“Giving away the cat” is so casually proposed all the time it amazes me.
This will only help if the person involved is IN FACT, ALLERGIC TO CATS.
That can only be determined definitively by specific allergy testing. To assume that someone’s allergy symptoms are caused by a cat is ridiculous.
I’ve had tons of problems with my nose, ears and sinuses all of my life. And no small wonder. Allergy testing pointed to molds, dust, and dust mites. All of which are a lot more inescapable than cats. I came up totally negative for cats.
Obviously this person is unlikely to have been properly tested by an Allergist because that Dr. would have certainly given him some remedies for congestion, prescription or otherwise. There is no way to know that getting rid of a cat would do anything of benefit at all and it most certainly not benefit the cat at all.
And it’s for damn sure that if an adult cat ends up being consigned to a shelter, his chances of living are in the range of slim to none.
Even if someone does test allergic to cats, there are NUMEROUS things that can be done to mitigate it the effect.
Not allowing the cat in the bedroom is a start. And taking a damp washcloth all over it’s fur on a weekly or even daily basis can eliminate most of the problem for some people.
Killing the cat (without even allergy testing) is NOT the first resort remedy for allergy treatment.
The quaint myth that Fluffy will find a home with a lovely family just eagerly waiting for her is precisely that.
Chances are in the high ninety percent that family is looking for a kitten.
So at least be intellectually honest enough to acknowledge
that getting rid of the cat to a shelter is most likely signing its death warrant.
Perhaps that will prompt a more creative solution to sinus congestion than the knee-jerk response to get rid of the cat as the all purpose solution to a multi-faceted problem.