What do the locals call it in your state or neck of the woods?
we were on a family trip in a neighboring state and asked where we could find a “cash station.” the young lady had a puzzling look on her face and tried to understand what we meant by “cash station.” finally she said, “oh, you mean an automated teller machine?”
yeah, that.
we all live in america or somewhere else, but what local terms seem foreign and we all live in the same country? here in the midwest, we eat hoagies or subs. somewhere else, it’s a “grinder.”
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Now I say:
ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
Lightning bugs
Queue up (because I hang with Brits; the NYC phrase is “stand on line”)
I grew up with:
TYME™ Machine
Lightning bugs
Stand in line
ATM, I’ve heard of it called a cash machine as well, but 99% of the time, ATM
We call it the ATM here in central Illinois.
We were driving from California to Illinois many years ago and we stopped in Cheyenne, WY hoping to find a deli. We stopped a local on the street and asked where we could find a deli. The guy looked at us like we were aliens. We had to finally ask for a sandwich shop for him to understand what we were looking for.
up here in the midwest, we call carbonated drinks, “pop.” somewhere else it’s “soda.”
@jonsblond yeah, um, deli is pretty understood here in chicago as you can imagine.
What’s really funny is when people ask for the ATM machine. Automated Teller Machine Machine
@jonsblond they are called lightning bugs here in chicago. if somebody says “fireflies” we immediately tag that person as “country.”
@YARNLADY haha….that is what I first typed, then I noticed my mistake and corrected it.
@charliecompany34 I’m pretty much in the country. so I hear both. I never know what to call them. lol
@jonsblond ok, what do you call the paper or plastic “container” of your “paid-for” grocery items? “grocery bag” or “sack?”
@charliecompany34 A bag, or sometimes I’ll call them a “Walmart bag” when I ask my children to go outside to pick up the dog poo. I’ll say “Jacob, grab a couple of Walmart bags and go pick up the poo.” lol
What do you call the metal thing you place your groceries in as you shop? Cart or Buggie? In West Virginia, it’s a buggie. I discovered that while attending WVU. But here in Ohio, where I grew up, it’s a cart.
@SheWasAll_ I was surprised to hear my husband from New York call it a buggy, as well. It was always a cart to me.
Here, it’s an “ATM.” Sometimes “ATM machine” which just sounds a bit redundant now that I think about it.
Ha! I say “buggy” as well as “shopping cart.” The first time I said “buggy” in front of my friend she thought it was weird.
ATM or cash machine.
My mother calls them Auntie Em.
I also call them lottery machines because I play the same numbers and always win.
Question: “Where’s the closest ATM?”
Answer: “Spitting distance.”
We aren’t that backwards in the South that we don’t know the difference between an ATM and cash machine.
An automated teller machine (ATM), also known as automatic banking machine (ABM), Cash Machine, or Cashpoint! (Wiki) Learned something!
ATM. That’s pretty much it. But there certainly are all sorts of regionalisms. I’ve lived in Delaware, where I grew up, Oregon, California and Texas. One thing I had to learn when I moved from Delaware to Oregon was “bag” vs. “sack.” When you buy something at a store in Delaware, and in a lot of places in the country, people will ask you if you want a bag when you buy something. In Oregon they say “sack.’ So when I got a job at a bookstore it really took me a while to learn to say “sack” as a matter of course, instead of bag. And in Texas, they say y’all and it took me a while to learn to say that as a matter of course and then when I moved back to Delaware or East Coast equivalent.
Here in NJ, we usually call it the ATM, but It is also referred to, sometimes, as the MAC machine,
We say pop here and also carts.
land of beer and beavers.
ATM. That’s all I’ve ever heard it called, even in national TV advertising. I would have been completely clueless as to what a cash station might have been.
@BoBo1946 I don’t think A BM will eva catch on!
Now, “cash station” is a cute play on words, but that’s all it is. I’ve never heard the term. ATM is the only term I know of. And it’s appropriate. It automatically does what Tellers do. It dispenses money.
Trying to think of things they say in Kansas only…but wait. Kansas doesn’t exist. We don’t even have A BM here. Ever. We B Constipated in Kansas.
@Dutchess_III Jeez, it certainly took you long enough. No, Kansas doesn’t exist and your stubborn persistence in insisting that it does has only made you look foolish in the eyes of those of us who know better. It’s good to see that you have finally come around. So where exactly is it that you do live?
@lillycoyote Last I heard Kansas was seen in Mexico….last I heard…
OK. I have heard that we tend to end sentences with prepositions, as in, “Where’re you at?” I guess other people don’t do that?
UK to USA Talk:
Shopping basket is shopping trolley
Cell phone is mobile
Trash can is rubbish bin
The dump is the tip
The ATM is the cash machine
Umbrella is brolly
Galoshes are Wellies
The TV is telly
Beer is a pint or lager
To vacuum is to hoover (as in hoover a floor)
French fries are chips
Potato chips are crisps
Cookies are biscuits
Biscuits are scones
Gasoline is petrol
Salad dressing is salad cream
Pants are trousers
Panties are pants or knickers
@DarlingRhadamanthus I’m guessing biscuits and gravy sounds pretty nasty to you then, doesn’t it? ;)
@DarlingRhadamanthus Once I was with some teens (American and British) and one of the Americans said to one of British girls they were going to kick her fanny. The poor girl was mortified. The differences can be quite funny sometime.
Usually, ATM or MAC machine
WOW @DarlingRhadamanthus! Yay! And I heard ya’ll have a tendency to “knock girls up!”? :) In the loo, no less…..
ATM (commonly used in my NZ circle)
Money Machine (what I normally call them)
@DarlingRhadamanthus And that big space in your car where you put your luggage, etc. in the U.S. is called a trunk and you Brits call it a “boot” for some reason. :)
None of you said bank machine. That’s common up here, Canada.
The first bank I ever saw one at, in the 1970s at First National Bank, called it a 24 Hour Teller. That was before it was computerized and it was just a machine with a spinning roll with words printed on it, similar to the scrolling music sheet on an automatic piano, but much faster.
By the time it was computerized, I’ve always known it as an ATM.
It’s a cash machine in the UK. And a sub (sandwich) is only a sub if it’s actually bought from Subways. Otherwise, it’s a baguette (if it’s on French bread) or just a sandwich (on any other kind of bread).
ATM. I’m familiar with other terms but never heard one used in real life.
@downtide Subs, in my neck of the woods, are sometimes referred to as a “hogie”
@DarlingRhadamanthus I have to say, ‘salad cream’ sounds pretty nasty.
Hey guys….thanks for putting me over the 5K!!!! (Didn’t expect that!)
Here are some more I thought of last night:
Butt is bum (as in does my bum look big in this?)
Trunk is boot (as in boot of a car)
Hood is bonnet (as in hood of a car)
Line is range (as in range of clothing)
Range/oven is cooker ( as in put the turkey in the cooker)
Candy is sweetie or lolly
Popsicle is ice lolly
Period (punctuation) is full stop (as in it was all over. Full stop.)
Want to make a Brit giggle? Say that you can’t find your nice pants.
Or you can (as I mistakenly did) when correcting a student’s paper tell them: “You need to put a period after that word.” Apparently, period only refers to a woman’s time of the month…not a punctuation mark. The correction word is not period but “full stop.”
I find it funny listening to all the differences in the supposedly universal english language!
I call it the cash machine or just say I’m going to the bank to get some money
A Hoover is the brand name for a vacuum cleaner, my hubby calls our dyson the vaccum cleaner, I call it the Hoover because we had a “hoover” when I was little and now anything that sucks up the dirt from the carpet is called a hoover!
Americans, if you want to have your world rocked, check out McDonald’s menus from around the world.
@Afos22 Pack your bags and head on out. In Rome, they serve coffee in ceramic cups and saucers.
For those that call it a MAC machine, what does the MAC stand for?
Nevermind. Googled it. “Money Access Center.”
Looking at that McDonald’s menu (thanks @Pied_Pfeffer)....I wish WE had those options. In America it’s nothing but grease. What’s wrong with us???
@Allie MAC is the ATM that McDonald’s own, see….
I think I’ve heard it called a “cash point” in the UK?
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