Has anyone had a weird dream?
I’m a dream enthuses and would love to here about your weirdest scariest and down right most messed up dreams. I can even tell you what i think they mean. by the way the only way i typically read answers is if it’s either short or if it’s interesting.
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44 Answers
I recently had a very strange dream. One of my dogs became ill, fell down with seizures, then his chest ripped open and his guts spilled out. It looked much like a scene from Alien. It was very disturbing, and I never have dreams like this.
I think I know why I had this dream, but I’d love to hear what you think.
i think the movie you watched, that scene from Alien. stuck in your mind and thoughts and you re imagined it with your dog.
or subconsciously you were scared it would happen to your dog.
@daytonamisticrip It’s been 10 years since I’ve seen the film, but good guess.
I may lose my house soon, and I’m worried we may have to give our dogs away if we can’t find a rental that accepts pets. I really don’t want to lose my dogs. I’m guessing that’s why I had this dream.
see now, you have to give me all the details for me to make a guess near the bulls eye
Where’s the fun in that? ;)
My dreams are usually too extravagant to take very seriously. They are usually narrative. I love the epics, but sometimes things get dark and sterile. The only problem with my dreams telling often seemingly long stories, is that I get immersed in worlds that don’t make much sense and I have to spend a few minutes reconnecting with reality after I wake up.
I dreamed I was being chased by zombies near the White House recently. That should qualify.
I have several constantly recurring dreams. In one, I come home and remember with horror that I’ve forgotten to feed my pet cat for years. In another, I’m rummaging in a mailbox I’d long forgotten, pulling out letter after letter, bill after bill. I also dream a lot about the house I grew up in when I went to elementary school and junior high. and also the newspaper in NY where I started my career. These last two are very pleasant. In these dreams, I know I’m not supposed to be there, but I just go with the flow.
I’ve also had many dreams when I was either in a storm that I knew would produce a tornado, or waiting for a nuclear attack.
zophu I’m guessing that you find yourself in a dark world. I’m guessing you’ve had a hard time in your life. but you see the light. it disappears. it reappears and it’s gone again. you are very confused but not really scared.
Holy crap, my wife just told me her weird dream. She said she there were a bunch of small people walking around and she ate a one. It was salty, crunchy, tart, and chalky. Creepy, huh?
cockswain you worry a lot about government and whats coming of it. your worried its being ruined. and you fear something bad is going to happen. also to many zombie movies
Austinlad you have severe paranoia. you constantly worry your not a responsible owner
cockswain i think your wife wants to try human meat or is a cannibal
I have had a recurrent dream where I am being stabbed in my chest. I don’t know who is stabbing me, just seeing the knife entering my chest. Like @jonsblond, I think I know the interpretation. Anyone want to guess?
well that leaves three theory’s of mine
1. she’s lying
2.she thinks little people are less important
3.she has a creepy mind
chyna i doubt my answer, taking a shot in the dark. you’ve had bad experiences with knives
She denies all charges, and doesn’t really like you now. Plus, she’d like to point out the dream happened when she was a child, but it was very vivid and stuck with her all these years.
@daytonamisticrip No, no bad experience with knives. I lost my job 3 months ago, so I’m worried about losing everything. I think it means I am losing everything close to my heart.
cockswain see now, i say again give me all the details. now I’m thinking she was bullied or picked on at school and metaphorically wanted to bite their heads of. and possibly to this day hates kids.
She said she loves kids, but was bullied by adults a lot when she was a child. The small people were adult small people. The plot thickens…maybe you can get back in her good graces.
chyna i don’t think it’s because your worried about losing your stuff. i think it came as shock to you that you lost your job. you were working one day and fired the next. it felt like they just came around and stabbed you.
well either way metaphorically she wanted to bite their head of.
i bet my weird dreams top all of yours
well me and mom were in my friends house kitchen. an angel appeared. there was lightning. my mom was zapped. i ran to the angel and pleaded for it to stop. she took out a tazer looking thing and zapped me. i was then in what appeared to be a classroom. there was a chalk board with questions like did you try to escape death. i saw the angel again picking up my friends’ cats and tazering them
One of the very few things I may never tell anyone is a reoccurring dream I had when I was younger. It’s something I often forget even existed because it’s like it was an entirely different world. I remember feeling like it was the most spiritual thing in my life for years. The reason I don’t want to tell anyone what I remember about it is that I don’t want to bring my sketchy memory to be its identity. It shaped my mind a great deal, I know it.
Anyone feel like this about some of their dreams?
Mine was, I was shot out of a swimming pool at night. Shot into the sky like a rocket. The feeling was great (coolish wind on my wet body (I really don’t think that this was a sex dream)). Next thing, I’m up in space in a tiny round spaceship with see-through glass all around. The spaceship was similar to Mork’s (Mork and Mindy) and I was spinning.
I had that dream when I was 12. Still remember it.
This dream has stayed with me for years because it was so strange. I was newly married at the time.
My husband had left me. I got a new boyfriend that was a little person that rode in a wheelchair. My new boyfriend and I went to eat lunch and my husband was there. He was smoking a big cigar, which was really out of the ordinary. I left the little person’s wheelchair outside the door of the restaurant and carried him in. We sat in a booth and I finally went up to the bar where my husband was and begged him to take me back. He did. So I ditched the little person and went with my husband. which I always thought was mean, because I’d left his wheelchair outside
I know why my husband was smoking the cigar. This dream took place around the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and there was so much talk about Bill Clinton and cigars. I think I dreamed he left me because I was newly married and insecure for some reason. I’ll never now how the little person in the wheelchair figures in though.
On average, I remember the most dreams where I am trying to get something but I cant: I’m trying to catch someone, I’m trying to have sex with a woman but I can’t or fail, I try to escape from somewhere but I can’t find the exit etc.
My dreams usually involve me being chased in some way. One involved me being forced to repel down a giant tree and I was pleading with the person crying “I love taffy!” like it would save my life or something. The last one I remember having was me in a castle with two towers and it was really really dark. It seemed like there was some kind of black magic thing I was trying to undo with an altar. I left that place and it almost immediately turned into a suburb and I had to hide from the neighbors or they would get me. Crap, I’m really weird. :)
No, all of my dreams are of me sitting at a table, reading a text book.
I rarely remember any dreams but when I do, wow are they freaky. Random bullshit with no discernible beginning middle or end. A snap example, a giraffe named Brian bouncing on a yellow trampoline made from goose feathers had a conversation with me in the bank about the virtues of swimming breaststroke…...yeah, told you!!!
jjmah i think you just really want to go to space
@daytonamisticrip not really. =) The feeling that I got from my dream was freedom. At the time, I felt trapped. In my dream, that was my little “escape”.
i once heard that in a dream you think it’s real until you wake up. meaning if someone held a gun to your head in a dream the way you react in the dream is the way you would react in real life.
Constantly and they’re re-occurring.
I had a dream the other night I was in someones garage frantically cleaning blood off the walls and floor. Blood i know was there because of me, and I only just finished cleaning it before an SUV pulled into it.
BUT, i have a re-occuring dream from age 8 where Freddy Krueger is chasing me and a buncha other kids around a mirror maze.. but he has a gun and looks really weird tryin to hold it with scissor fingers.
I had a dream there was a really fat dude in my yard. He was blowing bubbles at me and i was trying to dodge them. Eventually one hit me. Next thing i knew i was trapped in a giant bubble floating above a pink city. No matter how hard i tried i couldn’t escape.
Okay, so I once had this dream that there was this circle on the wall. It shone bright white, and then started flashing to different colors. Then it turned blood red and started blinking furiously. I then woke up, for some reason I was wearing my black hoodie with the hood over my head, I was knelt beside the bed with my hands in my lap, and I had my head on the bed. I also had the dream again, exepet it stopped on dark blue, and I woke up under my window. both the times it was 2:00 am
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