Social Question
What are some song lyrics that mean a lot to you and why?
I’m sorry if this seems such a generic question but I’m in one of those moody music moods, singing along thinking of good and bad times had…and since music is such a powerful tool I ask of you fluthites;
What song lyrics mean something to you? Whether recalling a memory or something to fit your mood of the moment?
Since I’m asking the question I should possibly contribute and so here goes.
‘Just to put your mind at ease, you don’t owe me anything. You paid me well in memories.’ Think of you – A Fine Frenzy
I guess the reason is obvious, this was a song for when I started to feel better after a hard break up, I got over the bitterness and was then able to look back and be thankful for what I had.
Another example would be ‘So what’ by Pink, pretty much the whole song blaring in my ears when I walk down the road gives me that cheesy sense of female empowerment and such. I love it.