Will my husband still be sexually attracted to me after I give birth?
I am pregnant with my first child (5 months), and though my husband adores me and loves me through thick and thin, I am not so sure that he will still be attracted to me when my body changes after giving birth.
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13 Answers
Of course he will. He adores you and loves you and you are going to be the mother of his child. That might make you more hot! :-)
The odds are in your favor he will because most people end up having more than one child together- can’t do that without sex ;p
Though I have no experience with this, I’m 100% positive he will be. :)
How do you think the second child comes along? ^_~
After 44 years of marriage and two children, my wife is as attractive to me as ever before. my wife takes care of herself. i know you will, too. try to keep your figure as long as you can. after it goes, its whats in your heart that counts.
I think he will love you even more.. Your are the mother of his child. My breasts got bigger.. My hubby liked that. I have faint stretch marks on my belly . He barely notices them. Even though it drives me nuts. All the weight you gained if you did will fall off with alittle toning and exercise trust me. If you apply yourself after.
My husband and I have three kids and better sex than we had when we were newlyweds. Not as frequent but still more often than a lot of married couples we know but certainly better. He likes that my boobs are bigger and doesn’t seem to mind that they aren’t as perky as they used to be. If he’s noticed the stretch marks, he hasn’t commented on them. I’m sure he’d like for me to be as skinny as I was before the kids, but it hasn’t affected our relationship. There’s a lot more to it than a few pounds here and there.
I will tell you though, after our first child was born we were so madly in love with each other for this amazing thing we’d done that we could hardly keep our hands off each other. I was worried that sex would be different, especially for him, and maybe not as good. When a few weeks had passed and we were finally able to do it again, we were both thrilled and he said it was a great as ever. It’s normal to worry about things like this, but try to relax and enjoy the quality time the two of you manage to find once the baby is born. The biggest problem I had, especially after we had the next two babies, was finding the energy to do anything other than collapse into bed and pass out at night. I found that no matter how tired I was and not “in the mood,” a few minutes of cuddling and kissing changed my mind.
My son will be two this month.
I’m still not attracted to myself yet, but my husband seems to have no problems.
I had a big baby, and I’m fairly small myself, so my stomach resembles something like Kate Gosselin’s before the tummy tuck, but with more stretch marks. I used to be very proud of my tiny waist and wide hips. Hips are still wide. So is the waist. Yay. I avoid mirrors. Still, I have to admit that sex itself has been way better.
He probably wont be at first, but you will be back to your old attractive self again in no time at all.
Thank you! This has helped so much! :) And as for keeping in shape, I know the pressure of wanting to be equals with my husband will help…since he is in great shape. Thank you!
Miss Austen, just a great and truthful answer. if i could give you ten points, i would. john
For most of us the attraction we have for and to our spouses goes more than just skin deep. I know the question of will my SO still find me attractive if/when (you fill in this blank) crosses many minds. But we all have to realize that there is more to it that just what we look like. Besides that sexual chemistry has as much to do with wanting someone as does what someone looks like.
If he’s a normal husband, yes. My wife gave birth to twins 21 years ago. She is still very attractive.
My figure sprang right back; in fact, I LOST weight after #1 was born. Nothing but aging had any negative affect on my figure. Childbirth made me look better, if anything.
Romantically, at first, he seemed to think of me as Mother Earth. A few years later, he came around. just as I became exhausted.
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