Former East Germans: in what ways has your daily life changed since the fall of the Berlin wall?
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I learned what happened to Germans in the former West Germany when I visited the now-united country. In order to equalize the economy, West Germans lost significantly with , among other things, their retirement benefits which were drastically lowered to support the retirement benefits of the former East Germans. West Germans found that they suddenly had to work many more years before retiring and then receive lower benefits.
At the fall of the wall in 89, I remember thinking – Oh no, they think that they (East Germans) are coming over to something better! I suspect that it was a rude and disappointing awakening for the majority. The Capitalistic compliant types will have done well though, no doubt.
Thanks for the answers guys. I can’t believe it never occurred to me to ask a similar question the various times I’ve met Germans in person.
Top East German talent was quickly hired by West German companies.
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