What would be an appropriate word/phrase that could sum up how you feel when you enter your kitchen to prepare a meal for the family?
Asked by
ucme (
July 31st, 2010
Do you relish the prospect, enjoy cooking? Or does it fill you with dread at the potential culinary chaos that’s about to begin? Absolutely any funny imagintive responses are most welcome also.
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45 Answers
Domestic bliss. I enjoy cooking for those I care about.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land I like that phrase.
Well since I have a housewife comes with the territory.
I do love to cook but lately not so much. I guess I have cook burnout.
I have been ordering Chinese and Pizza .pick up fried chicken
It will turn around and Ill find new recipe and whalla! Chef Frenchie is back in the saddle.
Wondering why I’m on ‘wife swap’ is how I’d describe that because I don’t cook for the family.
something between “you do it” and “oh god”.
I am not much of a cook.
I go through phases of loving to cook and not wanting to bother. When I do, I try to make lots and freeze some so I always have something I like available. When my daughter became a vegetarian I was delighted because it meant I could pull out all the old savvy from my days as one in the 70s and 80s. I’m glad that I knew how and could enjoy it. and, bless her heart, she was always gracious and appreciative!
I do this several times a day. I enjoy it immensely. Even more so when I have the time and materials required to make more elaborate dishes.
Cooking is one thing I have no problem giving myself credit for – and I love to hear and see people enjoying the work of my hands.
Totally lost. One, because I can’t cook, and two, because I have no family.
@Austinlad : I do a helluva veg lasagna. I’ll send you some.
@Seek_Kolinahr I feel that way also. Something I can do that gives enjoyment to others.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land I’ve seen you describe some of the things you come up with. I’d be honoured to share a kitchen with you. ^_^
I really love cooking for others – it fills me with joy.
It’s a dread of more cans to open (oh dear, that’ll make sharp edges) coupled with resignation at the thought of the pots and pans that’ll need washing, knowing in the end Spam would have been the best choice.
It begins with , “here I go again” then halfway through it’s, “this looks delicious!”
@Seek_Kolinahr I think you should write a very unique book.
You would have a paragraph about Atheism , then a recipe and so on. I’d sure buy it ! You have So much to offer. Call it:
RECIPES FOR THE UNGODLY or RECIPES FOR ATHEISTS. I am serious; not kidding. No one has ever written such a book.
Cutting up cheese and spooning out yogurt for grandson Jake to devour is pure bliss. And he loved eating his bubby’s lasagna last month.
@Aster @Seek_Kolinahr See “Simple Food for the Good Life” by Helen Nearing. It’s written in that format.
“Psssshhh, easy”
I’ll just cook some kraft’s mac and cheese.
Honestly? Most of the time it’s “I wish dinner would just appear.” My domestic instincts are not terribly strong. Sometimes I do enjoy the process, but that’s usually just when I’m making something special and anticipating the success of the results.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land, do you recommend that book? or what is your favorite companion in the kitchen?
Love. If I cook for others it’s because I want to not only care for them but to treat them. For me to get in the mode though, I’m a stickler for my own kitchen set up, my own cookware, dishes, organization of drawers and such. When I’m in my element then I can and often have comfortably cooked up meals to feed 4–10 people and taken a lot of pleasure in it.
It’s complicated. I’m a very good cook, so I know that I am capable of making something really good, and I enjoy making my family used to good cooking. The only time they really appreciate it, though, is when they have to eat someone else’s cooking. Then they understand.
But I would feel like I was in heaven if I never had to cook again. I would tell the chef exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it done, and go have a cocktail. With an assortment of cheeses and crispy crackers. Maybe olives. A little humus. Yeah.
The chef would alert us when dinner was ready, and we’d eat.
All my adult life I’ve said I want a wife like me.~
I’d actually like a few clones of me, some for me and some for my snuggle buddy. Mine would be on beck and call to play video games with him, golf or watch movies involving teenage girls and his would be at my service for strolling through the antique stores, getting him properly fitted for clothes, adoring me in sexy outfits and giving me piggyback rides.
Cooking is hard work and requires skill patience and time. But it doesn’t have to be that way according to Occam’s razor. So when I cook I try to make it simple, fast and use only one pot (for fast clean-up).
I’ve got a great wife! She knows how to boil an egg. Yup. She can scramble them, too! I know, hard to believe. I don’t want to brag or anything. A good wife is hard to find. Sure is.
But damn! A good personal chef may be even harder to find! If I could afford one. Sigh.
Excitement. I can hardly wait to see how my ideas are going to turn out.
Today, I wanted to make Spanish rice with poached fish. I discovered I used up all my peppers. We packed the two boys in the car and went to the store. My three year old is so familiar with the store he ran right to the peppers. They were on sale for half price – what luck! We also discovered some boneless pork and Naval oranges on sale.
When we got home, I was so tired, I had to take a chair into the kitchen so I could sit and chop the vegetables on a small folding table I use, while Hubby watched the boys.
My oldest grandson had already prepared the rice in his rice cooker his other grandma gave him for Christmas. I poached the fish with oranges and grapes. It all came out perfect. mmmmmmm
For me, cooking is a project. I enjoy doing it on some level, but because I haven’t been cooking long, I feel like I have to watch everything like a hawk and find the absolute perfect combination of ingredients. But not measurements. @JilltheTooth taught me that the best measurements are pinches, handfuls and splops. I treat each cooking experience like a video editing assignment. First, I review everything I have, and I go get out what I need if I’m missing anything. Then I cut everything up that needs to be cut up. Finally, I assemble it in the way that makes the most sense, even if it unconventional. :)
@Jeruba I wouldn’t recommend the book for it’s recipes, only the format. If you only want a single cookbook, go with “The Joy of Cooking”; for a second, add Joyce Chen’s classic on Chinese cuisine. For bread, go with James Beard.
Got those, thanks, @stranger_in_a_strange_land. The one you mentioned has an appealing title, but I’m not looking for a new guide unless its content is exceptional.
I love cooking for my family. My mother works 10 hour days sometimes and I like to have it ready for her when she gets home. I get quite a lot of pride when it looks just like the picture. :) It’s very calming.
@py_sue That’s the penultimate test, when it looks like the picture. Pounding dough, slicing veggies and chopping meat is good therapy, too. :^D
@stranger_in_a_strange_land: I agree there’s a satisfying feeling while slicing, chopping, boning, etc. I like to step back and look at my prep one last time before it gets going to the final dish stage. I’m fortunate when I cook that I’ve got people who will give me a lot of feedback and appreciation, even for a simple thing like fixing an under 10 minute breakfast spread. Yay cooking!
@Neizvestnaya I’m that way, too. Everything in it’s neat little bowls and trays, ready for the final magical transformation. I’ve found that I enjoy teaching the skills and techniques, at least one-on-one.
Why couldn’t they settle for a V8?
“The Joy of Cooking” is my bible. I also have a copy of “Celtic Folklore Cooking”. The recipes have been kind of hit-and-miss (Don’t make the Sorrel soup. Buh-land. The Scotch eggs were killer, though.), but the stories are quite lovely. I’m so entranced by the mythos of the British Isles.
@Seek_Kolinahr The Celtic cookbook has got me intrigued, I’ll have to get that. I’ve never tried to make a haggis before.
It has a recipe!
Also, I’m absolutely dying to try some of the homebrewing recipes. There are several wine and ale recipes… I just have to get my hands on the necessary supplies.
The author’s name is “Joanne Asala”
@Seek_Kolinahr I’m ordering it today. The “bible” of homebrewing is Charlie Papazian’s “The Complete Joy of Homebrewing”, it’s been around for about 25 years. That will get you started off well. Once you’ve mastered the basics, Randy Mosher’s “Radical Brewing” takes you further. He has really good information on Stouts and Belgian Lambics. My prize winning Raspberry Lambic is based on his instructions.
You can get started with less than $100 worth of equipment. The most important thing is keeping everything scrupulously clean.
@Seek_Kolinahr Charlie Papazian has at least one Stout recipe in his book.
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