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Frenchfry's avatar

Do you have a green thumb?

Asked by Frenchfry (7591points) August 1st, 2010

I most surely don’t ..but I try. If you were going to plant a garden what would you plant? veggies, flower, Ect…

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21 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

Alas, I have a decidedly brown thumb. Even artificial flowers don’t have a chance in my house.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’m a farmer. My business partner know much more about agronomy and horticulture than I do, but plants respond when I treat them properly.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, too green infact, with a little help from the green goose pool water. lol

I just told all my plants yesterday ’ no more fertilizer for you!’ haha

I have big urns with huge myscanthus grasses, zebra grasses and different varieties of bamboos surrounding my hot tub on the edge of a hillside overlooking a woodsy ravine.

The grasses are about 6 feet around right now and resemble giant pineapples, and the bamboos are huge and fluffy towering about 15 feet in the air.

I also have lots of flowers and some tomatos going along with a himalayan honeysuckle and a japanese willow that are monsterous. I love my little secret jungle in the forest!

It is so cool at night, the grasses drape over the hot tub and float when the cover is off and the little tree frogs all emerge from their jungle wonderland.

I have solar torches placed in various spots amongst the plants and the effect is magic. :-)

marinelife's avatar

I love to grow things. I have a bunch of plants in my apartment right now. Vegetables are easy to grow and rewarding. Herbs are always nice.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma well for one I am jealous over the hot tub but that sounds like paradise.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Only when I’m careless with the green paint.

Coloma's avatar


Yes, it is really cool..but…when I moved to this house 4 years ago and designed the patio I forgot one really important thing!

I literally fenced in the hot tub with some antique wrought iron graveyard fencing I came across. when the hot tub finally dies I will have to literally hire someone to dismantle all the fencing to get the damn thing out, unless I just take a sledge hammer to it and destroy it on site and throw it’s remains OVER the fence! lol

Yeah…my patio design was really awesome, except for this oversight! What was I thinkin” ?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@Coloma The hot tub shouldn’t ever completely “die”. Might need a new pump, heater, etc, but the basic tub unit should last damn near forever. (at least I hope so, I’d have to blast to get mine out, too)

eden2eve's avatar

I do have a vegetable garden, I planted tomatoes (several varieties), red, yellow and green peppers, hot peppers, cucumbers (Armenian, pickling and long burpless), squash (zucchini, yellow crooked neck and spagetti), spinach, chard, scallions, beets, radishes and green beans. The peas are already gone. I try to grow mostly things that are prolific and renewable, so I get the most bang for my garden space.

I have some raspberries and blueberries and apples, and planted a melon, which are all of my fruits for this year.

Coloma's avatar

@stranger in a strange land

I hope so…that’s good to know…yeah, blasting is about right!

Coloma's avatar


Oooh…melons…I have to keep all my stuff inside the patio zone or the deer will rape and pillage everything. lol

silvermoon's avatar

I guess I do on very very rare occasions. My mum seems to have a green thumb when its raining – always seems to rain when she wants to get out there.

sleepdoc's avatar

If you don’t really try to plant anything does that mean you don’t have a green thumb?

Frenchfry's avatar

@sleepdoc You should try it. You never know. It can be very rewarding if you can keep one alive. I guess that makes you have no green thumb and makes you a virgin in the gardening field.

sleepdoc's avatar

@Frenchfry good to know I am a virgin at something

Coloma's avatar

I’m in the midst of my morning watering chores right now, my little green friends need about 45 minutes of morning shower time to flourish.

I have 22 huge potted plants and trees just around my spa and deck, plus a big water garden and various smaller water containers with reeds and aquatic grasses. is so worth the summer work!

Bummer, last night I lit a fire in the kiva fireplace and it got slightly out of control with the flames shooting out of the chimney and scorched my beautiful blue spruce. :-(

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma You have to be careful. Sorry to hear about your spruce. On the other hand. Fireman are hot. That reminds me I have to go water my plants on my porch. and my tomato plants don’t look to good. FF

partyparty's avatar

I have a huge flower garden. I grow everything from seed in my greenhouse.
I love to see lots of colour when I sit out on the patio – weather permitting of course!
Here in the UK we call it green fingers.

Coloma's avatar


Oh man..I learned my lesson a couple of years ago, partying with friends, drinking wine and lighting citronella torches in some big tree pots on my deck.

One burned down sideways and caught the pot on fire and melted it into my deck.

Friend down below in hot tub on patio say’s..’ Wow…those torches really light up the place!’

Hahaha….Um yeah…nice little fire happening, not to mention it was the weekend of the big Tahoe forest fire up the mountain from me, sheesh…I almost burned down the rest of this county.

No more wine and torches for me, I’ve gone with the solar torches now! lolol

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma Fire and Alcohol really don’t mix hee hee. I learn that lesson along time ago. When I burnt my eyebrows off.

Coloma's avatar


Hahahahaha…I’d like to hear that story!

I can light myself on fire even without alcohol, and you don’t even want to be around me when I am in left handed slicing and dicing mode. haha

I always wait on the wine til I am done with the ginsu moment.

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