Do you enjoy posts in the social section because of the relaxed guidelines?
I love the social section. I’m not the type of person who needs answers to be serious and on topic; I really enjoy it when threads derail and watching the side conversations that spawn!
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44 Answers
They developed this section specifically at my request. I also requested a nickel toll, but sadly they declined. Now how will I put my 16 hungry children through college?
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies – I have a jar of nickels for you. ;-)
And, social is great. I bet it gives a break to the mods.
I’ll put a few quarters into the fucking swear jar :)
I like the disparity between the sections. Variety is the spice of life.
Mucho better. As a newbie, it was kinda intimidating worrying about getting modded for silly things…
I can’t afford a nickel. It’s off to General for me!
@KhiaKarma Agreed. When I first joined, there was only the one section and I hated all that over moderation “comments must be on topic and so on and so forth…”. I recently popped in just to say hi to someone here and saw the changes. I like it, so I’ve been popping in every day without feeling like I was being stalked by mods, LOL.
Happy Happy Happy – - – > @RealEyesRealizeRealLies just put a nickel in my optical drive, it should be a comin’ outa yours shortly.
General = classroom.
Social = playground
I like to play ;¬}
I wish there were something in between—serious but fun. Serious fun. I find general to be too tight-assed and social to be too goofy. I also find them to not be moderated consistently or sensibly. It’s not always easy living with that.
Yes, I do.
@wundayatta I also agree on all points.
I’m all about levity, I do enjoy interesting topics and discussion, but I am with @WillWorkForChocolate I prefer humorous banter and light hearted discussion with the freedom to pepper the salad of seriousness with a little humorous confetti.
On occasion I can sink my teeth into a more serious debate, and show my passion for those that have a reputation as difficult personalities. lol
@Coloma And you do it well Coloma…you do it well. I’m glad that you are here.
@bob_ who pulled your string?
@BoBo1946 I’ve got something you can pull right here, pal!
I mean, um, nevermind.
loll…i was kidding! geezzz…if you took it wrong, i apolgize. We had joked around on other questions…
actually, just being social….
answering the question: love the social section. I’m a social animal.
@BoBo1946 I was playing along, you pinhead :P XD
@bob_ thought so. just making sure! btw, nothing about me is a pinhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you notice the huge line of moderatted answers in the dog training question yesterday?
We got carried away with off topic stories, bloodhounds, movies…lol
Mod-er- ratted….hmmm
The rats…
@BoBo1946 What, not even your golf clubs? ;¬}
Yes… in social, you can still have a serious discussion, but it also gives people the freedom to make jokes or side comments; none of that is allowed in general. I think social is the best of both worlds.
@Coloma i did…did not realize it was a general question. i’ll not sleep a wink tonight!
@ucme loll..on second thought!
I’m really glad, because now I can ask questions with at least a minimum of hope I will get a reasonable answer – or not, as I wish, my choice.
I love to answer questions in every section. But I admit I like being able to ply my sense of humor (for better or worse) in Social.
The social section is too much like a chat room, at times. As soon as people start quipping back and forth, I stop following.
I love the freedom to be able to debate.
It’s also nice to know that if I have a question I need/want a real answer to without any side-chatter, I can post in General, and that will happen.
Ah, organization. It’s a beautiful thing.
I’m a fan of the social section. I like a bit of humour injected when I ask questions.
Really, fluther has it all covered with both sections :)
The social section is like the last living blood line to the original fluther. Its homey and you can say almost whatever you want, and no one will take offense especially because they shouldn’t. We are a community we should all be comfortable enough to bust someone else’s balls, without their feelings getting hurt.
Where’s the Anti-Social section I requested?
I tend to like the questions more in the social section. :)
Yes, in fact I avoid the General Section unless I have a specific answer, without humor, that stays strictly on-topic. But that’s the whole point of General. It is a bit irritating to see a question in the “For You” stack, have an answer formulated, click on it and find that it’s a General question where my response won’t fit.
I like all sections, but I find one is less likely to be attacked in social or meta. Some of the brain trust who hang in the general section feel a mighty need to have everyone see it their way and for me it just mostly ain’t gonna happen.
I put my question depending on my what I need at that particular time. If it’s a controversial or if I need accurate-serious answer then General would be my choice. If I feel that I like to know people/have a little bit of fun through my question then Social would be my choice. I just don’t really like when people go off-topic in my question,especially if it’s so personal that I not everyone/I will understand.
I have a soft spot for the general section as I learn the most there but I have a hard nearly impossible time discussing anything without a little bit of personal opinion which often includes my warped perspective injected into the answer so Social is a fun fun place to spend my time.
I love the social section. I always look at the General section too but it’s not often there’s any questions I can answer. I may have plenty of opinions but I’m short on actual useful knowledge.
I find that if I answer a General question, I’d better hit the “stop following” button immediately; otherwise I’ll get drawn into discussion and become mod-bait.
I like to read General questions, but to answer Social questions. I don’t usually have an answer for the general ones, so I can’t really contribute anything useful. Social questions, however, allow me to just run my mouth regardless of whether or not I really have anything significant to say.
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