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naconasong's avatar

Do your robe and slippers match?

Asked by naconasong (371points) July 27th, 2010

Do you have one for winter and one for summer?

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13 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

My robe and slippers have only matched one time in my lifetime. this occured at a swanky casino. they provided the robe and the slippers. they matched then, but never again.

Cruiser's avatar

No but I just got a gorgeous painting of an Illinois prairie that matches my sage green sofa! ;)

john65pennington's avatar

Cruiser, your answer was worse than mine. you win.

syz's avatar

I’ve never worn a pair of slippers in my life. I do own a nice robe, though – since I don’t use pajamas, I use it when I have company.

Cruiser's avatar

@john65pennington That bad huh? I know one person here will appreciate it though!. ;))

downtide's avatar

I haven’t owned slippers since I was a kid. I own a robe though. Nothing nicer than wrapping up in one after a bath.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

My robe is black with different shades of pink polka dots.

My slippers are leopard print.

I’m going to have to say no.

ragingloli's avatar

Oh absolutely. They are both identically nonexistant.

Jude's avatar

No. But, the curtains and the carpet often does.

marinelife's avatar

I don’t own any slippers.

perspicacious's avatar

no, not my faves

NaturallyMe's avatar

They do happen to match most of my slippers, yes, but not because i planned it so, it’s purely by accident. :D I love blue, so both my winter gowns are blue and so are most of my slilppers. I don’t have a summer gown.

Frenchfry's avatar

They used to when I lived up north. But down south I don’t even own a robe… Gave it to good will. I parade in flip flops now.

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