What is the most profound single thing to know?
Asked by
ETpro (
July 27th, 2010
In man’s current state of understanding of the universe, what do you think is the one thing you must know, the information that is the key to discovery, unlocking the door to knowledge currently hidden from your view?
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98 Answers
How to think critically, and how to think financially lol.
Life is a disease: it’s sexually transmitted, and always fatal.
Always know where the exits are.
Be open to accept anything and everything.
The capacity to love is unlimited .
Communication is the key to life. If you are locked inside your own head, you are not aware that others have similar thoughts, problems, and fears.
People are not always going to agree with you and never ever let that stop you.
The only thing you have control over is yourself. And even that can be tenuous.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is of an impermanent nature.
Be it life itself, a car, a house, a job, a relationship, a state of mind.
Life itself is ever changing and of a transient nature.
Hold on loosely and don’t ever become attached to the concept of ‘forever.’
The core of human suffering comes from clinging to the concept that permanence is security.
No, it is not.
Security does not exist, period.
Learn to live with uncertainty and still be joyful and you have mastered the secret of the universe. ;-)
It’s all temporary….be happy anyway!
@ETpro Not to throw out that Speak & Spell. Hold onto your junk!
You need it to phone home.
Love and a quest for justice give meaning to one’s life.
One’s own heart and mind.
Life is too short and friends are too few :-/
It all comes down to you.
Know that we know little and that we know even less for sure.
have sense enough to get out of the rain!
All that you have is all that you need.
Life is too damn short.
Love. To be the recipient of genuine care and affection, and to give it freely to others, opens up the world in ways not dreamed of.
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. ~Dr Seuss
Complex questions often have many simple, easily understood and appealing answers.
That are all wrong.
Never trust a cat
Everything is a human construct. We evolved, and then invented everything.
The world is ultimately simple.
Life is about a dollop of jokes!
(this one is really funny)
A little boy came down to breakfast. Since he lived
on a farm, his mother asked if he had done his chores.
Not yet, said the little boy. His mother tells
him he can’t have any breakfast until he does his
chores. Well, he’s a little pissed, so he goes to
feed the chickens, and he kicks a chicken. He goes
to feed the cows, and he kicks a cow. He goes to
feed the pigs, and he kicks a pig.
He goes back in for breakfast and his mother gives
him a bowl of dry cereal. How come I don’t get any
eggs and bacon? Why don’t I have any milk in my cereal? he
Well, his mother says, I saw you kick a chicken,
so you don’t get any eggs. I saw you kick the pig,
so you don’t get any bacon, either. I also saw you
kick the cow, so you aren’t getting any milk this
Just about then, his father comes down for breakfast,
and he kicks the cat as he’s walking into the kitchen.
The little boy looks up at his mother with a huge grin and says, AND?
And We are all part of It.
Friends are not needed, they throw lies to make them truths for you to believe. (have no clue if that relates…......)
Lurve for every answer!.
@le_inferno That was close to the one I had in mind when asking.
@Coloma Hadn’t you heard, the law of impermanence has a sunset clause in it.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Excellent philosophy.
@whitenoise My answer was the same thing said in a bit different way. I like your way better.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard How true. All convenient constructs. In truth, there are no solids in the universe. There are no objects as we know them, no planes, no straight lines…
@BoBo1946 Love it. Ladies of Fluther. Know ye now that I NEVER kick Spoony THE cat!
My answer was that it is most important to know what you don’t really know. It’s incredibly difficult to let go of a belief when evidence appears it is wrong.
Re “How true. All convenient constructs. In truth, there are no solids in the universe. There are no objects as we know them, no planes, no straight lines…”
Never realized you were an idealist. :-)
We are surrounded by miracles. You just have to open your eyes to them.
@whitenoise I would say I am quite the idealist. How fortunate that in a universe full of nothing but particles so small they are unimaginable to our minds composed of them, moving under quantum laws we cannot even observe without disturbing them, there appear to us to be objects like chairs, and pets, and vegetables, end energy vorticies and all sorts of wondrous things that subatomic particles in our brains form a “self” to observe and think about. It’s luckier than winning $100 million in a lottery not by buying a ticket, but by finding the winning one blowing along the path you are walking.
Never sweat the petty stuff and avoid petting the sweaty stuff.
@Rufus_T_Firefly In my experience petting isn’t even worth doing till the stuff starts getting sweaty.
@ETpro – Yeah, in mine too, but saying it that way throws off the cadence and making things wet is always the first item on my ‘to do’ list. LOL
Loll…how does one have so much fun and it’s free! Only Willie knows!
Always know where your towel is.
When starving do not go to a Taco Bell drive through and order a Taco salad, 3 Taco Supremes AND a Burrito supreme.
Did I REALLY think I could possibly eat all THAT! lolol
( And no..I am not huge, but my eyes are! haha )
@Coloma, you are great at making me laugh.
Nothing is simple.
Apply that concept to anything an you will always learn something new.
@Mamradpivo “Nothing is simple.” Humm… That seems simple enough.
@ETpro Intelligence clearly depends upon paradoxes on deeper levels, why not take advantage of them consciously instead of trying to hide them all away in the unconscious?
@zophu Funny. I wasn’t conscious of having given you permission to sniff around in my unconscious.
@ETpro Wasn’t implying anything about you.
That while we may appear to live in a universe of finite probabilities we may actually inhabit a universe of infinite possibilities?
@lillycoyote Then wouldn’t it be possible that that is impossible?
@ETpro Your question asked for something “profound” not necessarily something that could be defended rationally or logically. While I won’t say, absolutely, that my answer was “profound” it’s best I’ve got, so I will stand with it.
@lillycoyote I am having a profoundly good time finding logical contradictions tonight. But GA! With this one, you have uttered a profundity I can not find any logical contradiction in.
Eat when you’re tired, sleep when you’re hungry.
@ETpro I guess that means that, at the very least, I have won this round. Choose your words carefully, that’s all I can say. :)
@lillycoyote I have heard about your reputation for kicking ass . Hadn’t you heard of mine for being a switch. See definition #1.
@ETpro I have a reputation?! And it’s for kicking ass?! Wow! How cool is that? And “vacillating” is my middle name, so knock yourself out. :)
When you cannot stand the “heat in the kitchen,” move on!
@Coloma “Eat when you’re tired, sleep when you’re hungry.”
I don’t get it…....
Just playin’...it should be said as ’ sleep when you’re tired, eat when you’re hungry’...basic common sense that is hard to follow sometimes. haha
The more I learn, the dumber I get!
This life is a ephemeral phase. It keeps on changing and evolving with the only constant aspect being change. Whether you succeed or fail, always know that it won’t always stay the same way.
@BoBo1946 That made me think of something a wise man told me. To summarize: You spend so much time learning the deep, technical stuff to become an expert, but throughout this process you start forgetting the basis, or foundation of the knowledge, until you become confused and lost with all the technical information.
Is that what you meant?
Today I did not employ critical financial thinking..it was a free for all…lol
@anartist That is such a cool saying, whether it’s true or not.
@Blackberry yes, facts etc. are great, but that is not what is important while we are here (what really is important here, and NOW’, is our relationships with our fellowman…that is more important the technical stuff my friend), and also, the more I learn the more i realize, i know so little. It is a humble feeling. When you read some of the other member’s comments here, and see their beautiful grammar, how they can write, etc., makes me think, what was i doing those days in class??? Again, very humbling!
Btw, your questions and answers are always thought provoking. Good show my friend.
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it.
Without reading the posts I’d say, “It will always get better.”
I just remembered one that helps me out a lot. “One thing at a time.”
My uncle had one. He’d say, “This too shall pass.” Which is the same thing I said above but more better.
Carelessness, overconfidence & arrogance are our greatest enemies. :-/
You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be led…….. :-/
If you drop a yard of sand in a corral expect the cats to come.
Do not waste your time fighting with inanimate objects.
If you drink on an empty stomach you will have a hangover.
On the other hand…nothing of merit was ever written over a glass of ice water. lol
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
@meagan…that would be an awful way to live. :(
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once…. :-)
Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and earnestly expecting different results.
Do not exhale through your nose when eating anything with Wasabi.
i slept really good until i woke up!
Here’s another one: Believe in good intention of people.
Eat AT LEAST 3 gallons of salsa a year. You’ll live longer and show up spicier!
When you frow up, don’t freak out because it’s red. It’s not blood. You just ate a HUGE box of Hot Tamales!
“Put yourself in the other persons shoes.” “Do unto others, etc, etc”
Do not drink copius amounts of wine and light outdoor citronella torches placed in potted trees on a wooden deck and leave them unattended while partying with friends at the heighth of forest fire season in the mountains.
(Mainly for us Blokes) Never be afraid to throw caution to the wind but always be cautious of peeing into it! :-/
I’d be careful about throwing condoms in the wind too! lol
@Coloma You’d like to visit the Max Euweplien in Amsterdam.
There is a building there that has the following credo, set in stone:
“Homo Sapiens non urinat in ventum” (A wise man doesn’t urinate against the wind.)
This is the entry to a fairly new shopping mall in that area, but there was an other building, downtown in Amsterdam, that had it for ever. Suppose that one is gone, now.
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