What's your inside joke?
Asked by
Seek (
July 28th, 2010
Explain it or not, your choice.
There’s that one phrase you can say to someone, and you’ll both explode into fits of childish giggles. What is it?
“You struck me!” – A play fight gone physical.
“Grandpa, you’re an asshole!” – from a 3 year old to his almost 7 foot tall, war hero grandfather.
“Flush flush!!” – Best friend got caught at his high school girlfriend’s house – because the condom backed up the toilet! Ah, teenagers.
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54 Answers
The wife in the kitchen attempting to cook!!
My best friend and I call each other Shwam, from this.
“If you’re lucky, they’ll whip out the white glove” (what my girlfriend and I say to each other when we go through customs).
“It’s only weird for a minute” (what my girlfriend said to me when her cat tried to lick my lips when we first met). Also, she’ll say to Maggie (her cat) “Okay, it’s time for the peanut butter”.
You have to know my girlfriend
crazy psycho with wings!! lol!
I imagine it’s when they whip out the rubber gloves that you have to be worried. ^_^
Another one from my g/f: “You smell like the inside of my Mama’s purse” (quoting Family Guy). And, “you sure do have a purdy mouth” (Deliverance).
stupid keyboard meant to type crazy psycho girl with wings
”......and she steps on the ball”
“I don’t know but it was pretty funny.”
Pussy piss in ‘BOOTS’ :-) says it all really.. Lol..
I had a friend stay over one particular weekend, we just kinda dost around the house pretty much till Monday morning when it was time for her to leave, well, when she came to put her ‘BOOTS’ on she found that one of my cats?? :-/
Had decided to use her ‘BOOTS’ as a toilet & peed all over them, I guess they were a little put out at the lack of attention they were getting while my friend stayed over :-/ who’d have thunk it!!??
can you explain that. please please pleas
Whenever someone says “Oh (my) god”, I respond with “Yes?”
its part of the joke. naaaaa
“Feel for Marmite, dude!” Marmite is a sticky, dark brown paste (the Brits use it like jam) with a distinctive, powerful flavor, which is extremely salty and savory, somewhat like soy sauce. This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company’s marketing slogan: “Love it or hate it.” It is similar to the Australian Vegemite and Swiss Cenovis. A few years ago, when a friend and I were visiting London and tasted it for the first time (we both despised it), I smuggled a jar of the awful stuff into his bag when as he was leaving for Paris and I flying back to the U.S. He carried it all the way to Paris without knowing it, and then discovered it with his hand when he was stuck in the dark outside his hotel room. He didn’t even have to see it to know what it was. He told me when he got back that he just sat there laughing. Now we say “Feel for the Marmite” to each other as a warning… and it always makes us laugh.
That goes right along with
”Jaysus Christ!”
“Oh? I didn’t think you’d recognize me without my sandals!”
I’m a retired joke teller! Fresh out..none on order! i hear people crying!
“Somebody just stepped on a duck.” Code for: someone just passed gas (courtesy of Bill’s nephew).
Well, I guess there is a reason you retired…
The power of Christ compels you.
If I say “Bish! Bish! to my sister,I’ll get a giggle every time :)
Hey, you want this car?
@Ivan Why are you a happy pig?
@YARNLADY -No,that definition almost works in the secret language of sisters too! XD
“Double bart.”
“Blind Bartamaus”
“Bart-lett pears!”
This little kid from camp a couple years back asked me, totally out of the blue, “Do you like rainbows?” in his little squeaky voice. Every now and then, my friends and I say it just the way he did… makes us chuckle every time.
“Mom? It’s me, Marisa!” (in utterly shocked/hurt tone)
My best friend called her mom (or so she thought) and started rambling off the bat about what our plans were/what we did that day… then she pauses… and says that line. Turns out it wasn’t her mom, but a wrong number she dialed. Obviously the lady had no idea who she was, and Marisa thought it was her own mother not recognizing her. Oh man. Good stuff.
“You dyed your pubic hair green?”
“We bought a blow-up sheep.”
@ragingloli had to give everyone a break! Too much of anything, well almost anything, gets old.
Do I have to tell about the towel??
My brothers tease me relentlessly. I had family over for dinner and accidentally started a grease fire. I was holding a towel and, I know this is stupid, I whacked at the fire with the towel a few times while squealing like the girl I am. Now my brothers started laughing, put it out properly, then asked me if I really thought I could put out a fire by waving a towel and squealing. It was just a hysterical reaction. I don’t think well when I’m freaked out. Well, from then on the towel jokes started. Whenever I said I had a problem they told me to wave a towel and squeal and see if it helps. I got scared when I thought I heard someone out the window and my nephew handed me a towel, grinning, and said go get him. I’m like what is it with the towel jokes? For Christmas, I got a towel wrapped up in a box. When I pulled it out they all started laughing. They won’t quit with the towel jokes. It’s embarassing. If I mention any problem whatsoever, they will hand me a towel or tell me to try my towel magic. It’s getting freaking old.
“You owe me five dollars.” This is how my friend and I have said goodbye to eachother since Kindergarden. I am not sure why anymore.
“I’ve got a code 88 in my pants.” Long story short, I used to work in a prison, and a friend of mine said this as a couple of guards were walking past us. A code 88 is a roit.
I was a computer tech for the state… not a prisoner… I’m safe folks.
Theres tons more, years and years of them compiled on top of eachother. But, I am tired. :)
Mine is ’‘asswear’’. I’ll try to explain it, it involves French to English and then back to French translation anomalies, due to Québec French accents.
It’s in between a friend and I back when we worked evening shifts over at Best Western. Everything always went wrong over there, so every day we’d be like, tonight sucks, like every other damn night. In French, tonight, or rather, this evening, is ce soir, or à soir. But in the Québéquois accent it sounds like ah swear. So when she said that the first time I’m like, you just said ass wear in English…so after that, everytime we declared that tonight was gonna suck, we just said ass wear in French, which is vetements de cul lol.
We both no longer work there but we still crack this joke sometimes.
1: Butterfly!
2: ...grasshopper.
Mine is not verbal, it’s more of a physical ‘inside joke’. When my daughter was about five years old, she made a comment that she thought it was funny how our cat would always walk around with it’s butthole showing. I told her that it would even be funnier if ‘it’ winked at us as it walked by. Ever since that day, all I have to do to make her break out in laughter is wink at her. It’s truly an inside joke, I guess you had to be there.
I’m saving that one for my daughter, if you don’t mind! Now I just need to wait until she is born, learns to talk, and mentions our cat’s bum. :)
Absolutely classic though.
I’ve probably scarred her for life, but now she’s moved out and has cats of her own so I can see it becoming a family tradition. LBNOL (laughing but not out loud)
“I’m surrounded.” “It’s lonely at the top.” “One, two, three, dive!”
Actually there’s a new one now, on Fluther, about slurpees…I’ll let @Coloma explain that one, I’m sure she’s be delighted. XD
Well, @Coloma? Care to elaborate?
Heres one from my old job:
Me: Don’t worry, I’m with the government! holds up badge
Co-Worker: Why is your badge pink?
When I was a consultant that worked for the state prison systems, the badge long term consultants are given was pink. This got expanded, and usually ended with us screaming the above at random people. Quite fun.
One has come up recently:
Me: “You’re a woo-er.”
Him: “WOO! Woooooooo!”
best inside joke EVER. ” I love you ”
From the time we first met, my husband gives me the olives on his plate at restaurants. I thought for several years he didn’t like olives. Once someone offered him some olives and I said “Oh, he doesn’t like them”. But he said “Yes, I do, but you like them more so I always give you mine.” Now, when we misunderstand something, we look at each other and say “olives”.
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