What did you used to do well that you no longer do?
Sometimes I look back on my (relatively short) life and think ‘wow, I really can’t believe I used to do that and had the energy, etc.’ – I used to be in the miniatures clubs in high school and was able to construct tiny cages for bunnies with carrots and shrunk newspapers inside. I used to speak Italian and run the Italian club and no one cared that I was actually Russian. I used to practice Tae Kwon Do pretty regularly but now it’s not something I’d do, if offered. There was belly dancing and going to costume parties – I used to be really good at crazy face make up and now I’m just really meh about it. And I just remembered, I used to kick ass at billiards and would spend nights hustling others out of their money.
What did you used to do well?
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52 Answers
I used to be a loser well, I smoked copious amounts of weed and I was adept at Tekken. Although I’ve always been able to exercise efficiently, but I am slowly getting worse at running.
Jog, cook, date, do crosswords, play Scrabble, and sleep well.
I used to kick some a$$ at golf.This fall,I will be back out on the links to work some magic.yes,that’s right:)
I became extremely involved in dance, gymnastics, sand volleyball, belly dancing, soccer, volleyball, acting, and piano.
But lives change, and I guess those were all childhood/teenage things for me. :] I’m moving onto being a young adult, and there’s nothing I miss more than dance, gymnastics, and volleyball right now.
(Actually, I still belly dance and play soccer at college, but not nearly as much as I used to. :/ It’s saddening.)
@CherrySempai I really think you can still do all of that as an adult, :)
Mountain bike, wet my pants, drink three pitchers on a weeknight, and climb trees are the things that immediately pop into mind.
I used to be a really decent painter (art, not houses), but I haven’t really had much time to do it lately. I really need to get back into it.
I used to ride bike all over. Now that I am older..My bike collect dusts…
When I was younger I was able to resist temptation much more than I can today.
Ride horses.
I was quite accomplished and could manage the flightiest of animals.
I could ride at a full gallop bareback, and jump, ride endurance.
I have not owned a horse for almost 8 years now or ridden for two.
If I hit the ground these days I’d end up in a body cast! lol
Back-bends and cartwheels.
I could do a free handstand indefinitely and pull myself up on top of a chinning bar from a dead hang without swinging.
Brew beer. Back when I didn’t have 2 nickles to rub together and a six pack of really good beer cost more than an hours wage, I learned to brew my own beer and in no time I was winning contests. I was real real good at it and I miss that fresh yummy beer taste…just don’t have a spare 6 hours on the weekend anymore to do it.
Hula hoop, cartwheels, rollerblading, oh well, life must go on.
I use to remember well, but I think its slowly fading away.
Walk 60+ miles of fields in a weekend hunting pheasants
Tahitian dancing. Haven’t in years.
Gymnastics, diving, swimming, soccer, reading sheet music, diagramming sentences.
Basically breaking down a sentence’s structure like this.
@Facade Wow, lol, I really don’t get it. And I’ve never seen this done before. Cool.
now i do many things better than I used to, except playing the piano
Sew. I would still do it well, but I don’t really like to do it anymore.
Great question! My husband calls me the used to girl. Because I so often say I used to…
I used to work 8+ hours on my feet moving boxes and clothing, and now after an hour of strenuous physical work I begin to lose control of my muscles.
I used to be able to do flips and backwards dives of the diving boards.
I used to be able to do 50 full sit-ups in a minute.
I used to be able do pull-ups as well as the men, the kind with the back of your hand facing you.
I used to be able to climb up a rope with no problem.
I used to fit into a size 4.
I used to have twice as much hair.
I used to go out dancing almost every weekend.
I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and stay thin.
I used to be able to wear heals all day (another muscle related problem)
I used to keep my nails manicured and painted all of the time.
Play Dungeons and Dragons. Oh, no wait, I still do that…
@Facade You used to be able to diagram a sentence? I’m impressed! This book is a lot of fun, but the whole process is still completely mysterious to me; I don’t recall ever learning how. I must have been educated at a time when diagramming sentences had fallen out of favor, or I just don’t remember learning it.
@lillycoyote I learned it in 4th grade English class. It looks harder that it is.
I used to be able to make things, do things, just by looking at a picture of the thing in a book or by seeing something that someone else had done or made. Now it takes so much mental energy to figure things out out, to learn how to do something new, I sometimes don’t even bother.
@Facade You learned in 4th grade? I learned it in 7th.
In college, I could Fence like crazy. I could close my eyes, and beat people just by the feel of the blade. I was invited to the California Fencing Championship, but didn’t go ‘cause of work, and I thought it was cooler to be invited and not go. I wish I had, now.
I also was quite a good swimmer. Did the mile in under 25 minutes.
I remember in the sixth grade I almost memorized all of Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven”. I can still recite the first line, but that’s about it.
ummm….how many words can be written here? Where do I start….well, too numerous to mention. Mostly of them are related to athletics! (here are a few) High jumping, broad jump, runner, basketball, baseball, golf, etc…
I like/used to like drawing a lot…I’m not sure if I was ever good at it, or still am if I was, since I never do it anymore. Too busy, and too tired when I have free time. I’m pretty sure whatever skill I had has decreased though, based on the half ass attempts I’ve recently tried..
I’ve never learned how to draw though, besides an easy highschool class I could actually pass, so maybe it’s not that bad.
I thought of another one:
I used to be able to do calculus. Now I can barely add up my total after adding a tip onto my credit card at restaurants. LOL.
Hahaha..I know what you mean!
I used to be able to SEE really well…now I see all kinds of things that don’t exist.
Yesterday I was looking out the window and saw what I thought was my siamese cat in a tree. ‘She’ wasn’t moving and I had this weird thought that maybe ‘she’ was stuck.
Walked up the hill of my front yard and discovered the ‘cat’ was a broken tree limb wedged into the crotch of the tree.
It just keeps getting funnier and funnier!
well, there is one that came to my mind first….but, not going there! self incrimination!
HS @filmfann pretty F’n awesome!! That is flying to bang out a mile in 25 mins!! My best was 38 mins but I was a sprinter, never did enjoy those long non-stop swims!
20 seasons of marching band, drum corps…...spinning flag, teaching band camp
going to music festivals and dancing on a lawn
we diagrammed sentences in 4th grade too…..I’m glad there is someone who enjoyed it.
Bicycle ride. I rode my bike everywhere and was very fast and coordinated. I haven’t ridden in years and suspect I would now be slow and clumsy.
Stay up late. I used to be able to stay up until 2 or 3AM and still get up for work on time. I could even pull the occasional all-nighter. Now, if I’m up past 11PM, I’m a zombie the next day.
Playing the violin.
Rollerblade. I tried it again after 10 years of not doing it. I ended up with stitches in my chin.
Speak- a drug poisoning in my late teens left me with a speech impediment.
Push ups- I could do 35 at a time, usually nightly.
I used to remember what I couldn’t do, now I can’t.
Activities such as chopping wood, hanging washing outside on the line, strolling arm in arm down the street. Squatting down to pee in the grass, lying in a bath, digging the ground in preparation for summer vegetables. Holidaying with friends, driving a car or energetic, gymnastic romps in bed with a lover. Cooking for a table full of expectant dinner guests, changing a lightbulb, meeting someone’s gaze at eye level. Walking through damp native bush, washing my hair in the creek, sitting on the back steps in the morning sun, accompanied by the chortles of tui song. Dancing to music alone by candlelight, spinning wool, sewing my own clothes and those of my daughter, writing letters in my own hand. And this barely scrapes the surface. It is but the tip of an immense iceberg.
I used to play the violin, was in several orchestras and symphonies, etc. I miss it.
I used to play tennis, a lot and well. When I moved to Australia I thought it would be tennis mecca since so many great players came from here. In fact though, it is not nearly as good here as it was in the USA. Here practically no one plays singles after age 18 and I hate doubles, I want to hit every ball. And in USA I used to go to Hilton Head or Boca once a year for a week of tennis camp for adults, no such thing here. So I haven’t played much at all for the last 8 or 9 years. Now there is a veterans tennis group here (they only play doubles though yukkk) but after all these years I find my knee is not up to it. I play maybe once a month and then the next 3 weeks I pay the price. So I am sticking to swimming and running and bicycling these days. I still miss tennis though. I was thinking I might try squash, maybe that will be easier on my knee.
Martial arts. I’m now about ¼ second too slow for my own good. I also don’t jump out of perfectly good airplanes anymore.
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