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Jeruba's avatar

What favorite song from your childhood stands the test of time?

Asked by Jeruba (56148points) July 28th, 2010

Go out to YouTube or some other source and find us a song you truly adored as a child and couldn’t get enough of hearing. If possible, find the same performance of it that used to drive your parents nuts.

Post the link to it and tell us: is this song still as great as you thought it was when you were a kid? Does it still do it for you? Are you thrilled to hear it again?

Or—are you mortified to own up to it and wish you didn’t have it stuck in your head now?

If you don’t mind, give us some idea of the decade in which you were a kid listening to it.

I did this last night, and I have to say—yes! This song, this selfsame recording, was my favorite, hands down, for years sometime in the 1950s, and it is still among the greats. I sang along with gusto as if I’d last heard it only yesterday and not some thirty years ago.

I just wish this version didn’t clip the very last syllable.

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24 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I used to listen to this in the 60’s . And this song of almost any song I have ever heard still has the same effect on me now as it did then. Plus I know it drove my parents NUTS!! We played this 20 times a day and a basement of kids screaming “Here I come to save the day!” would do it!

Jude's avatar

The whole ablum Goofy Greats.

Faves from that album:

Ahab the Arab
I was a groovin’ little kid.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The Beatles songs my mother would play on the piano :)

Austinlad's avatar

For me, this is a really easy one to answer. There are two, and they date back to kindergarden possibly as far as kindergarden. They are: “Someday My Prince Will Come” (from Disney’s “Snow White,” I think) and
“Toyland.” To this day I think the lyrics of the latter are both lovely and incredibly true.

If you in my generation, you’ll understand. If not, you’re laughing your head off.

frdelrosario's avatar

“The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late)” by Alvin and the Chipmunks

Luffle's avatar

I loved Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I think i remember hearing for the first time in third grade and it was the first time I remembered really being excited about Christmas. I think prior to then, I remembered seeing Santa but not being old enough to have a grasp of what made the holiday feel really special.


I used to play this song on a small vinyl record in our living-room and dance to it in circles, over and over. I was about 5 at the time, and although I adored the song, it made my grandma positively DIZZY!!! Lol.

(My grandma used to take care of me while my parents worked, so I did whatever I wanted, when I wanted, until I started first grade.).

Kayak8's avatar

Well, growing up in an alcoholic family, it is not surprising that we had this album. Mario Lanza is still great, but this would not be my song choice today.

This is the song I sang over and over again on my very first record player (it was a thing with an arm and a needle and you played these things called records . . .) The harmonies are still good and hold up over the years.

This is a song I loved then and still love today (and this is a peculiar video to go with it).

escapedone7's avatar

Someone bought me a record from the soundtrack to the rescuers. I would guess it was 1979 or something. I played it a lot. I still think it is nice.

knitfroggy's avatar

I Had a Little Chicken Our words were a little different, but pretty much the same. My grandma used to sing this and it made me laugh.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Mine most definitely holds up today.

downtide's avatar

Most of the stuff I listened to as a child was rock and roll from the 60s, because that was what my mum was into the most. The Beatles, Everley Brothers, the Monkees, that sort of thing. I loved the Monkees because they had a TV show and that theme song was probably my favourite. I used to sing along to it.

ratboy's avatar

I still play this every day at lunchtime.

ipso's avatar

The first record I ever owned I harassed my mother senseless until she bought me this from Ronco records. It was marketed on TV, and I had to have it. I played Get Down Tonight endlessly. (Not bad for a little white boy.) I got a skateboard the same shopping trip. “Cadillac” wheels. First year of Jr. High, 1979.

Later for Christmas someone bought me a Panasonic RQ-2735 shoebox recorder and I traded the craziest kid in school a new Frisbee and something else for a couple of Devo cassette tapes including: Satisfaction, especially Girl U Want, and also Freedom of Choice.

But the big deal was actually right around then the first time I heard Voodoo Child on the radio. (KMET Los Angeles.) I imprinted like a baby duck. I’ll never forget being stopped cold – alone in the living room – turning and looking at the stereo speaker cones – personal – like they were Aliens that had landed, and thinking to myself (at 13yo) – no saying to myself – “Are you fucking kidding me?” “I’m going to remember this for the rest of my life.”

I actually looked in the mirror and said those exact words. I had never experienced an emotion like that. Chopping down a mountain with the edge of his hand. WTF is that? I didn’t know ANYTHING about music, but I knew this fucker kicked major ass, and there was nothing on earth that came close to it.

And that remains my conviction to this very day.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

One of my childhood favorites would have to be Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s Christmas Eve. It blew my mind when I first heard and it is still my favorite christmas song today. I remember spending hours listening and waiting for it to play on the radio so I could record it. One of the best songs ever.
I guess another could be this one. Always turns me into the world’s biggest 5 year old.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Papa Don’t Preach by Madonna was my favourite song when I was a very small child. In fact it’s the first favourite song I remember having. I’m not a fan of Madonna nowadays but I still enjoy her early stuff, especially that song.

Frenchfry's avatar

Ugly bug ball. Gotta crawl Gottal crawl to the ugly bug ball to the ball to the ball. Where we will be dancing all night long at the ugly bug ball.

Berserker's avatar

This totally still does it for me. I’m not sure entirely when this show came out, but I was a fan in the late 80’s, when I was 6 or 7 or so. Not sure if it counts because it’s from a cartoon, but while I watched this regularly, I admit that I looked forward to the theme song the most of all haha.
And it stands the test of time indeed, at least in Québec. Incidentally I watched this in France, but people here know it too, and apparently, remixes and things for the theme song are still being done. (Even though I’ve no idea if this show actually still plays unless you pay 150 bucks a month for 1800 channels.) I think Americans love the English version too, but I’m just guessing at this point. Not saying it’s my favourite ever, but damn close, anyway.
I tried finding some of the remixes on Youtube but I can’t really get at any, but my roomate has a few on her PS3 anyways.

SamIAm's avatar


pretty much anything by The Beach Boys, most especially this

and of course

always loved these and always will… so many memories with dad… so many more songs, but certainly these three.

SVTSuzie's avatar

The Raspberries, “Go All the Way”.

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