If, and this is a big "if", we were to re-design the Fluther t-shirt, what would be on your wish list?
What color(s) would you like the shirt itself to be? Should the shirts be a different brand? (They’re currently American Apparel.) Do you like Dr. J the way he is, or would you rather see him in a white circle or some other configuration? Should the logo be smaller? Bigger? In a different place? What about using other images, like the submarine full of jellies or the repeating jellyfish pattern? Would you be OK with the name of the site appearing somewhere (likely unobtrusive) on the shirt? The shirts currently cost $19.00 + shipping. If you had to pay more to get a shirt you’d prefer, would you? How much would be too much?
Anything else I’m overlooking?
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74 Answers
A color other than brown
Logo on the back, whatever it may be
Lower necklines for the women’s shirts. I’m not talking cleavage, but those crew necks aren’t flattering at all.
I think having the site name somewhere on the shirt would be a good idea. It’d allow the people who see the shirt to actually know what it’s all about.
<$25 would be great.
I think having it as a hoodie as well would be nice
Black “concert tour” type.
I agree with @Facade except I happen to like the brown :)
@chels I’d like the brown if I wasn’t brown lol
I actually really like the shirt the way it is. It’s perfect for t-shirt surgery. ^_^ (I alter all of my t-shirts to make them more girly)
I just can’t spring $25 for a shirt of any kind.
I love the fit of the American Apparel brand – it’s one of my favorite t-shirts to wear. I’m not super crazy about the brown, but it’s better than black! And I like the sound of the submarine.
How about a polo shirt with dr j embroided on it? I like the brown but other options would be nice too
Have a variety, something for everyone and maybe custom orders.
A tank top option. No matter how cute a shirt it, I don’t look even a little bit good in the traditional tshirt design. With tank tops, I can pull it over a white cami.
And everything @Facade said, I’d probably like the color black.
Maybe under Dr. J it could say “Tap the Collective”
Also, a hoodie would be great
And maybe Fluther could even see iron ons so people can make their own clothes a la Jelly
Iron ons. Now that I could get behind. Patches, too. I love patches.
I’d still like to see “fluther.com.” The brown is fine with me, and I would buy one with the other logos on them. How about larger women’s sizes? The AA woman’s large is about a 6–8.
I’d keep the front as it is, and put “Fluther.com” (not too big) on the top ⅓ of the back with the stylized seaweed and those little fishies at the bottom of this page above the lettering.
The shirt itself would be orange. All the lettering, designs and Dr J would be in the shades of teal that this site already uses. I’d make the glasses a little darker and a tad bluer.
Brown is OK, but I think a pumpkin-y orange base for the shirt would make Dr J stand out more.
The one color I would probably also not wear is orange. My T is a few years old and worse for wear because I did some amateurish alterations, but people still notice and comment on it.
I’d like a blue-ish one kind of like the blue the background is. I agree with @Facade about the necklines. I like the American Apparel tees. They fit me nicely and I know how they fit, so I would prefer to keep the current tees. The submarine idea is a good one I think. With the jellies peeking out of the portholes, yes? I wouldn’t mind having “Fluther.com” printed somewhere small. On the sleeve, near the neck on the back, one of the bottom corners… something like that. Although, I have a feeling that as soon as people see that, they’d stop asking me about the shirt. (I get a lot of people commenting on the shirt and then I tell them a bit about what Fluther is. That might decrease with the name printed somewhere. Or it might not, I don’t know.)
This might be just me, but I’d still like to see some official Fluther stickers.
@Allie Oh! I’d prefer stickers. Or magnets. I’m not much of a tshirt gal. Since I don’t have all the money of the Sex and the City girls, I very rarely buy shirts that can’t be worn to the office at least on casual Fridays (with an exception for the neutral cami’s, tank-tops, etc and pyjamas.)
As I understand it, American Apparel makes their shirts rather narrowly fitted.
That’s great for those with a figure like Calista Flockhart but not good for those more on the Zaftig side. A shirt that’s too large can always be taken in a bit, but if it’s too tight, someone is SOL.
I think the current Dr. J logo is quite cute and attractive.
DEFINITELY CHANGE THE COLOR(S) AVAILABLE. Anything would be better than BABY CRAP Brown.
Why not use a site from which they can be ordered on demand. I know that there are a couple of others which are better quality than Cafe Press but even that would be ok and give people choices.
Color choice is imperative.
@Buttonstc Except for baby puke orange.
Actually, which brown is not poop colored? I think all brown clothing could be considered poop colored.
I’ve loved every Idea so far! I think the submarine idea is awesome and I had another one in mind.. how about instead of making the logo smaller… you make Dr. J bigger but place him differently? like a sort of wrap-around logo that takes up the side and a small bit on the front or back?
As far as colors go you could provide a variety and the hoodie option really sounds awesome.
also.. @IBERnineD designed her own version of the Fluther shirt in black with a v-neck and girly cut just in case you guys need a template….
The LG Chocolate phone had the right idea. It was the same deep dark brown as a Hershey Bar wrapper.
But I’m still not overly fond of brown in general. With all of the lovely colors available for an ocean theme, they picked that ? Just Yuck! is all I can say.
@Buttonstc Course, what’s a good color for a web design isn’t necessarily a good color for a clothing design.
Is it possible to create a design, but let people decide which color shirt they want it printed on? Say, have a few choices (maybe even a few designs) and let people “customize” them. By customize I mean select the design and tee color. I’m no expert on t-shirt printing, but this seems like something that would be easy enough to do. And if not the design part, at least the color of the shirt part.
@Dr_C I liked Iber’s design except for the part where she had the username in super large print across the back. She did make it a V-neck tee though, which I thought was great.
@Allie that can always be removed…. :)
I vote no for putting fluther on the T. I like that no one knows what it’s about. It’s like our own secret little club.
I don’t look good in crew neck t-shirts (boobs). I’d like to see a v-neck.
I like the current color, but I am not against a color change. Please no pastels or neon colors.
I think the submarine would be cute or any of the other pictures. I like this one best.
I have one and I love it. Love the design and all. I just wish there were more colors.
And please please please dont let it say fluther.com anywhere on the shirt.
I look great in orange! Oh, well. Perhaps a choice of T-shirt colours that go with teal, then, like white or ivory or lime…
I’m happy with the color brown, but a white t would also be nice.
I also agree with @tinyfaery. I wouldn’t want Fluther on my shirt, I’m fine with just having Dr J.
I suspect it would be more expensive to produce, but I think the “trusted community” with the over-layering of jellies background would be cool!
I like the idea of a boat-necked long-sleeved or three-quarter sleeved T for the women….it’s on theme, too…“boat-necked”. :) That would be really comfy and pretty.
Oh, and I agree with the above…no Fluther…just Dr J…it lends an air of mystique! Very la-la-la!
It needs to say Fluther’s name on it somewhere. If the Fluther brand were strong enough to survive on cute jellies alone, I’d say ditch the name, but it’s not (yet). Having someone recognize the shirt would be like being in a secret club, but frankly I’d rather help the site raise awareness when I wear my shirt than maybe once in a lifetime have someone recognize it and be in a secret club.
Having said that, I like the current color—I love brown t-shirts. But I agree that the ability to choose brown would be nice.
Is fluther having a hard time? Seems like a lot of people know about it to me? Do you want fluther to be like askville?
@Empress Pixie…..I didn’t mean to imply that it was a “secret club” for the “select few”. Though I hope it never gets to be a “rabble filled mob” in here. I like the people on here and that it feels like a real community, not just a place to come and ask questions and then exit.
But I think that raising awareness works with just imprinting the symbol in someone’s mind. It’s just a personal preference….I don’t enjoy wearing anything with a name on it, but I would wear a design…and enjoy explaining it. So, maybe that could be an “extra” do you want a shirt with the name on it, or just a design?
I think that both would work. I understand your point, though.
Lets be realistic. I think a few hundred (at best) more Fluther t-shirts running around isn’t going to invite the unwashed hordes to our site.
There should be a few different choices in terms of color and design. Maybe three different colors, and two different designs. That gives six different configurations…I’m sure most people would find at least one they like.
I do know that I want mine autographed by Augustlan!
I’m loving all these suggestions! If it were my business, I’d want fluther.com on the shirt somewhere. That said, I’d make it really small, on the sleeve hem or somewhere else that’s not ‘in your face’.
You could have Dr. J the way he is, but with a thousand baby Dr. J’s of all different colors maybe swarming from his tentacles and wrapping around the side of the shirt towards the hip and then to the back and back up towards the shoulder blade. The text: “tap the collective” “Fluther.com” is surrounded in the mass of jellies.
also built in microspeakers on the shoulders that constantly pump out awesome music. you know, if they have that. they should totally have that
I stand strongly against it having fluther.com on it because I refuse to be a walking advertisement for ANYTHING, even things I like.
I have one of the current ones, but I would prefer a more realistic jelly on it, I don’t like cartoonish looking pictures. This is one of my favorite images of jellyfish.
I would love if the logo was bigger. I recently got my shirt yay! and I was surprised at how small the logo was.
I’m also wondering if maybe we could have a few different shirts with pithy phrases on the back such as “We have the answer, Fluther.com” or “Ask and ye shall receive, Fluther.com.” I’d also be quite happy with a number of fluther products such as stickers including bumper stickers. :), sweatshirts, coffee mugs, maybe even fluther messenger bags and hats. I really want to get all pimped out fluther style.
What color(s) would you like the shirt itself to be?
I want a baseball styled tee with Black body and Green sleeves
Should the shirts be a different brand?
I like American Apparel, a few of my Threadless.com shirts are AA and they hold up well.
How do want to see Dr. J
I’d like to see choices between the submarine jellies and Dr. J in a circle on the front breast or small stitched Dr. J in on front breast and big Dr. J in a circle on the back.
Would you be OK with the name of the site appearing somewhere?
Yes, I think it would be cool to have an outside fabric tab near the hem with the fluther name or “www.fluther.com”.
The shirts currently cost $19.00 + shipping. If you had to pay more to get a shirt you’d prefer, would you?
I’d pay up to $25.00 for a baseball styled shirt that has Black body and Green sleeves, small Dr. J embroidered logo on front breast and large Dr. J in a circle screened onto the back.
How much would be too muchto pay?
Anything over $25.00
I made my design the way it is because I like a large logo, no fluther.com because I would like people to ask me about it, and the user-name on the back because I like the idea of a sort of team shirt.
Oh, and the shirt is navy blue not black.
Milo here; Since we can’t come to any consensus, how about a picture of me and a tag that says, “Better than Basil. Fluther.com”?
I do well with either a black or white background.
@IBERnineD: I would love something like that for when we have that fluther convention that we’ve been talking about forever. :P
Well, I didn’t know there was a t-shirt. I guess it would have to be free for me to want one.
Has black hoodie been mentioned yet?
As far as sayings I am partial to:
“You look nothing like the Chupacabra~ Fluther.com”
I like American Apparel. I’m cheap so I think 19$ itself is ridiculous for a tshirt. Maybe the people living on the west coast are used to that kind of pricing, but I’ve bought cute dresses for 20$. The highest I ever pay for Tshirts is 10$ (Shirt.Woot) with no shipping costs. Name of the site depends on font and placement. I like the Qs I get for my jelly shirt, and I like the mystery along with it. Color and tshirt style is not a concern for me. I look good in everything =)
@PnL: But that goes without saying.
BTW, Andrew says that if we get new shirts they will not have fluther.com anywhere on them. :)
So it would just be Dr. J?
How about Mummy Dr J on an orange tee? (Halloween)
I’d like something other than a crewneck tee. Men’s underwear is not everybody’s style. (How did this ever get to be the universal unisex garment?)
I suggest a polo and/or a V-neck. And women’s sizes, definitely.
Ocean colors plus black.
I like the fluther of jellies that appears on the home page sometimes. Here are two extremely rough sketches cobbled up with crude tools just to give an idea.
I have no interest in the current shirt design but would wear the V-neck. I’d pay $25–30 f it were nicely done, but not if a URL or slogan were included.
Can-of-worms alert:
What if so much lurve were good for a discount?
Maybe the golden jelies can get them for free. :p
@Jeruba I like the v-neck with the pattern. Pretty!
Ohhh Lurve for the visual. I would wear that!
I like the color and the background of those two tees pictured but not how the jellies look, like an incomplete download page. I wouldn’t ever wear a polo shirt; I don’t golf.
@Neizvestnaya, it’s not a design. It’s a rough sketch just to suggest an idea. I stuck a rectangle from the home page onto a JCPenney model. In the case of the V-neck I first crudely overlaid the flocked wallpaper from the site interface (ragged cutout with coarse tools) just to give a suggestion. For the other one I did a little blending of background colors, but that’s it.
(I actually like the background graphic a lot, including with the color gradient, and wouldn’t mind having something in that print without any jellyfish.)
I don’t golf either, but I have seen those mesh polos used as company-logo shirts at several places where I have worked, and they are much nicer and also more comfortable than a standard-issue tee. Some of us prefer a shirt with a collar.
Flocked, that’s the word! What if the flocked design was a shade of yellow/gold on white tee with the orange jellie sub screened over? I’d do a v-neck.
@Neizvestnaya @Jeruba Golf shirt? I always heard those referred to as Polo Shirts. I love them, it’s my favorite kind of shirt and I don’t golf or polo.
Well, @Neizvestnaya, I was sticking to ocean colors for the background, but go ahead and show us your design.
@YARNLADY, I did call it a polo shirt.
The jellyfish picture to which you linked is stunningly gorgeous and would look fantastic on a Black or other dark colored shirt.
Do you know if it’s copyright free or not? Do you have a link to it’s origin?
I would definitely wear that on a shirt. It is so beautiful.
Do you know what Flickr’s copyright policy is?
I haven’t used the site for my photos so am not that familiar with it.
Would Fluther be open to a lawsuit if they put this on shirts, I wonder?
@Buttonstc The policy says the user has the right to choose a copyright or not. There is a place on the site to ask the photographer for permission.
I want a baseball shirt with Black body and Green sleeves. On the front I want to see the submarine jellies.
How about a short thought-provoking quote originating from within the Fluther community?
Something like “The only real identity protection on the Internet is the statistical likelihood that no one cares about you” – Zenele (I think) (paraphrased)
[Totally OT] Every time I see this question pop up in my queue, I think of the Mr. Hilter sketch from Monty Python, and in my mind’s eye, John Cleese dressed like Hitler is gesticulating: “But! Und dis ist a big but!” Hahahaha! Heh. All right, carry on. [/OT]
@Seek_Kolinahr – Yes, it’s a great comment, but it would require a small font on the t-shirt – which might offer new opportunities for people to get close to each other… no, no, I’m not hitting on you, it’s just I can’t read this from 2 feet away…
Ha ha! I can’t either. We might have the same prescription. ^_^
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