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ucme's avatar

You're alone & lost in the jungle miles from anywhere, who or what would be the worst/best candidate entrusted to perform your rescue?

Asked by ucme (50052points) August 3rd, 2010

King Kong or Tarzan maybe. Perhaps your s/o could be your white knight or possibly some heroic figure from movies would suit best. On the flip side a rabid tiger or a randy gorilla named Steve could turn out to be pretty tricky customers.Either which way, what are your choices that would fit the bill or not as the case may be?

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20 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Quint would be the best.I would go with that stranger ;)
Bubble Boy would be the worst,I suppose.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Now why doesn’t that suprise me? While it’s quiet in here, (tumbleweed seems to be on the move) I thought I might point out that this question in retrospect could well be about you slicing a five iron to the winds. In which case the answer would surely be your caddy XD Ignore me i’m just being a mischief ;¬}

Cruiser's avatar

Elizabeth Hurley would be a sight for sore eyes lost in the jungle and could rescue me any day… and she couldn’t make a well armed Sean Connery would serve well to get me out of a jam!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. Rarebear? Maybe?

KhiaKarma's avatar

ooooh…maybe some nice, helpful firemen. Miles away, eh…yeah, that might be nice.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Cade Courtley would be my pick for the best. The worst probably would be anyone from the Kardashian family.

Fly's avatar

Bear Grylls would probably be a pretty handy guy to have around…he seems to know a lot about these things.
But I don’t care if we’re starving, I am NOT eating that bug

Austinlad's avatar

Rod Blagojevich. Now there’s a guy I’d trust with my life.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Worst lifesaver = George of the Jungle.

Best lifesaver = Godzilla

aprilsimnel's avatar

Well, the show jumpers would be the worst. OK, maybe not the worst, but they’d be far from well-trained for rescue, wouldn’t they?

I’ll just wait for the Doctor, thanks.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My best friend. I would trust him to be dropped into just about any area, any scenario and get a feel for where I was and in what condition. He’s an excellent bowman, shooter, scout, improvisor and most other humans gravitate to him positively so he’d be able to gather the maximum amount of info’ and also interpret it well. I know he’d only give up looking for me if he himself believed I was dead, others wouldn’t be able to convince him.

Coloma's avatar

The best would be Spiderman.

Worst….my ex husband lol

Buttonstc's avatar

Worst…....Peewee Herman

Best…....Jesse Ventura (or any other Navy Seal or Army Ranger)

Dewey420's avatar

Bluntman & Chronic

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Buttonstc Damnit! I was thinking exactly that! OK…worst. Sarah Palin. (Did I trump Button??)

Dewey420's avatar

@Dutchess_III i thinketh trumpage

Buttonstc's avatar

Sarah Palin for worst?

How so? She carries a gun and aint afraid to use it. Plus she can just do a quick fly-in for rescue with the same helicopter she uses on her wolf hunts. She got resources. Guns, ammunition, helicopter.

Can you imagine Peewee attempting to use a gun? He’d likely shoot himself in the foot (literally).

Palin only shoots herself in the foot metaphorically every time she opens her mouth :D

In addition, her vision is superb.

“And I can see Russia from my house” (as Tina Fey/Palin is fond of saying :)

I believe I have successfully “refudiated” the assertion. Besides, language skills aren’t as important to jungle rescue as helicopters and guns.

I rest my case, your honor.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Buttonstc (LOL!!)

She carries a gun and aint afraid to use it. She’d “accidentally” shoot me. That’s what Repub’s do, you know.

Plus she can just do a quick fly-in for rescue with….. (a) helicopter She would land it on me after she shot me.

Can you imagine Peewee attempting to use a gun? He’d likely shoot himself in the foot She’d shoot Peewee in the peewee. Then land on him with a helicopter. After she landed on me.

Palin only shoots herself in the foot metaphorically every time she opens her mouth she’d shoot herself while she was IN the helicopter, then she would fall OUT of the helicopter, and the helicopter would land on her, me, and Peewee.

In addition, her vision is superb. :) Mine too. That’s why I wear glasses. Like her. :)

“And I can see Russia from my house” (as Tina Fey/Palin is fond of saying :)…except she’s in Colorado.

She be dum!!

Case dismissed, lock ‘er up!

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