If you are ever alone in your house at night do you occasionally feel spooked when things go bump in the night?
Asked by
ucme (
August 1st, 2010
Or do you just brush them off as innocent background noise? Maybe you sleep too soundly anyway to even notice let alone be alarmed by them. Now I feel it necessary to clarify at this point that I don’t mean obvious sounds that would allude to maybe a break in or such like. Yeah those poor suckers are oatmeal when I get my hands on them. No, what I mean is those innocent perfectly mundane natural noises that are perhaps magnified in the middle of the night. I know on the rare occasions that i’m alone throughout the night & I hear any “suspicious” noises I utterly wimp out & hide under the covers willing myself to sleep. What a hero I am, I really should be hired out as a bodyguard for the permanently bewildered ;¬]
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54 Answers
The only things that go bump in the night over here are the raccoons trying to break in the kitty door. lol
Although, like the other night the coyotes made a kill right below my bedroom window on the woods edge of my property…the whooping and shrieking is always spooky, and if my cats have not come in for the night I usually have to get a flashlight and go investigate.
Fortunetly they were present and accounted for the other night. lol
I have zero fear of any sort of intruders out here, highly unlikely.
YES. All the time! I’m a wimp when it comes to stuff like that. I manage to convince myself that perfectly innocent noises are something terrible…the ice maker is someone breaking in and the air conditioning kicking on is something that said burglar knocked over, etc. I once hid in the downstairs powder room for fifteen minutes because I heard suspicious noises from upstairs that were all average house noises in reality. It’s a bit ridiculous but I think too much and have an overactive imagination when it comes to these things.
@Coloma & @kevbo Okaaaaay!!! If I ever spent the night alone in any of your houses my screams could be heard for miles around & quite possibly mistaken for that of a six year old girl. I’d be fitted for my giggle jacket by daybreak :¬(
@Fly Yay so it’s not just me then. I have to say living as I do with the wife & my two kids, thankfully me spending the night alone is extremely rare. I think i’ll stick to hiding behind her XD
Sounds do not bother me. But my wife will hear a noise outside and I have to get my gun and go out to check it.
Rarely, but if I have a nightmare I can be a little creeped out by something ordinary, while in and out of wakefulness.
Haha…I’m a pretty fearless type of gal, I once stared down a mountain lion peeking at me from behind the barn. We locked eyes with my flashlight beam illuminating it’s huge glowing eyes and both of us froze for about 45 seconds. The cougar finally casually turned and walked off into the brush. Admittedly I backed down the hill and then ran like hell ( a big no, no but WTF..lol ) to my back door!
@Coloma Ahh well in that particular instance i’d have to effect the “what’s the doo-doo smell I think it must be me” position.
I don’t get scared, if anything sometimes it’s just annoying.
In most cases though, I’m something that goes bump in the night. XD
@Symbeline Are you now you saucy mare? My hero, could you possibly “babysit” next time I’m alone & got the all over shakey jakey’s? :¬D
I don’t get scared anymore, they are just noises from some machine, or car outside etc.
Yes, when I lived at my previous residence. It doesn’t happen where I live now, thank goodness.
Sometimes I hear my cats goofing around, jumping on and off things, knocking stuff over, etc. They both died last fall, so yes, I get freaked. Doesn’t help that the dog is a sounder sleeper than I am and misses all this. :-/
@Symbeline @Symbeline
Well girl, ya know..those middle of the night slurpee cravings might get you bumping into the walls.
Especially when I think about that incident in the middle of the night…oh man I’m never gonna sleep tonight. Gonna have to go babysit @ucme then. :D
I sleep like a log. If any noise is really significant my dog will bark. If she doesn’t, it’s clearly not important and I ignore it.
@Symbeline @Symbeline
Do you want me to call you..when a stranger calls…
Does the family have a glass enclosed aviary and koi pond? lol
Once, I was up on my computer in the wee hours of the morning, and I heard a very strange sound that sounded exactly like my backyard sliding screen door closing. I wrote it off at first, but then I kept hearing it. After a few scattered repetitions, I was convinced that it was definitely the door. I thought someone might be coming in and out of the house, maybe stealing crap and coming back for more, or something. I don’t know. Either way, I’m not sure what I thought my plan was, but I crept super sneakily into my hallway, adrenaline ripping through my veins, heart pounding. Then I stopped and listened and realized it was the sound of my dad breathing verrry strangely. I was quite relieved :D
Absolutely. You know those kind noises that wake you suddenly out of a deep sleep, and you’re not sure if you dreamed it or actually heard it? Scary!
@Coloma you almost ran into a mountain lion?? omg. I would have put that house up for sale the next morning!! No; I’d be dead.
Either from having my head ripped off or a heart attack. WOW
Answer: I do and it sounds like a raccoon inside the walls thumping around. About once every other night. what is that noise? But the dogs don’t bark and they are Fantastic, ear splitting bichon watchdogs.
I used to totally freak myself out opening doors before I stopped playing Resident Evil. I’m fine now.
Yes, I feel uneasy when I hear the strange cracks and noises late at night. Soemtimes it sounds like critters running through the attic, and probably is.
Never at home…but when I am out running in the dark I have to run down a path that yards back up to and I will never get used to big barking dogs slamming head first into a chain link fence barking their asses off as I go flying by. They see me but I have no chance to see them until they are bark, bark barking away. I have surprised foxes and coyotes too and I always seem to win that contest but my heart will still skip a beat.
No.I’m loaded for bear ;)
I get totally freaked by every little noise!
I am terrified when I am home alone at night. I won’t go outside by myself after dark, either. I am a total sissy. Every creak or groan or tiny noise I assume is someone breaking in to kill me. lol.
I have always been a big scaredy cat like that, but we had our house broken into once and it has been much worse ever since.
My husband likes to tease me about one instance where he came in early and I was in the tub. He didn’t say anything, so I was terrified. I had no idea who was walking around downstairs. So I very quietly slipped out of the tub, grabbed my phone and tiptoed over to the stairs. There I am sitting at the top of the steps, soaking wet, in a towel, holding my cell phone over my head ready to chuck it at whoever was coming up. That had to be 2 years ago and he STILL makes fun of me.
Nooo…she might shoot her husband! lol
I just chased off the growling raccoon and her 3 kids…rounded up the cats and am off to bed…just me and the crickets.
@Coloma Not if she took lessons and he knew to announce his presence.
I forgot a scary moment a few years ago when my neighbors giant Belgian draft horse escaped and came onto my property. I woke to the sounds of something stomping around the outside of the house…one of the rare moments when I think..” hmmm, maybe there is SOMEONE out there.” lol
Also…the first week in this house I was out on my deck one night and heard this horrible coughing coming from up the hill through the trees at the backside of my neighbors barn.
I was completely freaked out and thought it was a person, a very sick person! haha
The coughing sounds were really loud and creepy, echoing down the hill…turns out it was their Llama coughing! hahaha
@Coloma Well now your just showing off!! ;¬}
LOL..seriously the coughing Llama was THE freakiest sound I have ever heard!
Oh..and, once I was walking through the woods and as I passed some brushy bushes something SNEEZED!
It was a deer with allergies I am guessing…really LOUD, did the mega startle seizure thing…lol
@Coloma I got you beat!! I stayed at a ranch and at midnight I went up atop the hill to sit on their addarondack chairs and look at the stars. Didn’t bring a flash light didn’t need one as i could see the silhouette of the rise off on the distance. Anyway sat there almost dozing off and I here this noise behind me….I realize it is breathing I am hearing….I realize it’s breath…hot breath I am feeling on the back of my head. I jump up to see what is there and hit the top of my head on the chin of a white tail buck….I scream…It screams and blows snot and spit all over me….I run of screaming in the dark and he and by the sound of all the hooves, another ½ dozen deer go bolting off!! I have NEVER been so startled in my entire life!! HS that was a FREAK-OUT!!
peeing pants laughing..I can just SEE that! lololol
@Cruiser I would have peed myself.
Ohhhh that is so funny, cruiser. lollol
I have this totally conservative neighbor, an engineer for Intel, that swears he has seen a Bigoot on our mountain…lolol
He actually joined a Bigfoot hunters club and is totally convinced they exist and maybe even right around this area.
Who knows…but he is always stopping me and asking me if I have heard or seen anything around my property and becasue there is 20 acres of raw land and forest right across the road from my house.
I get a kick out him expressing his ‘wild’ side. lol
When I got up early in the morning I went up to the rise with my coffee and there down in the prairie was this 10 point buck and 6 females…I saw him raise his head up high to sniff the air and look up at me and he slowly turned and walked away. What an experience for sure!
Brotherhood of the bucks! lol
Ya sure it wasn’t a 30 point buck..you know, like the fish that always gets bigger each time the story is told? hahahaha ;-)
@Coloma I could have said 20 point but then you would have know I was pulling your leg. He was taller than me with a rack with many pointy thingies….hows that?!!
I believe you! lol
Have blacktails out west here and last summer a big buck was napping under my deck, I startled him and he leapt to his feet and wedged the points of his antlers between the cracks in the planks!
He was thrashing around and I was scared to death the poor thing was going to break his neck and there was absolutely NOTHING that anyone could have done to free him, short of shooting him.
Thank God he managed to free himself after a few tense moments…really scary!
@Cruiser Why are they not afraid of humans? I have never heard of a southern white tail doing that or coming up behind a human sitting in a chair unless it was tame or hand fed.
Maybe @Cruiser had the right pheremones happening. Maybe he smelled like a doe in heat! lololol
I have a doe that takes bread from my hand off the deck….they can be pretty tame, but I wouldn’t mess with the bucks.
Where do you live in a zoo?
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