I think it all comes down to compassion.
The way of the world has always included atrocities that confound the more loving amongst us.
But…to understand that all ‘evil’ is perpetrated by the walking wounded, that they are simply products of there own disconnect, pain, troubled soul and perhaps, mentally ill as well, helps to cloak the monster as something to pity not hate.
Also..( and this is a whole new can of worms ) IF there is such a thing as reincarnation, who are we to say that what we deem atrocious human behavior might not be but a spin on the karmic wheel for both the perpetrators AND the ‘victims’ ?
Perhaps the less evolved returning soul MUST experence more darkness and pain to ascend appropriately, and perhaps the victims willingly choose to be the the sacrificial lambs for anothers spiritual evolution.
In many ways this is the premise for trusting that everything is indeed, ‘perfect’, when all other explainations of mind fail to give us a satisfying answer that ego can latch onto to explain the inexplicable.
I dunno..but, more food for thought. :-)
I think this is where the concept of free will comes into play…the usual dichotomies…do we CHOOSE our behaviors, actions, thoughts and deeds, or are they predestined?
If one goes with the non-dual approach then no, it’s already a done deal, beyond our comprehension maybe, but..who’s to say that this orchestra of life is not already a play that has a pre-determined script?
Of course this line of thought is abhorrent to ego, which wants to beleve it is the master of it’s own destiny. lol
If you really wish to boggle your mind study Adviata Vendanta and other non-dual schools of thought
Talk about a mind fuck! haha
Totally shreds the ‘rational’ mind, but quite a liberating concept as well. ;-)