Social Question

neilscrootus's avatar

Has anyone successfully removed fluoride from their municipal water supply?

Asked by neilscrootus (7points) July 30th, 2010

Fluoride is a known toxic poison
used by IG Farben Company to sedate/sterilize Nazi camp prisoners
no benefits for teeth
increase bone cancer by 500%

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17 Answers

mattbrowne's avatar

It depends on dosage. Exaggerated anxiety about it will cause greater harm. A 1994 World Health Organization expert committee suggested a level of fluoride from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L (milligrams per liter), depending on climate.

Some domestic water filters remove some or all fluoride.

Lightlyseared's avatar

There is a mass of evidence that fluoride prevents teeth cavaties. The CDC describe fluorination of water as “one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century”.

OK so you don’t want fluoride in your water, that’s fair enough but if you want to convince other people then you need to come up with a better argument than the Nazi’s used it. The Nazi’s also invented the autobahn, do you think that’s a good reason to rip up every freeway in America?

Also anything is toxic if you have too much of it. Too much water will kill you so by your argument you shouldn’t be drinkning water in the first place.

ragingloli's avatar

The Nazis were also the first to link smoking with lung cancer. I guess we should all start to smoke like chimneys because the Nazis said smoking is bad for your health, yes?

tedd's avatar

My grandfather was a dentist and practiced both before and after the use of fluoride in drinking water. He will go on and on and on about how much better peoples teeth became after they added fluoride.

Furthermore, if you don’t like fluoride you should probably stop brushing your teeth since almost all tooth paste uses it.

And as brought up, the NAZIS were responsible for a lot of things we do today. The vast majority of our knowledge about the human body came from NAZI experiments. Did you ever wonder how we know how long the average human (both male and female) can hold their breath? Or how we know how many volts the human body can withstand? Or how about how we know the tensile strength of muscle tissue? Many surgeries that are performed today (especially transplants) were first crudely carried about by nazi surgeons and their notes would lead to what we have today.

As stated by the first responder though, if you’re that hell bent on removing it…. your best bet would be to find a filter system that takes it out….. or to get a well.

LuckyGuy's avatar

30 years ago, before fluoridated toothpaste,.in our rural town you could tell which kids had city water and which ones had well water. Same schools, same hygiene program, same foods, same town dentist. The city water kids had the best teeth.

Water is known to kill people, too. But we still bathe in it and drink it.

CMaz's avatar

My home water filtration system removes it.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Google Stanley Mayer. he built the first car that ran on water.

RocketGuy's avatar

You need a reverse osmosis system to remove fluoride from your drinking water.

My dentist used to find cavities on every visit. Date with Mr. Drill every 6 months, until he got me to use toothpaste with extra fluoride. 35 years later I am still alive. Must not be too poisonous. My kids have had 0 cavities so far. Still alive too.

CMaz's avatar

And I have driven car for almost 30 years. I am still alive.
I’m one of the lucky ones.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Fluoride is good for your teeth but i dont trust it or the government. at like 3 am a couple years ago i saw people in a large bulky van set up cameras everywhere.

RocketGuy's avatar

@daytonamisticrip – cameras were for the ET that your kids brought home. Check their closets.

ben's avatar

Yes, a number of municipalities have successfully removed fluoride from their drinking supply (including Portland, and many other big ones).

If you’re interested in becoming active in your area, there’s an excellent organization called Fluoride Action Network which aims to help people organize and get fluoride out of the tap water.

And to everyone who thinks fluoride is great for your teeth, there is considerable evidence saying the main benefits are only when it’s applied topically, not consumed. Sunscreen may be good for your skin, but I don’t want it, or anything, added to my drinking water.

I think this video sums it up quite well.

tedd's avatar

@ben When you drink water it topically touches your teeth, and the levels are so minuscule they do not harm you otherwise. Do you think you don’t swallow any fluoride every time you brush your teeth (which btw the levels in tooth paste are far greater than in water)? Fluoridation of our tap water is one of the biggest health breakthroughs in human history. And I have dentists who agree with me.

Activism to get it removed is activism by ignorant people.

ben's avatar

@tedd The amount the touches your teeth is quite small (probably so it doesn’t help with cavities anyway), but you don’t swallow toothpaste. And you have the choice to buy it without fluoride (as is recommended for kids). But everyone drinks and cooks with water—so why should we all be forced into drinking all this fluoride when there’s literally no benefit (and possibly real harm) that can come from having it our bodes?

Yes, you do probably ingest some fluoride when you brush your teeth. And for most people (especially adults), the fluoride they’re ingest through tooth paste and tap water may not cause any huge problem. But especially for young children, it could. That’s why even the ADA now recommends infants under 12 months don’t ingest fluoridated tap water. More here. If the dentists are saying that babies shouldn’t drink regular tap water, I think it’s clear we have a problem. 30% of kids now have fluorosis, which is an effect of overexposure to fluoride. We don’t yet know how serious other effects of this could be.

And there’s are thousands of esteemed dentists, scientists, and nobel laureates who’ve signed on opposing water fluoridation.

This is what always convinces me. European countries studied the effects of water fluoridation pretty extensively over the last few decades. They looked at unbiased data and ran new studies. And almost every single one decided not to fluoridate. As a result they don’t have any more cavities than we do. It turns out, all these cavities we’re getting all from the insane amount of sugar we eat, but that’s another story.

Also, I’d be a little more careful to toss out the word “ignorant”, especially if you haven’t been looking at the data and studies yourself.

RocketGuy's avatar

Hmm… The real ADA site says otherwise:

ben's avatar

@RocketGuy Are you talking about my point regarding infants and the ADA? See:

But, clearly, since ADA has been a champion of fluoridation, it’s no surprise that they say otherwise.

The paper (hosted on ADA) makes it clear that there is not a consensus about fluoride, so we certainly shouldn’t be forcing it on everyone.

RocketGuy's avatar

Well, babies shouldn’t be given a lot of things due to their lack of development, including:


Honey and milk:

many over-the-counter medications:

So just because something is bad for babies doesn’t mean it’s bad for adults.

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