General Question

the100thmonkey's avatar

Can you recommend a site for online questionnaires?

Asked by the100thmonkey (11277points) July 27th, 2010

I need to gather some principled data from a specific group of people who live on the other side of the world from me.

It is necessary that the questions be readily answerable, so I would far prefer to give out a URL to the questionnaire rather than make it one distributed by email – I want as much participation as possible from a limited group of possible participants.

I do not want to collect email addresses – the questionnaire must be absolutely anonymous. I do not want to participate in the collection of email addresses for marketing purposes.

I am willing to pay if necessary. Ad-free would be nice. I will pay a reasonable (under £50) fee.

The questions will require yes/no and variable scale responses, with a free text box should the participant care to comment.

It would be great if the data I received were already broken down for me in .xls or .ods formats. I will do the analysis; I just don’t want to spend hours copy’n’pasting data from a word document into an application that will allow me to manipulate what will primarily be numerical data.

I am fully aware of Google; I would like recommendations from Flutherites, preferably from user experience.

Thank you very much (in advance)!

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4 Answers

phaedryx's avatar

I’ve used form assembly before, and it has worked well for me.

llewis's avatar

It’s pretty easy to write a survey script, and it will put answers into a comma-delimited text file. Do you already have a website? I can write a sample script for you and you can edit it to your liking, but don’t have an available site for you.

drClaw's avatar

Give Survey Monkey a look. Quite a few of my clients have used it in the past and it’s probably the most popular program before getting into high level survey software.

wundayatta's avatar

My office did an analysis of all the survey websites out there, and decided that Survey Monkey is the best. I know of one person who used it in China to get information from people spread out all over that country.

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