How about meeting a Jelly on Fri, Aug 6, 7:00 PM Austin TX area?
Asked by
LuckyGuy (
August 3rd, 2010
This posting was inspired by this question, 2 days ago. “Have you ever used”: After insistent questioning by several of us @mrentropy answered with “this explanation”: Go ahead, check it out. I’ll wait….
“My wife was killed in a car accident in April. I no longer have custody of the kids. All I have is a tiny apartment, two cats and two birds. While they are fine company, I sometimes wish to have some sort of human to talk to. Now that all the chaos is over I find myself kind of bored. I don’t know where anything, besides bars, are. I feel like it would be nice to take a tour of the parks in the area, but I really don’t know where they are or much about them. I don’t dance. I really don’t feel any urge to sit at a bar and drink all night. Frankly, I don’t think I want to meet anyone at a bar, anyway. It’s almost as if I am new to the area and would like some kind of guidance and companionship. And I mean companionship because I’m not in any way ready to even contemplate getting into a relationship (dating sites are out, at the moment). I am, essentially, an introvert. I’m not all that good at striking up conversations with strangers…. I hate going out to eat or to the movies by myself. Really. I did make myself go to the movies once, and all I could think about was how I could have bought a DVD, popcorn, and a bottle of soda and not spent as much going to a theater – by myself”
I had to do something. With his reluctant, embarrassed, shy approval, I decided to make this offer.
So here’s the deal:
On Friday Aug 6, 7:00 PM @mrentropy will be sitting in
Panera Bread
9901 N Capital of Texas Hwy
Austin, TX 78759
(Between Round Rock and Austin)
You know the guy. With 9300 lurve it is obvious many of you know him better than your coworkers.
To induce @mrentropy to go ahead with this adventure I made a little side wager that someone from here would show. Jellies, don’t fail me. If just one of you shows, I win, and will hereby donate the money he owes me to pay for your meal.
For his protection I ask that the attendees be over 21 and have a least 1000 lurve. That way you both can easily recognize each other and will have something in common. You can be male or female, single or in a group. Just be willing to eat a nice soup and sandwich at Panera Bread and then maybe show him a place or two.
Don’t stay in this Friday night. Take a chance – he is.
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67 Answers
Awww! That’s so sweet. I’m kinda sorry I live 3000 miles away because I would surely do something outside my norm and be there. But don’t worry, I have a feeling some jellies will definitely show up. Please let us know the outcome.
What a great intervention, @worriedguy. I’m not as far away as @AmWiser—only about 1700 miles—but I still can’t make it. I hope somebody does, though, and I would bet on it too.
I figure there must be some jellies in the area willing to do something a little different.
I’d do it in a heartbeat if I didn’t live 1800 miles away.
I picked Panera because it has wifi so @mrentropy and his guests can tell us if they met or not.
Maybe this can be the start of a trend. There are few people here I’d like to each other.. .
I’d love to show up but I’m in California. Best wishes on your great idea!
I wish I wasn’t so far. I hope someone that lives close gets a chance to see this post!
I’m in Australia, come on over and my mate and I will show you around.
I work just down the street from that location. Really! Thanks for the invitation.
I’d like to thank @worriedguy for setting this up. It was an awfully nice thing to do.
For everyone that lives too far away: Totally understandable that you can’t show up. Perhaps someday I’ll be able to tour the country and crash at your place for the night before moving on :)
@rooeytoo I’d love to go to Australia. Do something about the 1,000 deadly critters per square centimeter, though :D
@Austinlad I look forward to seeing you there, beard and all.
Not that it is necessary, but the addition of 2 females would round the group out nicely.
That way you all can sit at a table for 4 or more without feeling guilty.
You probably need some way of recognizing each other. A color? an object on the table?
I’ll let @mrentropy figure it out. But he needs to decide soon so anyone else who plans to show up will know what to do.
Come on, take a chance . It will be fun.
@mrentropy , @Austinlad : We expect a full report on the sparklitude of the coffee cups on Saturday! and, well, other stuff, too, I guess… ;-)
I have no idea what I’ll be wearing yet. I’m not at the bottom of my laundry basket yet. Although you can expect jeans and black, cat savaged sneakers.
@JilltheTooth I plan on doing a full inspection of the coffee cup I get!
Just to make it interesting.
There are 8 small caches hidden within a 2000 ft radius of the entrace to Panera.
The Gateway signpost to the west of you points to one of them. Walk to the NW corner of the plaza and you will see a couple of trees isolated from the others. Between the small parking lot and on the east side of the entrance road. It is hidden there. It is small- like a film can. Open it up and sign the log book. It’s named “Quick Sax”
I’ve already PM’ed you the exact coordinates.
@mrentropy @Austinlad : Just a thought…how about a pic of Dr J on the table for recognition purposes?
… this is potentially one of the coolest things I’ve ever witnessed.
@mrentropy : Better sit at a BIG table! :-)....I’m still pretty new, I thought that’s what they called the Jelly logo…
I could go, but I’m kind of nervous about it. I guess @mrentropy and I have something in common: introverts. And without going into too much detail, (because I don’t like to share too much on the interwebs) I’ve been hoping to meet some new people. My friends seemed to have moved away through the years and I don’t hang out with the ones I used to for differences in interests. I like drinking as much as anyone, but I don’t want to make it a life habit.
@mrentropy Yeah, it would. A blind man date… or something.
Or a get together. A Three Man Date would be pretty weird.
True. It may have never been done. We could be pioneers. Well, I’ll plan on coming then. I may be later than 7 because I get off work at 6:30 but I’ll come unless something comes up in which case I’ll let you know!
You guys can be the start of a whole new trend. Heck, Now I wish I could go!
From the avatars I figure you cover the age range from 20’s to 90’s. The conversation will be interesting.
You and anyone else who attends have more in common than you realize. From what I glean from your answers and lurve you are all educated, articulate, computer savvy, sensitive, employed, genuinely nice people. All the things women want. Ladies, am I missing something?
I already gave you that one short activity but if things get slow you immediately have something else to talk about. “How about that pushy jerk in NY, making us come here. The nerve.”
I sure hope some XX chromosome holders show just to round out the conversation.
Well, let it be known that I’m happily taken, but I don’t mind playing Goose.
@worriedguy Hop a plane on fly on down.
So far it’s lookin’ like the Three Amigos.
Hang in there. So far you got thumbs up from @AmWiser, @Jeruba, @Coloma and @TheOnlyNeffie except for the distance. Maybe some other quiet, honest, articulate, educated women will move out of their comfort zones and stop by, too.
Who here wouldn’t want to have dinner with @Jeruba? I don’t smoke but I found her detailed description absolutely intoxicating.
I’m sure your conversations can be just as interesting.
I hereby agree to lurve all attendees!
Don’t think I’ll reach the required lurve by then…might be really tempted otherwise! BTW “pushy NY guy”, while you’re being the cruise director here, how bout setting something up in your own area?
I smell a trend starting.
This is so cool. As previously mentioned, plane fare from MI is a bit much. But I look forward to you guys meeting and filling us all in.
Tempting… very tempting… The closest city is Rochester. Not as exciting as Austin.
But a great place to get our pictures taken! :-)
Hmm. I never got to upstate NY that much. There was a park I went to, it was kind of close to the Cannonball restaurant, I think. But that was pretty much it. So I’ll take your word on that.
I’m in NJ so will have to pass, but I think it’s a cool idea! Have fun!
@janbb : I’m in CT so maybe we can convince @worriedguy that he needs a trip to Gotham…See the sights! Marvel at the skyscrapers! All that stuff…
You should all meet up at Hoboken.
@mrentropy : Hoboken??? OK, I’ll bite, why Hoboken? Other than it’s really fun to say “Hoboken”
It’s fun to say “Piscataway”, too.
@JilltheTooth It’s fun to say Hoboken. And I spent many fun evenings there waiting for my train. Actually, they weren’t that fun.
@mrentropy : Well, gosh, then, thanks for suggesting it! :P
I have to be in Revere MA on business in a couple of weeks. That might be fun
(I was in Gotham last week! And Fair Lawn NJ. Took the 164? 165? bus in to the GW Bridge station. Very convenient $5.50 )
I was just proving that I used to live in New Jersey.
@worriedguy : Maybe in a couple of weeks I’ll make your “lurve to meet you” minimum!
Doctor’s appointment Friday. Sorry )-: That will be all I can take for one day.
I will be in Mesquite in 2 wks, though, with my daughter.
@Aster Hey! Didn’t the Doc tell you no cooking after appointment? Here’s your chance to eat out on doctor’s orders. (You’re welcome.)
I see you are even in TX – I understand it is a rather large state so that might not mean anything.
@JilltheTooth I’m sure we can make an exception to the rule if @KatawaGrey vouches for you.
I love this question. Just sayin’.
If I was in Texas, I’d be there in a heartbeat.
@worriedguy : Did you know she was out of town when you asked that? :P
Or, you could just lurve me up real good..
@worriedguy It’s not my appt; it’s his. No Way he’d drive that far . He’ll want to get home to THE DOGS and take a nap. We aren’t young like you guys! Nowhere close!
I hope someone brings a camera wish I could find that darn photo page on fluther
I have a camera, and I have a camera in my phone. So one of us should be able to take a picture.
@worriedguy, I propose that you waive the lurve requirement for @JilltheTooth on the strength of her connection to @KatawaGrey. Meanwhile, I’m trying to help her make it.
@Jeruba : Ah, bless your sweet heart and back atcha!
@Jeruba. Anyone you recommend gets an immediate pass. @JilltheTooth You’re in!
What I was trying to prevent was having some person we don’t know taking advantage of the situation.
I can also imagine another fun activity where you have dinner with someone with a lurve closest to your. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Not practical, but still interesting.
Alas, using that criteria I’d never have the chance to dine with the fair Queen J.
I am humbled. And elated!
Guys and gals… I may not be able to go after all. :( We have a potential new hire coming into our office from Utah and I’m told that if things go well, we’ll be hanging out Friday night. So the good news is that we may have found someone for the position for which we’re hiring. The bad news is that I may not be able to make it. If I do miss it, perhaps we can do this again but I’ll be the one sitting somewhere at a certain time.
Well, that’s the way it goes I guess.
@mrentropy : Austinlad just reconfirmed on the next meta question! You’re not alone!
@Austinlad is a great guy as are you. Have a good time with whomever comes and give us an update.
@silverfly : Go to Meta, “The meet up in Austin, Texas….” question…
I totally missed this question originally, due to traveling and then not having internet at home for two weeks. I do remember the rentafriend question and I have to say that this thread just warms my sappy little heart!
I would have been in on this in a heartbeat, as well, if I lived closer.
Anyway, in case people are wondering about what happened next, here is the next installment.
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