Men, when you see an attractive women do you automatically think of sex?
Are all guys really like that? I see attractive men and think how cute they are but I don’t think about wanting to have sex with them at all. I don’t really get like that unless my feelings are emotionally invested on them and I care about them.
I’m honestly hoping some guys would say it depends. Like if a girl is dressed sexy and revealing then yes you think of sex (duh lol) but if a girl is pretty and is conservative then you don’t automatically think “I want to bang her!!” haha.
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44 Answers
Of course not. If she’s dressed conservatively, we think “mmm… wonder what she looks like naked…” ~
I often consider it, but no more than I consider what it would be like to have a conversation or go on a walk with her. A whole range of activities I could pursue occurs to me in the moment when I see any stranger.
@bob_ Too funny. And quite true.
If a girl is dressed provocatively, and she’s acting in a sexy manner, then yes, I do think of sex. It’s almost second nature. But if a pretty girl is dressed conservatively and acts conservatively, then that’s not my first thought. However, my mind “can” wander and be creative sometimes. Er, actually most times. Lol.
At that precise moment I am on auto pilot. My dick takes overall control guiding my every move for better or worse.
Like fine wine and cheese, a lot depends upon the packaging and presentation.
If she’s pretty and dresses conservatively, then I think more like “Damn, I want to hold her hand and listen to Joy Division with her in the dark”. Sex is the last thing on my mind if I genuinely like her (meaning that I like her presence and personality rather than her tits and ass)
@chelle21689 My thinking tends to be more like yours. I can appreciate beauty without fantasizing about sex.
I think it depends on context as well as how she’s dressed. In a bar or club, yes. At work, not so much.
Not automatically, no. There are a lot of factors at play, as others have stated. How is she dressed? How does she carry herself? What is her general demeanor? What type of setting are we in? What sort of mental state am I in? The list goes on. Sure, sometimes it happens that way, but not always. I don’t think the average male mind is as shallow and perverse as they are often portrayed to be. At least I know mine isn’t.
It’s not that simple. Most men as far as I know will instinctively feel some love and lust for women they find attractive, but this instinct becomes less general over time. I’m nineteen now and that feeling is only evoked by maybe 20% of women I find physically pleasing. Where at the start of puberty that percentage quickly approaches 100 for most guys, again as far as I know.
That’s about as far as you can carry that generalisation. Because the thoughts that follow that feeling differ from man to man based on morality, life experience and loads of other stuff. That feeling I described might also explain “was she hot?”.
Yeah, I thought so. Depends on the atmosphere, what they’re wearing, their attitude towards you, etc.
I just had to intercept this thread…as a woman in her prime, I still think of sex when I see an attractive man, but…more often now I just think..” Oh, men are so handy, wish I could ask him to put up my fallen rain gutter. ” lololol
Yes, I think, “This woman wouldn’t have sex with me on bet!”
@Austinlad My thinking sometimes goes that way also.
@Coloma Hear, hear!
“My, handsome. You sure are tall! Can you get that can of black beans off the top shelf? Thanks a lot, sugar!”
I dunno Austin..that wise mans beard kinda turns me on, maybe just trim it up a little. lol
I think a toga and a staff and maybe a few lightening bolts might just do me in. hahaha
Ya know, @Coloma, you may have something there. Fortunately, I’m not quite as old and grizzled as my avatar, so maybe there’s hope.
Well since I’m still young I don’t always think that. I mean when I see a gorgeous girl I think “wow I’ll never get someone like her…” Or I sometimes things differ when I’m horny at the time. Can’t say I think about sex when I see an attractive girl.
@Coloma omg; here we go. What if he’s 40 with a flannel plaid shirt, gorgeous teeth, snug jeans and nice biceps? Or 45 with an oxford shirt, alligator belt , blue eyes, nice slacks and big, fat watch? gasp
Still think of rain gutters??
It all comes down to good or bad “vibes” I get from any girl. Physical attraction is not really about looks, beauty or a “perfect body” when it comes to me. There is an inner beauty that shows itself physically (at least to me) when a woman is down-to-earth, decent and not overconfident. Sex rarely comes to mind (at first) if its someone I really would be interested in being in a serious relationship with.
@bob_ Yes I can agree with your statement on women who dress conservative.
My guy friends and acquaintances echo what @bob_ wrote.
Me, I’m a female and when I look on a male I find really attractive then I first imagine what it feels like for him to hold and kiss me.
I used to think that way, but no matter how she is dressed, I think about what her beliefs and values are: Is she liberal or conservative? Is she intelligent? Is she religious, and if so, how religious? Does she like techno? Lol… get the idea.
@Coloma I’ll put up your rain gutter….....
Why thank you. lol this a trick answer…uh…WHAT will you put up my rain gutter? lololololol
Lol, I was trying to make it sound lewd, but that can’t really mean anything…....
I wouldn’t say that I’m thinking about having sex with them per se. I would say that I do make the decision at first sight if they are of the caliber (for me, everyone has their tastes;) to be able to have sex with. So, I guess I would have to say no. I am not having a secret hot nasty lust fest in my head when I see a woman. Although, I would have to agree with how she’s dressed and her demeanor. There also factors in the current state of being I’m in. So they’re are various levels of attraction based on her and I.
I will admit though, that I have seen some women that instantly caught my eye and were unable to look away. These are usually ones that I think are the most beautiful thing that’s ever walked in front of me, lol. At that point I’m not really thinking at all, but merely struck by her beauty.
Most of the time it’s just a yes or no. No, I wouldn’t. Yes I would. Usually there’s not a maybe, but there has been times… It doesn’t really go any further sexually other than the yes or no. After I’ve made the choice, then I think, “well I wonder what she’s like…. Does she like some of the things I like? Is she a nice person?” ect and so on..
I see a woman and I think of “what does she like to experience and discover and how can the wife and I become a part of her life to share our interests and help her discover her own”. Some travel, dining, cooking and sharing, comunication then perhaps explore her limits of pleasure.
@phil196662 Oh… are the man…....that was the coolest thing I’ve ever heard.
Yes, and I’m sixty years old.
If the thought didn’t occur to me I would be a bit alarmed.
She doesn’t have to be attractive.
I asked my boyfriend this question. He said “Yea. Sometimes when you see a borderline attractive woman as well.” He also stated that he prefers winter fashion, because it leaves more room for the imagination. Sigh
That makes sense. Everyone knows what goes on during sex, so it’s not much to consider. It’s the “afterward, will I still want her in my house?”
I’m there too…it takes women a lot longer to get to the point where they wish that men would turn into a six-pac and a tomato and avacado sandwich in the afterglow. lol
@Seek_Kolinahr In a nut shell, but more like “Afterward will I still want her in my life?” ..... and a six-pack with a side of a sammach is a plus too. ;)
For most of my life, I preferred the six pack and pastrami sandwich. Less social anxiety.
I think there is a difference between thinking a woman is beautiful or even hot and finding her attractive. I would say if a man is attracted to a woman he is likely to have sexual thoughts about her. If he just thinks she looks good, those thoughts are less likely to happen. The key for me to your question is attraction.
I’m a tit guy. brief eye contact then to the cleavage. fake boobs are my pet peeve. i hate them. i’ll repeat i HATE them.
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That is pretty much undetermined. I have seen guys who were regular horndogs, any cute female they were ready to boink like a dog in heat. Other would be interested in a 2nd or 3rd look, but not interested enough to take her home or go home with her. Then others it had to be a combination on how she was dressed or where she was at. If she was in a power three-piece suit, she may have been very stunning but the thought of boinking her would not come up. If she was in the bread isle in yoga pants and a crochet crop top, yeah. Back in the day even if she were a 6 on a scale of ten, if she were in a pair of great Daisy Dukes, and a spaghetti top and 4 in heeled sandals she would get my attention and thoughts of sex over a woman 11 on a scale of 10 in a peasant dress, jean jacket and flats ;these days I guard my thinking of both.
@chelle21689 I see a woman with big hooters and a nice ass and I rip my clothes off and say come to poppa.~ Seriously?
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