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LuckyGuy's avatar

Is HGTV like porn for women?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) July 26th, 2010

I’m staying at a friend’s place and he has something I lack: Cable TV. I have been exposed to more shows than I can imagine. During surfing I have noticed an interesting effect. Women absolutely cannot simply pass by HGTV channel (for cable challenged that is Home and Garden TV). They are absolutely mesmerized by the changing color scheme, or home makeovers or which house Daphne and Brett will choose. I know the answer – Daphne will always pick the most expensive one. He will let it be her choice. I can’t stand watching then channel. But, XX chomosome holders seem to love it the way an XY holder’s attention is grabbed by a flash of skin.

So, ladies, do you watch that channel? What is it that grabs your attention? Why do you care which house someone else chooses? Do you really expect to do any of the things they do? Or is it satisfying some primal nesting need?

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28 Answers

knitfroggy's avatar

Actually HGTV is my husband’s porn. He watches it every chance he gets. Sometimes he will try to watch something he’s already seen and I tell him I’m not watching it again! He loves to watch that show where they look at houses to buy and he loves to watch decorating. I personally would prefer to watch a monster truck show over HGTV. The Food Network is my thing. I watch that a lot.

marinelife's avatar

I do like HGTV. I learn a lot about decorating.

Facade's avatar

I don’t really care for it. I enjoy regular (or not so regular) porn.

Seek's avatar


I like some design type shows, but they’ve morphed from “Changing Rooms” – which I loved – to “How Much Money Can I Needlessly Dump Into A House I’m Trying To Sell”.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not really.Now,Greco-Roman wrestling is.Why isn’t that on tv??

mowens's avatar

And some gay men. That’s not a joke, thats a fact.

NaturallyMe's avatar

No, it’s NOT like porn fo rme! Haha. Actually, my husband likes watching those shows more than me, although neither of us are addicted to it or watch it regularly.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

My porn involves naked (or at least seriously underdressed) people having sex.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m thinking it must stimulate a portion of the female brain like skin does for a male brain.
The women here cannot pass by that channel .
Why would anyone care what house another couple buys? The couples they choose all seem to be overpaid spoiled kids. (But maybe that means I am starting to become an old fart.)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@worriedguy Why would anyone care what passes another football team makes? The stars of the NFL all seem to act like overpaid spoiled kids.

Likeradar's avatar

@worriedguy Seems like the women you’re spending time with enjoy the channel. That doesn’t mean all women do.
The guys I spend time with cannot seem to pass by Mythbusters, but it doesn’t make it porn to men.

I happen to like HGTV in small doses. I’ve always been interested in what the inside of other people’s houses look like.

CMaz's avatar


Pounding anything into something else can be hot.

Fly's avatar

I personally love HGTV because I love interior design/decorating. But I generally don’t watch the complete crap that’s on there like Real Estate Intervention (where some overly dramatic Doctor Phil-esque guy tells people their house is priced too high and then an obnoxious girl comes in and stages it to look better). I prefer shows like Color Splash, Divine Design, Dear Genevieve, etc. because I love to see the interesting designs. I watch several other shows on HGTV as well, but most of the shows that I watch on HGTV I watch for the design, even if that’s not what all of the shows are targeted at.

However, my dad watches it, too. HGTV isn’t just for women and gay men.

tranquilsea's avatar

@Likeradar I hardly ever watch the Home and Garden channel but I do try to catch Mythbusters whenever I can. just another way my interests tend to skew to “male” interests

Likeradar's avatar

@tranquilsea I like Mythbusters too.

Fly's avatar

@Likeradar @tranquilsea Mythbusters is just amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t like it.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Female here. I’ve watched a few HGTV shows, and that was enough to learn that I have no interest in it and should hire an interior decorator or architect when ready to make home improvement changes.

netgrrl's avatar

I don’t care for any of them myself. But then I’m the type that rearranges furniture every 5 years whether it needs it or not.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@worriedguy “I’m thinking it must stimulate a portion of the female brain like skin does for a male brain.” = seriously?
As an answer to your question, porn is like porn for women. I have an XX chromosome and I don’t watch HGTV much – my husband watches it more often and I watch porn more often than he does.

KatawaGrey's avatar

It would be like porn for me if everyone was naked and having sex while they re-modeled. That would take quite a lot of talent. I would definitely pay to watch that.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Your answer reminded me of this comic:

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Right??? That was my exact thought when I saw this question.

al001hi's avatar

“House Hunters” in my opinion is the WORST show on HGTV. I’ll admit that I do get excited by a couple of the hunky hosts in jeans and t-shirts. Almost as worked up as I get by the decorating shows, color is my passion, imaging how I would recreate my home is my mental past time. Understand?

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