Haha, thanks so much everyone! :)
@deni Yeah, I’ve recently felt the same way about my hair! I used to HATE my curls, but now I love them (despite puberty making them all frizzy…) I still use a flatiron on my bangs, though =]
@Paxan8 Well, I was surprised when I found out that I already follow most of your tips! I can’t remember the last time I blowdryed because my hair is dry the second I turn the water off xD (actually I did try a diffuser once after seeing a youtube video this year), I wash every 3 days, I use a leave in conditioner when I don’t wash, I NEVER brush my hair (yet I have around 10 brushes/combs in my bathroom) because it’s absolute murder to the curls, and I do love my curls. :) I do know one product that might work for you, too (I’m not sure what’s in it!) but it’s called Curlz Rock and it’s part of the CatWalk line. I know you only trust Ouidad, but you should give this a shot =]! Just put it on after a shower (but don’t run your fingers through your hair or crunch it!) and it keeps curls non-frizzy all day! However, it doesn’t make your hair soft. =[ I will most definitely be buying Ouidad soon! I can’t take your layering tip, though, as you can see my hair isn’t that long, and layering is the worst thing I could do to it. =(
@Ludy Oh gosh, I’m jealous, too! I think my hair is just too curly, and the CHI shampoo and conditioner I have just killed it. You’re lucky you have shiny hair, I can’t even imagine. ^.^
@knitfroggy Oh my gosh, I love Curlz Rock!! It’s the only gel that actually works on my hair. =]
@janedelila Oh wow, I’ll have to try that! Thank you so much! :)
@Frenchfry I have tried those. =] I’ve been through 3 before I finally bought a CHI, and that’s the only one that works on my hair. . But I’m looking to find ways to treat my curly hair and refrain from straightening it! :) Thanks, though!
Thanks again, everyone!! I’ve got a lot of new things to try. ^_^