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XOIIO's avatar

Do you have to be 18 to buy pop-its? Need answer ASAP?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) July 26th, 2010

I am going to the states and wat to by pop-its. I am 16, do you have to be 18 to buy them?

Also, could I bring them into Canada?

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24 Answers

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What is a pop-it? Do you perhaps have a link?

XOIIO's avatar

It’s those little round things of paper filled with rocks, and when you throw them on the ground they make a snap!

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

If you are talking about these things then no.

XOIIO's avatar

Cool, thanks! Do you think taking them over the border will be an issue?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I have no idea, you’d have to check with… the border people (I live nowhere near a border…).

XOIIO's avatar

I guess. Depending on the price I may get 200, but if they are cheap like on some sites I may get 500–1000.

Stocking up lol.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

They’re really big for our Independence Day celebrations, so some stores might have them in the clearance aisle.

Seek's avatar

They aren’t considered fireworks – they’re just pieces of paper filled with gunpowder. You should be fine.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’m pretty sure that the ones with rocks in them were made illegal in the U.S. many years ago. From what some internet sites state, they now contain bits of sand. They aren’t considered actual fireworks, so they can be purchased fairly easily off of the internet and in some local novelty shops, as long as they are legal in that state.

As for taking them across the border from the U.S. into Canada, I personally wouldn’t risk it. If some of the Canadian Jellies say that they are legal there, I still would toss any U.S. leftovers and buy a new supply there.

Andreas's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr If you look at @papayalily‘s link they ARE considered fireworks, hence explosive. Hence they can’t go on aircraft. With all the security around aircraft these days I would think that anyone caught with them on their body or in their luggage might be arrested as a suspected terrorist, especially in the States.

CMaz's avatar

I like rolling them between my fingers.

Seek's avatar

@Andreas – I can’t bring hairspray on an airplane either. That’s not the point.

You can get to Canada in a car as well.

Now, I know where I live, those things are not considered fireworks for retail purposes and are not considered dangerous. You don’t need a special fireworks license to sell them.

tranquilsea's avatar

I can imagine, if @XOIIO is travelling by car, the border scenario would go like this:

Border guard: How long have you been in the U.S.

XOIIO: a week

Border guard: Did make any purchases?

XOIIO: just these pop-its.

Border guard: What are they?

XOIIO: The explode when you throw them on the ground.

Border guard: Can you please pull your vehicle over to the side.

It seems that you would be ok if you read The first link in this google search which is a PDF document They do seem to exempt small amounts of caseless gunpowder.

To be absolutely sure you should call the Border Services Agency.

XOIIO's avatar

Well I am in a car, and I’ve read sone laws and they even allow firearms across the birder, so some novelty stuff should be fine.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Can I say it? Please let me say it…

Seek's avatar

I give you permission. Say it.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Thank you.

@XOIIO I assume that you do not live in the U.S.A. from your initial post. In the U.S., there are state laws, and there are federal laws. Should you plan to do something that might be construed as illegal, it would behoove you to check the state and federal laws before you make any type of purchase or even attempt to use it.

Crossing the border into Canada, even in a car, could cause an issue, as @blakemasnor has eloquently explained.

I’ve used “snap-its”. Their entertainment factor is not worth being arrested in another country. The embarrassment of holding up fellow travelers and having to explain it to my parents is another matter, but it still exists.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@XOIIO My apologies for another post. Whatever country you are from, you will be considered an ambassador of that country. Should it hit the news, which includes the internet, that some 16 year-old from X country was arrested in the U.S., at the border, in Canada for something silly as pop-its, it is going to bring shame. Maybe not to you; maybe not to your family, but surely to your country. Just consider it…please. I do every time I travel to another country.

Andreas's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I overreacted to the matter of “explosives.” (For “flying purposes” they are considered explosives as they have the potential to cause fire.) If I can do this, then so can other people.

XOIIO's avatar

Well I bought some, and if they don’t know what they are I can set one off in my hand. They barely do anything, I guess I’ll see.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@XOIIO You throw them down on the ground and they go SNAP! Don’t light one in your hand…

XOIIO's avatar

I can snap them in my hand, but there are some that are bigger. I also combined around a pack and a half together (75) and made a huge one. I was making another one with 3 packs when it went off and blew my hearing out in one ear for a bit lol.

There was a Canadian at the border so they asked how much we spent and we got through.

Thanks for all the tips guys.

Ahkey's avatar

I tried to buy at Target, they considered it a firework, so I couldn’t but it.

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