainly don’t want to be used as a human urinal or have every orifice of my body exploited like a circus sideshow attraction.
As it is, I think there is already waaay too much emphasis on ‘performance’ in the sexual arena, ( for both men & women ).
I agree. I once asked a porn obsessed date if he believed any of what he was watching would actually get a woman off. I honestly told him if a man ever handled my body like that and sprung some of those moves then I’d never see him again. To me, watching most porn is seeing all the magic, beauty and thrill of sex and human anatomy turned into a graceless mess.
Yep, sort of like the dif. between Clogging and a fine Waltz. lololol
I just noticed this and it made me laugh. I was supposed to ask my husband’s opinion on this question because the title reads, “What is your guy’s opinion…”
@jerv It sounds to me like you are in favor of taking the fantasy view of life.
I disagree that porn as it is now is no different from what it was before in terms of teaching boys what sex is about. Still pictures and stories are not the same thing at all.
With the access provided by the internet, much more of the population is exposed to the ideas about sex that are depicted in porn. The only antidote to this is education. Unfortunately, people in this country are mostly too prudish to allow their children to be taught love-making techniques that express feelings most effectively.
Therein lies the problem. The fantasies in other kinds of films are refuted by people’s everyday experience to some degree. Education is still necessary to help children and adults understand that what they are seeing is fantasy.
Porn is harder to refute because it is less acceptable to talk about it. People also are less likely to talk about what happens when they are intimate, so good information is hard to come by.
Women complain a lot about the lovers they’ve had. Lovers who don’t seem to care about their pleasure, much less their feelings. Is this partly caused by increasing access to porn? I believe it, although I have no data to support that belief. I also believe that exposure to violence has an impact on the behavior of boys. I believe that has been shown to be true.
I’m not advocating censorship. I am advocating for education.
I have to hand it to you, @jerv. I could definitely learn a thing or two from you about mud-slinging. Well done!
I have long since given up slamming my head against the wall for human ignorance, but I may take up head-slamming for deliberate misstatement of views. Naw. I think this belongs more in the misunderstanding category that the malicious category.
@wundayatta I happen to know the line between fantasy and reality. I play RPGs yet I have never actually tried to cast Magic Missile. If you honestly believe that the average American has that hard a time making the distinction then I congratulate you for being more cynical than I am.
Now, I won’t get into details about the relationship between my wife and I beyond saying that we approve of porn and we have a deep mutual respect for each other and care about each others pleasure and feelings. I know that we are far from unique in our viewpoint as well. Yes, she feels the same way I do about this issue! Then again, my wife and I may well be more educated than most Americans since we spent our high school days listening to our teachers instead of napping or checking our Facebook accounts during class.
I advocate education as well, but my idea of education is to give unbiased facts and let people make up their own damn minds or whatever passes for a mind these days. Unfortunately, we are too much of an anti-intellectual “bread and circuses” society for that to be easy.
@tranquilsea Ha! I didn’t even notice that “What is your guy’s opinion…”. I suppose I would have had to ask my son, because my wife certainly wouldn’t qualify as my guy. :-)
@ETpro the power of punctuation can be humorous.
@jerv Fantasy affects people in subtle ways. Porn, I believe, increases men’s worries about the size of their cocks and helps sell “male enhancement” products. By focusing on the physical actions and none of the emotional side of things, it subtly changes people’s attitudes—particularly male attitudes, I think. It creates more dissatisfaction with ordinary bodies, just as other advertising using models does.
You say that people have an easy time distinguishing fantasy from reality. Well, do you see this subtle stuff? You’ve been denying porn has any impact. Perhaps you don’t even believe the subtle stuff exists? And works.
I am getting the feeling that you think I am against porn. I am not, just in case I need to clear that up. I am just concerned that the naive, particularly those under the age of 18 and certainly those under the age of 13 will suffer in later life because of their unrealistic expectations of sex. The answer is not to ban porn. It is to give kids, as you say, the unbiased facts—the full story—so at least they have a chance of understanding what the average person is like, and don’t feel like they have to compare themselves to the outliers.
@wundayatta I think that that may be the issue. I was raised by a down to Earth single mother, so I had realistic expectations about relationships, and have always had a healthy respect for women in general. Does that mean I was raised far better than most kids? I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that I didn’t learn how to treat women from reading Hustler.
Even if we leave porn and sex out of it, most people are insecure anyways and will always compare themselves to others and wind up feeling bad because they are not rich, smart, strong, agile, or whatever. Personally, I rarely do so and never buy into marketing hype without doing some research; if you read some of my answers about Apple, you would see that I don’t buy PR fluff and prefer to think for myself. Too bad many other people are sheep…
As for cock size, I have to laugh at men who are obsessed with the size of their unit. Maybe it’s because I know that the true measure of a man can’t be expressed in inches, or maybe some intuitive sense that 9 inches can’t be comfortable for anyone, or it could just be that I have self-esteem (or an ego; the jury is still out on that one) but I feel that a man that can satisfy a woman in such a way that they enjoy having you in their lives outside of the bedroom is more impressive that a guy who can make women run in fear when he drops trou.
Some claim that porn objectifies women, but I feel that men treating women as objects is actually a small part of a bigger problem in our society. Notice how many people drive like they are the only ones on the road? Even those who couldn’t care less about porn have a lack of empathy and total selfishness that extends far beyond inter-gender relationships. Porn in and of itself isn’t a problem any more than guns are.
The real problem is that we have people who are totally fucked up and we seek an easy target to turn into a scapegoat. People committed suicide before Ozzy Osbourne was born. People lived in fantasy worlds long before Dungeons and Dragons was printed. And with more news coverage of everything and a larger population, simple math dictates that you will hear more about how fucked up people are. However, we won’t acknowledge that and would prefer to beleive that people are inherently perfect and then blame heavy metal music and RPGs for this apparent rise in bad behavior. The same is true of porn.
I dunno, I think that the more ‘evolved’ one becomes they choose to not participate in industries built on shame, pain and demoralizing conduct.Regardless of their nature.
Just my 2 cents.
Once a certain level of consciousness is attained and one is living in a more awakened state these things just naturally lose their more base appeal.
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