Would you ever consider legally changing your name (for reasons other than marriage/divorce)?
Asked by
downtide (
July 30th, 2010
I have legally and officially changed my name today. As a transsexual person, I’ve got rid of my original female name and adopted a male one. Over the year or two in which I was debating and deciding on what my new name would be, it occurred to me that changing one’s name is an almost spiritual thing, like a rite of passage, because you can choose something that is truly meaningful and significant. I’ve wondered why more people don’t do it, even when their name is something they don’t like. Would you ever consider changing your own name?
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25 Answers
I like my name and have no interest in changing it.
I just wanted to say, though, congrats on the new name!
Nope. Because I am the Chazziest and the Mazziest!
Yes. Dull as dishwater, it is, aside from me not wanting anymore association with the clan it came from. I am changing it for as soon as I can learn how to go about it.
@jjmah Thanks!
@aprilsimnel do you live in the UK? If you do, it’s dead easy to do with a deed poll.
I have no reason to. If there were a good reason, perhaps.
@downtide Congrats!!! I know that’s a very big deal. I changed my name for the same reason.
I have considered legally changing my name to one that I feel suits who I really am. Someday I may do it. You are right- it is spiritual. We are not given a choice and our names are bestowed upon us at birth. It seems to me that when we hid adulthood we should be allowed to decide upon our real name.
Congratulations Downtide. It must feel pretty good.
No,but for the longest time,I thought it was “Dammit” ;)
When I was in first grade I wanted to because all the kids suddenly realized that “Piper” rhymed with “diaper”. :P
Now I just like my name because it’s unique. :)
In California is it legal to use any name we want. I actually have three legal names, my given name, my business name, and my Choctaw name.
@YARNLADY It is legal to do that here in the UK too but in practise, businesses and banks and so on insist on seeing a legal document. Fortunately it’s very cheap and easy to arrange.
@downtide: Congrats on the official change! I can’t wait until I can do the same.
@Piper: haha. Yeah. That’s why I hated kids when I was one.
@downtide, no, the US. :/ Not too easy here, I’m afraid.
Congratulations!! Do you mind telling what name you chose? :) I think I love namechanging, because then you find out what name the person sees themselves as.
I would love to change my name, as I’m not a huge fan of the one I have. Thankfully, though, Margaret has a lot of nicknames, so I kind of have a choice in what my name is, and I’ve gone through three of the nicknames already. ^_~
Congratulations – this is a day to celebrate! I am changing my name as well in the coming months.
@CherrySempai I’m not going to reveal my full legal name publically online but I can tell you how I derived it. My new surname is simply my original surname at birth. My first name is the male version of my original middle name. My new middle name is a traditional name in my paternal family, although it’s more commonly a surname in this country.
Also I specifically chose a name for my daughter that had lots of variations, so she could choose one when she got older. She ended up picking one I’d not even thought of.
@aprilsimnel I thought you might be British, because of the Union Jack in your avatar.
@downtide : said in a deep tone while pounding the upper chest Ho’omaikai! (That’s congratulations in Hawaiian.)
I am actually quite fond of my own name, so no, I don’t think I’d ever change it.
@hawaii_jake Thanks! (For teaching me a new word, as well as for the congratulations).
I’d do it. I’ve only met so many Meagans. I especially hate the way it sounds. May-gan. Not to mention “Meg”. I LOATHE Meg.
Congrats on your new name!
I hated my name when I was in school, because every third person seemed to have the same one. I tried to get a nickname to stick and failed. Tried to spell it differently, and that didn’t catch on either. :/
If I still hated it today I’d change it, but I’ve come to accept it.
I’m a huge Anglophile (Britannophile? I’m interested in the whole of the British Isles, really), @downtide. Huge.
Yes I have. I have considered dropping my first name. Still considering it.
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