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Jude's avatar

Did either of your parents sing to you when you were younger? Name one song that they used to sing?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 27th, 2010

My Pops used to sing this to me. It’s my name. Daddio got to see him play live the first year that Little Richard came onto the scene.

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38 Answers

NaturallyMe's avatar

Never! I wouldn’t have liked it anyway, i don’t like people singing to me.

Jude's avatar

@NaturallyMe That’s a shame. :)

ninahenry's avatar

a song in Finnish, I don’t know the name but I remember how it went. I’ll ask my mum later :)

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

I recall my father singing an old Irish folk song, “Molly Malone,” although he sang it more to himself. I didn’t know the title of it until I googled the lyrics of it. The song is well known in Ireland; Molly was evidently a real person. There is a statue of her and her wheelbarrow somewhere in Dublin.

lindsey23's avatar

When I was a baby and my dad came home from work, he’d put on reggae music and dance with me. I think that was better than him singing to me, as he’s completely unable to remember the lyrics to even a single song.

My mom, on the other hand, sang to me a lot… By the time I was two I knew nearly forty songs by heart.

jonsblond's avatar

What a great question! I honestly can’t think of any songs my parents sang to me. I was the youngest of six, so they had their hands full. Maybe this has something to do with me not liking to sing? hmmm…

Michael_Huntington's avatar

No, but my dad used to play Darkside of the moon on the stereo all the time

kevbo's avatar

My mom used to sing this to me all the time. (Lyrics start about 50
seconds in.)

InkyAnn's avatar

yes my mother use to sing this to me when she was giving me a bath.

Oh i wish i was a fishy in the sea
in the sea
oh i wish i was a fishy in the sea
id swim around so cutie
without my bathing suity
oh i wish i was a fishy in the sea

Oh i wish i was a little safety pin
safety pin
oh i wish i was a little safety pin
id hold until i rust
and then i would bust
oh i wish i was a little safety pin

Oh i wish i was a monkey in the zoo
in the zoo
oh i wish i was a monkey in the zoo
id eat all my bananas
and forget all my manna’s
oh i wish i was a monkey in the zoo

Oh i wish i was a little piece of soap
piece of soap
oh i wish i was a little piece of soap
id slip and slid so kindly
all over (insert a name here) little hinney
oh i wish i was a little piece of soap

its a family song sung to all the children in my family through out the generations. We have never gave anyone permission to “take it” but its still a cute song that keeps the children happy while bathing them.

SuperMouse's avatar

My father used to sing Hang On Sloopy to me. He also used to recite this entire Spike Jones song about a cowboy and his girlfriend Gopher Gal.

marinelife's avatar

My mother sang to me all the time. She sang Brahams’ Lullaby and she sang lots of other things as well.

Little Fly on the Wall
Little fly on the wall,
Ain’t you got no clothes atall?
Ain’t you got no shimmy shirt?
Ain;t you got no petty skirt?
L’il fly, ain’t you cold?

She sang when she worked around the house too.

My dad was absolutely tone deaf and could not sing.

InkyAnn's avatar

@SuperMouse i love that song, my father still sings that song!

actually he use to sing a song to us when we were little called ”Melvin The Frog” which is about a frog named Melvin who gets high and trys to fly like a bird and no one ever hears from him again lol… its really a cute song

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mother used to wake my sister and I by singing songs from Cinderella.—We were not into these free concerts-XD

Chrissi85's avatar

My mum and dad used to both sing to me, with my mum playing guitar. I remember sitting on a beach at dusk with my mum playing and singing old Bob Dylan and Cat Stevens songs, or sitting on deck of the boat I grew up on, my dad reading me Tolkien and my mum playing in the background. Yes, we were dirty hippies.

Likeradar's avatar

My dad used to sing the Beatles’s Golden Slumbers to me while I was falling asleep. It still makes me smile to think about it. Years later, I caught him singing it to the puppy while he fell asleep on his lap. Big softy.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

My parents really didn’t sing to me, but my grandpa did. I can not find these songs anywhere on the internet, sometimes I think he made them up.

(Obviously this one is sung to the tune of “In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree”)

In the shade of the old apple tree, sat two Irishmen drunk as could be.
Said Pat to his friend “There’s a fly on the end…
of my nose, knock it off, would you please?”
Well his friend was a jolly old guy.
So he took a nice swat at the fly.
He knocked the fly flat and they buried poor Pat…
in the shade of the old apple tree.

This is my favorite and I’m dying to hear it… I hope I can remember all of the words. I have no idea how to describe the tune, I can not seem to find this song ANYWHERE. If anyone has any info.. I’d be thrilled. (Maybe I will post a question of my own about it.)

Ohhh, when first I made my mind up that a soldier I would be…
The girl that I was going with came up and said to me:
“I’ve had my picture taken, Bill, and if we are to part..
Promise me you’ll always wear this locket next to your heart.”
So I hung her photo around my neck and her ruby lips I kissed
_And off to the Army I went to enlist…__
(and with the picture of the girl I left behind me)

I went and joined the Army full of glee
But the Captain said he wanted to remind me
That the doctor wanted to examine me…
(ack, I forget the words here..)
The doctor said to me:
“Whose photograph do you hold here and admire?
“Is that the Captain’s bulldog?”
I said “No Sir, if you please Sir, it’s a picture of the girl I left behind!”

That’s all I remember.. lol. My Gramps was a funny guy, I really miss him. :)

There was also a lot of Mister Moon, K-K-K-Katy, and Walkin’ To Missouri. that were sung to me frequently by my grandmother. (I still can’t listen to that song without crying. Actually, I’ve been tearing up the entire time I’ve been typing this up.

I had a very musical childhood.. sorry for such a long response :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My mom sang to me all the time. I guess they were pretty typical lullabies.
I See the Moon
Twinkle Twinkle
Hush Little Baby
Little Boy Blue
Dream a Little Dream of Me (mamas and the papas)
Bicycle Built for Two

I sing all of those to my daughters, plus a lot of the Disney Princess songs. Occasionally I throw in a little Norah Jones and they like the “Pirate Song” from POTC3.

john65pennington's avatar

“I’m A Little Teapot”. not sang to me, but to my son by my wife. he loves that song and sings it to his daughter today.

downtide's avatar

I don’t remember ever hearing either of my parents sing. I’m sure my mum must have sung nursery rhymes (otherwise how did I learn them?) but I don’t recall the actual singing at all.

ucme's avatar

“1, 2, Freddie’s coming for you….....” Awww, Mum was such a tease.

IBERnineD's avatar

My mom used to sing me Sweet Baby James and would change James to Jane, for my name. :)

ava's avatar

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he marries her then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife
you’ll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly woman cooks meals on time
And she’ll always give you peace of mind

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Sax solo

Don’t let your friends say you have no taste
Go ahead and marry anyway
Though her face is ugly, her eyes don’t match
Take it from me, she’s a better catch

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Say man!
Hey baby!
I saw your wife the other day!
Yeah, an’ she’s ug-leeee!
Yeah, she’s ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright!

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So from my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

YARNLADY's avatar

My Dad was part of a barbershop quartet with three of his brothers. Grandma played the piano, and they sang all the old favorites, like Sweet Adeline, Down By The Old Mill Stream, My Wild Irish Rose, Let Me Call You Sweetheart and such. They sang at many church events and most community events. Their favorite time was when the won the State competition at the Colorado State Fair in the early 1950’s.

Jeruba's avatar

My father used to sing ‘Farther Along.’ He didn’t sing it as a C&W tune or with a Southern accent; he was a Canadian and sang it as a gospel song. He sang quite a few church tunes to us when we were kids, older songs than some of the ones we learned in church and Sunday school.

My mother used to sing me children’s songs that she had learned as a child.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh WOW. My five year old grandson is staying the night with me, which is a rare occasion. I don’t think his Mom (my daughter) sings to him which is unimaginable, as there were several songs I picked from at bed time. (The routine was: “What was the best thing that happened today. What was the worst thing. Then One song, Prayer, then oOne more song then END OF STORY!! STAY IN BED!!!) Anyway, when the kids stay, they always ask me to sing “that one song….” and then they try to describe it, which makes me wonder if Mom sings to them at bedtime like I sang to her….. And trust me, I cain’t sing!

Tonight Aden says, “You know, the morning one?”
I thought then started, “You are my Sunshine…..” because of the refrain about “I woke up…”
He said, “No! The one with the moon!!”
I thought a moment more and said, “Oh!! Skinna Marinky Dinky Dink, Skinna Marinky Do….” (I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening, underneath the moon….“That was the right one. :)

My Mom used to sing a sad, sad song, about Shep, a dog, who died. It always made me cry so I never really learned it to sing to my kids. However, I did sing, “Oh Little Playmate. Can you come out and play…”

For my kids, one of the bedtime songs was a song from Texas from my Dad, “All Around The Water Tank.”

“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”

I think parents today put their kids to bed with DVD movies…..

Jeruba's avatar

@IBERnineD, your clip with James Taylor and Yo Yo Ma—wow, goosebumps.

jonsblond's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’ll read to my daughter before bedtime, I’m just not a singer. My one exception is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I’m just terrible at remembering lines to songs, but that one is easy. and sweet :)

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III In our family, we put the kids to bed with Sprout On Demand Goodnight show but they insist that we have to sing along. My 3 year old grandson says come on grandma, if you don’t know the words, they are on google.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@YARNLADY LOL! I remember when my now-15-year-old grandson was about 4, we were at the library and he was messing around on the computers and he hollered, “I DID IT! I typed WWW DOT COM!!!! I DID IT!!!”

IBERnineD's avatar

@Jeruba I love that version :)

perspicacious's avatar

I’m not sure she was singing to me but I remember my mother singing You Are My Sunshine.

Scooby's avatar

I can’t remember my Mother ever singing! to me!! :-/
But she used to always sing Shirley Bassey Songs when she was pottering around the house…. “HEY BIG SPENDER” springs to mind!! :-/ with all the actions too!……….Lol…

ninahenry's avatar

I asked my mum :D she said it was called ‘Ai Ai Heikki’ and it was a song about a little pussy cat. Once I sat down and sang it into the answer machine and recorded it but Richard recorded over it.

She also used to sing Money Money Money by ABBA a lot. My dad didn’t sing to us but he’s a musician so he played his trumpet for us instead.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ninahenry :) A trumpet will sure put little kids to sleep!! :)

YARNLADY's avatar

With a mute, it can be very successful. My husband used to play trumpet

Linda_Owl's avatar

My Mother used to sing to me & to dance with me in her arms. I loved it & I still have a passion for the music. She sang a little bit of everything – high lonesome songs from the Kentucky mountains where she grew up, country songs that were popular at the time, & a lot of the big band music that was still popular right after WWII (I was born in 1946) – so I doubt that you would recognize the names of the songs, but she always sang, & she played the guitar, she danced, & she skated. My Mother was a very special person. She died 5 years ago & I guess I will always miss her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Linda_Owl (Were you on wisdm?) My folks used to sing this one song together that made me cry….Something about a guy getting letters from his girl, “Your letters don’t have arms to hold me,” or something like that. Kisses on the letter….Do you know what I’m talking about.

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