NSFW Skinnydipping? In honor of summertime of course?
Asked by
sleepdoc (
August 2nd, 2010
OK so how many jellies out there are 1) willing to admit that they have been skinny dipping and 2) what age there were when they did it?
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75 Answers
To my memory, I never have.
I’m still trying to figure out the difference between wearing a bikini (or just a swimsuit for guys) and parading around in your underwear.
I do it every night in my hot tub. lol
I also live near a premiere river and have had some great skinny dipping moments at on hot summer nights.
Take me to the river!
I did it from ages 17 or so to age 30. Haven’t done it since then, but would love to.
When I was in my 20’s and recently, yes.
I have gone skinny dipping. When I was teenager. My grandma had a lake cabin in Detroit Lakes. and we would go when it got dark. Most of the adult were half smashed when this happened but it was good times. I could not really see anything anyways it was dark by the lake. I would love to try it again, Hey the summer is not over. LOL
I can’t even count how many times I’ve been skinny dipping. My parents have a pool. When my parents went to bed or to work when I was younger, all hell broke loose. haha.
@sleepdoc Lack of place to do it at a time when my wife would be cool about it—which means when the kids are not around. She wouldn’t do it, I don’t think. Unless we were at Esalen. Then there are a lot of people around who do it, so it’s not such a big deal.
I have been skinny dipping many times starting in my early 20’s.
I am not retiring anytime soon either ;)
I ran into Pacific the ocean with a naked lesbian off the North Carolina coast at night and in the middle of winter. Yes, it was fucking cold.
My other foray was to the hot springs near Jemez, NM. It has long been a spot for getting nekkid.
That must be really nice to have a lake or something to go to on a regular basis. Such an affirmation of human-ness.
hmm like when i was 16 i think…cold water isn’t the best thing for guys to skinny dip in….
Guess you wern’t too concerned about ‘shrinkage’ with your swimming companions orientation. lol
I think every year since I was about 25. In fact I will most likely go today.
I was recalling skinny dipping with a smile until someone brought up the shrinkage issue. :)
Some of my best times are all by myself nekkid in the hot tub, drinking a wee bit of wine and throwing strawberries at the sheep in the the creek ravine below me.
Things country girls do for amusement.
@Columa, to the contrary, I was a little worried about expansion. She had a really nice rack. ;-)
Shrinkage issues resolved. Thanks keybo.
loll…well, when I was 25, lived in Memphis in an apartment complex and we all went skinny dipping at 3am in the morning in the apartment’s swimming pool. It was about 15 people. PLUS, we spent a lot of time on the diving board. That was back when i was sowing my wild oats. Single….etc etc. etc…you know the drill!
It’s always at night (at the lake). We drop our drawers and make a mad dash for the water.
It’s a great feeling.
Now I’ve got a huge smile on my face. Is there nothing better than holding a skinny dipping person in your arms and making out in the moonlight?
Skinnydipping since I was 18.
And, any chance I get. ;-)
Did it in my late teens and twenties. I was always a little afraid some fish was looking for a meal.
Or snack
Sure was fun. Hot, magical, summer evenings. Mmmm.
Oooh baby! lol
One of my premiere skinny dipping memories was when I was about 17, a wild and passionate skinny dip after hours in a closed public pool in a park with my mad crush, FINALLY made that that crush real in the deep end of the pool at 2 a.m. lol
I’ve been skinny dipping quite a few times! It’s fun.
Most fresh water fish don’t have teeth, they’d just nibble you a little, you might like it! hahahaha
@Coloma Wow, that brings back a few memories. I’m having to think about your sheep so I don’t have expansion issues. lol
(the pool, not the fish nibbling, you pervs)
I always thought you were a woman! Well…goes to show what surprises one finds out! lol
Yeah..the sheep are a blast, to BLAST with the turbo squirt guns too.
Sheep…very amusing creatures.
NOW…has anyone ever caught their house on fire in the throws of passion?
I have…but thats another story…haha
@Coloma There you go again Fire. Were you naked? hahahaha
How’d you guess? lol
Yep, in a passionate moment my curtains combusted from a candle on a bamboo shelf, looking over my lovers shoulder at critcal mass and seeing flames shooting off the wall! haha
Guess you could say it was a hot moment. ;-)
I’ve been skinny dipping a few times! Its so fun! =] The first time I went I was 16
I did it in Loch Ness once while on holiday. I may have inadvertently teabagged the monster though. The dirty wee beastie XD
Only once, in high school. One of my best friends was sleeping over, and we decided to go skinny dipping in our pond a few hours after my parents had gone to bed. We were just laughing about it until we suddenly heard my dad’s voice from the edge of the pond yelling, “What are you doing?!” We were horrified, thinking he was going to make us get out of the water right then and see that we were buck nekkid. He just went back up to the house shaking his head.
The next day he told me he’d gotten up to use the bathroom and, from the french doors to the deck of his bedroom, could see something moving around in the water. He’d been waging a war against the muskrats that liked to dig up the island in the middle of the pond, so he got his gun and went out to the deck to shoot the “muskrats.” Luckily for us, he decided he better go down to the water to get a better look before he started shooting. I took a little comfort in remembering that he never managed to hit anything, but the whole incident soured me on skinny dipping and I haven’t done it since!
No Muskrat love in that pond!
Whew…you lucky little varmints! lol
I’ve never done it. I have worn a speedo, though. That was pretty fun. :)
yes….20, 21….going over chain link fences to get to the pools. public pool in Ohio, apt pool in Memphis.
@Coloma That wasn’t the only time my dad mistook me for something to shoot at. I love to remind him of the times he almost killed his only daughter!
I hope you hide his guns when dementia sets in, yikes! lol
@sleepdoc look what you did….this crew will be dipping all day! hate to think what they will be doing in the dark!
I am having some great laughs over here this afternoon…oh Monday, Monday…trying to do some biz. stuff but this is waay to much fun!
Double dipping in triple digits…
@sleepdoc GQ My monday started out like crap, and then a little dip here little dip there:)
Dippity doo daaa, dippity ey, my oh my what a wonderful daaay….
My tubby runneth over with clean cool water….
I haven’t done it, but I would
I have a pool in the backyard, skinny dip on a regular basis in the evening or early morning. 46 years old, the first time was early twenties.
Why’s it have to be about the skinny dippers? What’s wrong with chunky dunking?
Yes I chunky dunked for the first time in high school at the schools pool. There were several of us, and since we were there to set up for a prank, we decided why not?
Sure, when I was younger.
First time was when I was baptized, pretty big crowd on hand for that one…haven’t missed a year since!! Lakes, pools, hot tubs, rivers, oceans, even the filled bed of a pickup! I’ll be the geezer at the nursing home buck necked diving into the hydro therapy tub!
Well…we should be in the same nursing home…I’ll be the old granny doing the same thing only with her goose. I plan on running away a lot too, just to keep the staff on their toes. lol
One of my favorite things about Australia is that it has 16000 (some sources say almost double that ??? I guess it depends on how you measure, but it has a lot for sure) miles of beachs and most of them are completely deserted, so my non-incriminating response to this question would be, do bears poo in the woods!
Are they deserted because everyone that goes there gets nabbed by a great white? lololol
Skinny dipping with sharks…now there’s an adventurious moment! haha
It’s the crocs you have to worry about where I live. But it keeps life interesting. The aboriginal people send the dogs in first, if they don’t get eaten that means it is safe for the humans.
Did it only yesterday. No “shrinkage” problems either. That spring-fed pond is damned cold though.
I have, and still do (when i’m in the mood for swimming). The first time i did it i was probably in my REALLY early twenties, and the last time i did it was about 5 months ago maybe in our pool in our new house. :D So we’ll have to wait for summer to come around again now.
Love it! I spent a few summers at a nude beach in California, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. :D
I don’t think I could quite handle a nude beach, but our pond and household is clothing-optional.
Yesterday was a 14 hour day for me, working on a house in the city.
I was absolutely flatlined by the time I got home…first thing was to strip and jump in my cold hot tub and put the garden hose over my head…re-charge! lol
If anyone cares, there was a little funny involved with that last exchange. I sent Coloma a PM saying that image of her skinny dipping in the hot tub really got my motor running. Hey, what can I say? Hot sweaty woman jumps in a tub naked, hoses off, and is re-charged. You gonna pass on that?
By now I think most know, I am ALL about humor!
You got the ‘hot, sweaty’ part right…does a woman that smells like a donkey still do it for you? lolol ;-)
Oh no. My psych guy just realized why I enjoyed growing up on the farm so much. :)
Well that sinks it…you’ll never come to my place, far too many farm animals happening over here. lol
@Coloma when you said you hop into a cold hot tub naked Grumpy Old Men , the movie, popped into my head. You remind me of the red head that moved into the house across the street. LOL
Hahahaha…too funny!
Yeah, no grumpy old men in my tub!
Skinny dipping in my early years, like around age 10…coming out with leeches all over my body.
@kevbo How did you get into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of North Carolina? That would be the Atlantic, last time I looked.
well ive never been skinny dipping, but i think id like it. but im afraid someone might see me.
it would be in a pool at night though, with no one else around and only enough lights for me too see by.
I wouldn’t mind going skinny dipping with this boy I have a crush on :) :)
I can’t remember the last time I did.. I think I went skinny dipping when I was 16, but in a pool. Not sure that counts.
@partyrock Do you take off all of your clothes for every boy you crush on?
@perspicacious – I don’t crush on a lot of guys and I don’t sleep around or take my clothes off for anyone if that is what you mean. I was in a serious relationship for 2 years before this guy that I have a crush on. I wouldn’t take my clothes off for any Tom, Dick, or Harry that comes along. I really like this guy and I’ve been talking to him for a period of time, so it’s special to me. Thanks for getting that cleared up.
Too many to count. Last time was in October. Hot tub, Sauna and River (cold, cold!). Probably somewhere around 50 – 60 people of all ages, shapes and sizes.
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