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ucme's avatar

If you are ever alone in your house at night do you occasionally feel spooked when things go bump in the night?

Asked by ucme (50052points) August 1st, 2010

Or do you just brush them off as innocent background noise? Maybe you sleep too soundly anyway to even notice let alone be alarmed by them. Now I feel it necessary to clarify at this point that I don’t mean obvious sounds that would allude to maybe a break in or such like. Yeah those poor suckers are oatmeal when I get my hands on them. No, what I mean is those innocent perfectly mundane natural noises that are perhaps magnified in the middle of the night. I know on the rare occasions that i’m alone throughout the night & I hear any “suspicious” noises I utterly wimp out & hide under the covers willing myself to sleep. What a hero I am, I really should be hired out as a bodyguard for the permanently bewildered ;¬]

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