No foreign power has ever been able to run Afghanistan. Not the Brits, not the Russians, not the few others who tried. The mountains and the ornery people always defeated the invading forces. When I saw we were going in, and it wasn’t a quick search and destroy mission, my heart went clunk at the bottom of my stomach because I knew the history.
The Afghan government knows we will leave some day, and when that happens, they will have to deal with the Taliban and many other warlords without the US army at their back. Is it any wonder the Karzai’s of the world are cutting deals with the Taliban now?
I believe in transparency. Secrets only create more harm. People are just trying to protect themselves at the expense of others. They are not honorable and a war fought using secrets is not an honorable war and any “victory” achieved in such a way is not an honorable victory and is doomed to fall apart once the threat of force has gone.
If these documents hasten the retreat of my country, then they are a good thing. We have no business in Afghanistan. We went there to catch a terrorist. We failed. We should have gotten out as soon as possible. But no. We fall prey to the gambler mentality—pouring good money after bad, believing our luck has to change some time.
What amazes me is that Bush started it, but Obama is doing exactly the same thing. I hate to say it, but he’s chicken, and he is gonna get bit by the fox. Of course, the alternative to Obama will be far worse. I wonder what would have happened had Hillary been captain, instead of helmsman. Will we ever know? Maybe after her memoirs are writ a couple decades from now. Interesting how the Shrub ain’t writ an apologia yet. Course, he’d call it a memoir, but it will defend all his choices.
Anyway, transparency is the wave of the future. There is no other possibility. Information wants to be free, and nowadays we have more than enough technology to make the flow of information freer and freer. There will always be whistle blowers, because there will always be someone who breaks in the face of institutionalized hypocrisy and reveals the hidden truths.
Any sane administration would have a bureau of damage control which prepares for this kind of eventuality. It would cover the administration’s ass for things like the Gulf oil spill and the firing of that poor lady and this: the wikileaks revelations about Afghanistan. It’s coming thick and fast, isn’t it?
As Rosanne Rosannadanna always said, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”
Rosanne, why did you have to go so soon? You are badly needed.