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Frenchfry's avatar

If you had a extra room in the house what would do with it?

Asked by Frenchfry (7591points) August 1st, 2010

I would love a spare room to have my company to stay in. A Guest room. I have company all week and I have them in my daughters room and on the couch. I wish I had a extra.

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26 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

exercise room….but, really don’t need an extra room. I live along in a 3 br house!

downtide's avatar

It would be my art studio. I used to rent a separate one in a local art & craft centre but it got too expensive and I had to give it up. I don’t have space for painting at home.

Coloma's avatar

I have my extra room set up as a theatre room. I don’t like the TV being a focal point in the main living area of a house.

Since I only watch DVD’s and not any regular television it works well for me.

I have a medium size flat screen, and a couch, ottoman, also an antique secretary that is my desk. Some nice artwork, tapestries, and an antique buffet that doubles as dvd storage in the drawers and cupboards.

The room has a great feel, and the lighting is perfect for all sorts of adjustments from ultra low light to bright, dependent on the movie.

Horror movies call for complete darkness. lol

doublebogie's avatar

@BoBo1946 , sounds like you have lots of extra rooms. We just got ours back….son moved out finally…again.

Austinlad's avatar

I would love to have one room solely devoted to books and containing one easy chair. I’d floor to ceiling bookshelves on every wall and consolidate all the books have currently have scattered in various rooms.

doublebogie's avatar

Back to the question, We have a family room and a formal living room than we never use and it’s plenty big enough to have a pool table (full sized) and a card table. We are adding a dart board, which I love to play but suck at, add a flat panel TV on the wall and viola we are turning our spare room into a game room

downtide's avatar

@Austinlad I would love to have a room like that. All it would need beside books is a fridge for my beer.

Austinlad's avatar

@downtide, right! I forgot the mini-fridge.

Austinlad's avatar

Of course, in today’s world all you need is a Kindle to have a library. ;-)

ucme's avatar

Games room. Be able to put all the kids’ stuff in there. Snooker table, table tennis, bar football table. Absolutely no room to play as it is, we have to kinda improvise.

Coloma's avatar


My old house some years ago had a big cubby storage under the staircase and I set up a bunch of big throw pillows on an area rug and a lamp and lots of books in there.

It was my secret escape from the kid and the husband, infact, it was really funny because for about a week they knew nothing of my little creative hide away. haha

I would hear them calling for me, ” have you seen mom?” lol

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma That is awesome I need a cubby

Austinlad's avatar

@Coloma, I love that. And you know, I actually have a place just like that under my stairs currently filled with boxes. You’ve given me a great idea.

Coloma's avatar


It was awesome! Do it!

I felt like Abe Lincoln or something. lol

Actually I did have an oil lamp because the regular lamps cord prevented the door from closing all the way.

The space was about mmmm, 6×8, just perfect for a hide out. I miss my cubby! lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

My extra room is supposedly a guest room, but it quickly gets filled with junk that must be cleaned out when guests actually arrive.
I’m afraid this would happen even itf I had a second or third spare room.
Nature abhors a vacuum.

downtide's avatar

Alas my under-stairs storage is in the kitchen and it’s used as a pantry. On the other hand it’s where I keep my beer and biscuits (cookies) so maybe that’s not so bad… :-D

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

Build myself a professional kitchen.

shego's avatar

At my dads house, there are two extra rooms now. Well we made the first one a ” man cave” there’s a pool table, and darts a small mini bar setup. But we think the other room is going to be a guest room. Not sure yet.

Berserker's avatar

I always wanted to make at least one Silent Hill themed room, but even when I did have an extra room it was just for storage, especially beer bottles.

silvermoon's avatar

I think it would turn into our junk room or atleast get the 2 exercise machines out of our living room… It would be lovely to have more room.

Coloma's avatar


Haha..I just got rid of my $600 eliptical that turned into a glorified bra hanger at the foot of my bed… I have space again…and my ass is still the same size. hahaha

silvermoon's avatar

@Coloma Ouch, some things stick don’t they lol. Our machines are surrounded in stuff, the one that we should be using the most that cats have taken up residency on :)

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma hee hee Glorified bra hanger. Girl! You crack me up. You make Fluther a fun place you know that? I am glad I joined.

SVTSuzie's avatar

Make it a dressing room.

sleepdoc's avatar

Extra rooms just end up getting filled with stuff we buy. Sometimes I think having more space just makes it seem like we could do more.

Coloma's avatar

I’m really good at thinning the herd of ‘stuff’, no worries with me about becoming a hoarder. lol

I go through my clothes and misc. stuff at least twice a year and give away or take to the thrift stores whatever I am not wearing or using.

The old ’ if you have not worn it or used it for a year get rid of it!’

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