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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever been attacked by an animal?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 29th, 2010

I think a grizzly attack would be terrifying, but a chimp attack would be even worse. Chimps tend to target the face and genitals….I wonder why they do that? That’s a secondary question if anyone wants to answer it. Why do chimps for for the face specifically?

I’ve never been attacked by an animal except my cats. It seems they don’t like getting their tails pulled or being used as a bowling ball on a waxed floor. Party poopers!

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69 Answers

Frenchfry's avatar

Yes. My Iguana Charlie whips me with his tail everytime I go to feed him. He has such a temper , Rather mean!

Jude's avatar

Yes, a small, furry feline hopped up on catnip. He bit my lip.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I broke up with Tim shortly after I kicked his @ss. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve been kicked by more cows then I can count, had all kinds of feral cat attacks, but I really feel for Tim.

doublebogie's avatar

Yep, my grandmother had a rooster that was mean.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I got my hand chewed up pretty good by a German shepherd/husky mix when I was about 15. I’ve been mauled by more cats than I can remember (but I did rescue for a long time.) I even have a scar in the shape of a smiling face that covers the top of my right hand from a cat that latched on and refused to let go. (Two teeth = eyes, claws=smile)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie That must have been scary.

Seek's avatar

I was shat upon by a pelican, in front of half my church congregation.

That was a lot of poop. What a crappy day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Damn pelicans!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Dutchess_III it was actually our dog. But my sister, at the time, was very young and that dog was extremely protective of her from the day she was born. I came into the house and she had been ill so she was asleep on the sofa – and I don’t know if the dog didn’t recognize me, or what, but he bit me so fast I didn’t even have a chance to think. He got my hand and my foot. I was afraid of GSD’s for a long time after that.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was attacked by a field mouse once. Apparently I got too close to it’s home and made it territorial or something??? I dunno. But it latched onto my finger, and I literally did this little dance while screaming and shook my arm and hand until he let go. Thank God I didn’t get rabies or something.

Scooby's avatar

German shepherd dog bite again here, to the left hand, swelled up like a basket ball…The bite wasn’t so bad but the infection (swelling) hurt like hell!! :-/

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t know if this counts as an attack, but I had a 1400 pound cow stand on my foot for awhile. The more I tried to push her, the more she leaned into me. Her name was Stooge.

partyparty's avatar

I was attacked by a squirrel once, when it had come into my kitchen, and I was attempting to catch it. Ow that really hurt!!

syz's avatar

Cats, dogs (especially cockers), ocelots, binturongs, kinkajous, civets, grison, cougar, lion, and tigers.

Austinlad's avatar

My own cat loves to appear from nowhere and nip at my heels as I walk up the stairs. It hurts like hell! When I turn around and tell him to stop, I swear he looks like he’s grinning at me. Otherwise, no.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Scooby they must have a tendency to be aggressive, because my cousin was a little girl when a GSD bit her face. She’s 13 now and still has a wicked scar on her cheek.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

i was like 9 years old. i was going to a pig farm. i still thought all pigs were small cute and pink. there was a fence about 5 feet tall. i climbed over to see the piglets. next thing i know the mother who was as tall as me on all fours was charging me full on. she was growling and running as fast as she could. i cleared that 5 foot tall fence like it was only five inches tall. i immediately started laughing. not because i thought it was funny. but i think it was kinda funny now.

Scooby's avatar


Mine was my fault, she was my dog & I’d just planted some seed beds out when she decided to dig them all up!! :-/
The first thing I got hold of was her tail to drag her off,, my big mistake, she swung around & bit me hard on the hand :-/
Totally my fault……. I provoked her into biting me, she was just protecting herself!! :-/ silly me.
I too have a nice scar, to remind me of my foolishness…..

ucme's avatar

No but this enormous fat cow did give me a nasty glare once. Her name was Mrs. Williams, a neighbour when I was a kid. My football had gone over her garden fence one too many times.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@daytonamisticrip Yeah, pigs can be mean. You’re lucky to be alive, honestly!

@Adirondackwannabe I had a 1400 pound horse standing on my hand….and I was underwater!!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Scooby ohh, yeah that is unfortunate. I was starting to think it was a pattern, because my attack and my cousin’s attack were both unprovoked.

Scooby's avatar


That’s really bad what happened to you both, it’s such a shame when dogs go bad!! What actually happened there then?? the circumstances of the attacks?? What became of the dogs after the attacks?? :-/

rts486's avatar

When I was four my aunt’s GSD bit my nose. There was a lot of blood but no real damage. It might have been my fault but I can’t remember everything since I was only four when it happened.

lillycoyote's avatar

I was bitten in the face by a poodle when I was seven. It wasn’t a very bad bite but it did scare me. And I used have a cat who would attack anything I was paying more attention than him; a book or newspaper I was reading, my keyboard, bills I was paying, but I was collateral damage, not the actual target so it probably doesn’t count. And when I was in college; there was a dog on a chain that extended just about to the sidewalk and every time I walk by he would take a flying leap at me and then reach the end of his chain and drop to the ground. Always scared the shit out me. I was sure one day the chain was going to break and I would find him hanging from my neck with his teeth embedded in my jugular.

DominicX's avatar

The worst I’ve been attacked is that I’ve been scratched by my cat after my dad got it all riled up. The one and only time something like that ever happened. I was very afraid of dogs at a young age, but I had never been attacked by one. Not sure where the fear came from.

Then there was that time at the zoo when I was 5 or so and we were in the leopard area and this one leopard was eyeing me and following me as I walked by like it wanted to eat me. My parents never forgot that. :P

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Scooby my dog bit me when I walked in the door. He bit me one time again after that and my parents had him put down.
My cousin was bitten by a friend’s dog. She had played with that dog many times before, but one day it just attacked her. No one was sure why. It seemed completely random to everyone that witnessed it – same thing, that dog was put down.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Does GSD stand for German Shepherd? If so, were the ones that bit you guys older dogs by any chance? Cause I have one. She is the gentlest dog you could imagine. I’ve only seen her get angry once. We were babysitting another shepherd for some friends of ours. Sherman was HUGE. A good six inches taller than Dakota. That dog could walk up to a dining room table and put his head on it. But he was kinda dumb! And he was a farm dog. We had dufus for three days. Well, the first day one of my cats came wandering in. Dakota walked over and touched her nose in greeting…and Sherman the Dufus, came unglued and went for the cat. Dakota whirled around placed herself squarely in front of the cat and she let it all hang out. Her ears were pinned back, she was snarling, every tooth showing….just like the worst mean dog scene on TV you could imagine. Sherman about kilt himself coming to a stop! He was very confused! (I could write a hilarious short story about those three days!) Anyway, Dakota sure put the fear in me too, just looking at her!

She scared me one other time. I came inside. I guess I took her by surprise because I came around the corner and she was standing there, head lowered, looking up at me very dangerously. Scared the CRAP out of me! I froze and whispered “Dakota?” She instantly relaxed and wagged her tail gently. I swear she was thinking “Oh, thank God it’s you. I just hate ripping people’s throats out!”

rts486's avatar

Yes, it was an older GSD. My aunt and uncle didn’t have any kids, so the dog wasn’t used to kids. Plus I seem to recall throwing pine cones at it. My dad said the dog barely nipped my nose, just enough to give me a good warning.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

The one that bit me was not an older dog, he was probably 3. The one that bit my cousin was a senior.

Austinlad's avatar

ooooh, I just remembered, a friend’s cat named Peekaboo turned around while I was petting her and bit through me through a nail. It still hurts when I think about it.

This didn’t happen to me, but I have another friend who lives in L.A. whose German Shepherd-wolf mix hauled off one day and bit a pizza delivery guy in the crotch. My friend and wince over that to this day.

Luffle's avatar

I was attacked on a daily basis by a dwarf hamster I helped take care of. She was always concerned about her personal space even when I was just trying to feed her. One time she bite me so hard she just dangled from my finger with her teeth and it hurt so bad, she flew across the room. I had to wear gardening gloves to feed her afterward.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have been attacked by geese, chickens and Magpies. I hate birds, and I guess the feeling is mutual.

CMaz's avatar

Does the ex wife count?

Friends dog, bees, and a goat.

Scooby's avatar


Terrible turn of events that, there’s not a lot of options available unfortunately when they decide to turn, my dog got progressively worse & I had to let her go, I contacted my local RSPCA, they arranged for me to hand her over to a guy that trained down ex police & military dogs, so they can be found new homes within the general public, I found out later that she had been snapped up by a retired officer who wanted a dog for his farm, primarily as the family guard dog :-/
I just hope she behaved herself with her new family :-/
she was about four years old when she left me so had plenty of potential…

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was one of the longest sentences I’ve ever seen!

How could someone with children adopt a dog that they know bites? I hate that mindset, that the only good guard dogs are viscous ones. ANY dog will protect their family, not just viscous ones. The guy who bought Dakota originally spent a year trying to train her to be a mean, viscous guard dog for his small business. Dakota has too much intelligence and class for that crap, so the guy gave us to her, proclaiming that she was worthless….

daytonamisticrip's avatar

i just remembered. about six months ago i was at my uncles. he has a big 100 lb. dog named Rocco. i was sleeping in the guest room. Rocco came in. I ignored him because i was tired. he walked over to me and put his paw on my neck lightly. i tried to push him of. the more i tried the more pressure he put. eventually he had me pinned down and full weight on my neck. i couldn’t breath. i felt like i was going to pass out. i started seeing black. just as i was l almost unconscious he let up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow @daytonamisticrip! Scary! (Was it a Rot?)

daytonamisticrip's avatar

what is up with animal misconceptions. i won’t say what breed it was but it was one of the “nicest” most respected breeds. and one of the most common.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

i just read the details. chips go after the face and eyes so you cant see. and therefore cant fight back. and the genitals because their smart and knows where it hurts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I ask only because “Rocco” seems like a name one would give a Rottweiler, is all. I didn’t have any assumption in mind when I asked, just curiosity.

shego's avatar

When I was little, I was on vacation with my parents in California. We were at a beach, and I was eating some french fries. Then a dumb seagull kept trying to steal my fries and I managed to hit it, then it attacked me. It started pecking (or whatever those damn birds do) me and then it started slapping me with it’s wings. It was very painful. My dad was able to knock it out but He got in trouble for hurting it.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

his name is Rocco because he is hard and tough as a rock. i still love him

Ivan's avatar

A dog or two, nothing serious.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Ivan Well, and a wisdmr or two! But we recovered! Nothing a few stitches and some beer couldn’t handle. :)

@daytonamisticrip Well, if he’s a good dog who just made a dog mistake that he didn’t even know he was making, then of course you still love him! My shepherd has caused me to trip several times like, by standing up as I was stepping over her. I don’t hate her for that.

Flowergurl's avatar

I was attacked by a retired police-trained male German Shepherd a few years ago. Thank goodness I had a leather jacket on because he totally ripped the side of my jacket. I wasn’t hurt but just bruised badly. Then I made the stupid mistake a few days later of watching the movie Cujo. Duh!

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Rocco is a very smart dog, i think he knew what he was doing. he was angry i didn’t pat him

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Yep, by a barracuda. A word of advice; don’t wear shiny things whilst scuba diving.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

I’ve been attacked by dog and a horse.When I was a kid, I had a pony and where we boarded the horses, they had a stud horse that chased me down while I was running from him on the poor pony. Bit the hell out of me on the hip. He was a mean horse.

mattbrowne's avatar

A dog bit me when I was 15.

I turned into a cat person.

Scooby's avatar


Maybe you were sleeping in his bed! ? :-/

daytonamisticrip's avatar

the world may never know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@mattbrowne That kind of sounds like a twist on a vampire movie! A dog bites you and turns you into a cat person!

Aster's avatar

We had a cat who bit me when I tried to pet her. Really warmed me up to her. And she always walked on the countertops and kitchen table.
Dreadful cat.

SVTSuzie's avatar

Yes. I went to Florida to model. I was to start a job and the night before my neighbors dog jumped the fence and bit my face off. I got 78 stitches. It ruined my credit. It ruined my modeling career. I did not get a dime from it. I had nobody to help me. The people were renting a house that was owned by a man who owned half the state of Florida so no lawyers would take the case. I was in Florida unable to go in the water or the sun. I am scared and homeless.

SVTSuzie's avatar

But I’m not afraid of dogs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SVTSuzie Is your avatar a pic from after the attack? You can’t tell it….

SVTSuzie's avatar

After. The doctor did a good job. Wish I could of paid him.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

@SVTSuzie Your doc apparently did an excellent job. :) I think I would have a hatred for dogs though after that.

NaturallyMe's avatar

Other than ants? No.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

At work, another lender and I were visiting a farm and a goat went after the other guy. Reared up on his back legs and charged. Everyone thought it was funny but him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Once upon a time I had a horse. My horse was in the paddock, and someone was leading a yearling about on a halter. The yearling started acting up, bucking and kicking wildly. I quickly ducked between two planks of one of the horse stalls to get out of the way…and damn near put my braces through my bottom lip. Ouch. But that wasn’t the horse’s fault.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III Ouch. Horses are one of the most dangerous animals because they’re so quick.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Dutchess_III They don’t attack me, they love me. Mostly because i stay in my car with the windows roled up when i see one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Mostly” @NaturallyMe? Except for that one time? Which is why you only have one hand now and lost your SPELL CHECK!!!

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Dutchess_III LEAVE MY i’s ALONE!!!! They’re happy being that way. :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

Poke you in da i’s with a red hot poker!!

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