My sister has faced similar decisions with one of her children. They knew when they adopted her that she had several physical problems which might require surgery.
The club foot was a no-brainer and that was done when she was about 18 mos. old. As a matter of fact when they had family pictures done a few months later the photographer suggested covering up the cast and my sister refused. She said simply “This is a part of her life experience and we aren’t going to pretend it away”
However, she also has a condition termed as “carp mouth” which really sounds horrid but doesn’t look awful in any way.It means that the arch of the roof of her mouth is extremely high and pronounced.
This could also potentially give her problems with her teeth and with her bite as she gets older. However, my sister feels strongly that they’ll wait till she is in her teens until she can be involved in the decision herself and let her take the lead.
If it were my child with a big ear problem, I would tend to wait and see how things develop and if it becomes a problem FOR HIM then something could be done at any time.
If you do it now, there really isn’t an effective way to keep it a secret from him even tho he may not remember much about it. You really won’t be able to predict or control how he will feel about it positive or nagative. Your intentions are obviously loving and caring but that doesn’t mean that he will perceive it that way.
Of course you would be doing it hoping to spare him some misery from teasing, but never having experienced being teased about his ears, he may well see it from a different perspective. He might view it as a rejection of him as not being ok but as needing “fixing”.
If you wait till he’s older, at least he will be a part of the decision making process. Ear pinning surgery can be done at any point in a persons life so it’s not really that critical at a young age.
It’s not as if it interferes with any normal functioning or growth, so there really isn’t much of a downside that I can see.
The other advantage to waiting is that it allows him to have some conversations with the other members of the family who also have big ears. After hearing of their experiences and viewpoints, he would be in a much better position to make an informed decision. He may end up deciding that it just isn’t a big enough deal to go through surgery over. Or he may be sick of the teasing and feel that a little surgery is a small price to pay.
But the main point is that it is his body, and shouldn’t he be allowed have input when he’s older on what is basically a non critical issue?
ANY surgery, no matter how minor, carries risks. Percentage wise they are few, but pause to think about how you would feel if he ended up being one of those few. Over something cosmetic and non urgent?
I’m really not trying to scare you but just being totally realistic here.
What harm would there be to wait till he is older?