Am I the only person who doesn't see what is the big deal about Chelsea Clintons wedding?
Asked by
Pandora (
July 29th, 2010
Every time I turn on the tv or read the news, someone is making a big deal about this wedding. I really don’t see it. The Clintons are not royalty. And even if they were. I simply don’t care. Yes, we all saw Chelsea grow up and I wish her the best but I don’t personally know her.
So am I alone in this? Is the media simply trying to stuff crap down our throats and pretend that we all care about this fluff stuff? Or are there actually people who think this is just too awesome?
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26 Answers
i don’t even know who that is
No, it isn’t just you. It’s stupid.
@chya. Yeah, you would think with oil leaks and wars against terrorist that they should be busy.
Thanks by the way. now that I’ve heard about it with my luck i won’t here the end of it
Didn’t even know she was getting married.
again thanks a lot. i probably won’t here the end of it for another 5 years. then I’ll feel like somethings missing.
I think it’s more news fluff & filler. The general audience has grown a bit weary of war & oil stories. Unless there is dramatic change in both of those stories, it’s always the same. People are still dying & the ocean is still fuc*ed up. To add this piece of (wedding) news is not to say that the others are less important, they are just trying to give a bit of variety so we don’t get too jaded (although, I think we are passed that point) of everything else. I am betting that the news channels have been praying for a different story to air each night. There are only so many ways you can say the war is still happening & the oil is still in the water. I haven’t watched the news lately, so I have never heard of this wedding story until now. But give the news folk a break. They are only airing the material they are given. If you don’t like it, tune out. There is always the internet if you need your war/oil news fix.
And right behind the Chelsea Clinton news is the rants and raves of Mel Gibson. I’m so sick of it all.
@chyna Yea, I recently heard his name on TV during some late show opening monologue, do I even want to know what he did this time?
And enough with Mel Gibson.
Of course it’s not an awesome event – no more or less than a wedding staged by any proud parents. But it’s a legitimate media event because the Clintons, love them or not, have been in the public eye and contributed to this country for many years. Papa Clinton, when he wasn’t being a naughty boy, was a pretty good president, a whole lot better than his successor, and has done much good post-presidency work. Mama Clinton was a successful, scandal-free Senator and is currently the Secretary of State, major positions in the U.S. government. Chelsea grew up before our very eyes – from a rather homely little girl into a poised young woman who never went to jail like Lindsay for repeatedly failing to attend the alcohol education program or bored us to tears with her non-acting abilities like Snooki. In fact, Google Chelsea Clinton and see everything she’s accomplished since childhood.
@rpmpseudonym I’m sure he was just being an ass.
I do realize the news caster are not responsible for the crap that airs. But the producers are responsible. I rather hear about random fluff that happens daily than the same fluff over and over. Theres a point where you can milk the cow to death and they are there.
Actually I like to listen to the news in the morning and evening to keep up with current events. Sometimes I have no choice but to stay tuned on the same channel or I might miss something coming up next that I wanted to hear.
When the news has nothing new to offer I skip it all together.
True that tragic events repeated can be boring. But I would like to know more about the oil leak and less about Chelsea. Her wedding isn’t going to affect me in any way except bore me. As for the oil leak it does affect our economy and so I like to know what is being done.
Does anyone still hear about Tiger Woods a lot.
@daytonamisticrip Why oh WHY did you have to mention his name? I was just getting used to not hearing that name. :)
@daytonamisticrip Tiger whoooo! ;)
Good point, there will be an end to this.
@Austinlad I don’t begrudge her a nice lavish wedding either. I’m just tired of hearing about it. Heck I don’t even blame the girl. She probably would’ve been happy with a quiet ceremony with friends and family and not the whole world. I just think the media is being obnoxious about it.
that’s what y’all get for condemning me to 5 years hard listening about Chelsea Clinton
@Pandora, I agree—I don’t want to hear any more about it, either. And guess what? I stopped paying attention a while back. ;-)
I live in the Hudson Valley and it’s a big deal locally for the town the wedding will be in. they say it’s a 3 million dollar wedding, $600,000 on security alone. so for the local economy and tourism it’s a big deal.
i understand that as far as the country and world go, it’s not a big deal. i guess part of it is that people love weddings, speculating about dresses and stuff like that. it sells magazines.
@jjmah, you are SO right about Mel Gibson. I hate myself for even mentioning his name again in this thread.
I’d rather hear a lot more about the oil spill. I want to hear Obama speak and answer questions by the media. The wedding thing is ok; it’s a way of trying to take our collective minds off of the disaster that’s here and getting much worse very soon.
No you are not!! That is so funny! I couldn’t care less about anybodies wedding or anything else for that matter!
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