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kevbo's avatar

Is the record breaking rain and flooding in Pakistan the result of a) Allah's will, b) global warming, c) weather warfare, or d) plain old bad monsoon/100-year flood?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) August 3rd, 2010

Pakistan is enduring rains and flooding that have broken 80 year old records. Particularly hard hit is the Swat region which happens to be the alleged cross border haven for Taliban and al Qaeda fighting in Afghanistan. As the CNN story below indicates, the U.S. is wasting no time making a show of providing military-based aid to win over the tenuously sympathetic hearts and minds of the Pakistan people.

*CNN link

*Person on the street account from The Guardian

*Meteorological explanation of Pakistan monsoon

*Google search for ‘Pakistan flood’

Did the U.S. luck into an opportunity borne of crisis or is this an episode of politics by other means?

Weather modification links

USAF document ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier’

Former U.S. Sec of Defense Cohen on ‘eco-type of terrorism’

Defunct ‘Space Preservation Act of 2001

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15 Answers

Trillian's avatar

@kevbo I prefer to go with; Shit happens. ;-)

judochop's avatar

Weather Warfare!!!! Weather warfare!!!!!

Nullo's avatar

I’m with @judochop on this one. It’s probably the least realistic, but weather warfare is awesome.

Also, kudos to the military for bothering to carpe a diem. Pity the White House press people aren’t so perspicacious.

tinyfaery's avatar

D mixed with a liitle bit of b.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Allah is displeased with the Taliban, the rest is collateral damage.~

JLeslie's avatar

It would be interesting to know what the population of Pakistan thinks. I agree with shit happens.

ragingloli's avatar

A combination of b, c and d?

rooeytoo's avatar

It’s that time of the year and some years are worse than others.

I remember a cartoon I saw in the New Yorker probably 40 years ago, showed 2 guys in a castle, standing in the rain, both with crossbows and the one was saying to the other about the weather has been so erratic and unusual since they started using these new fangled crossbows.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bad Karma and worse luck.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

El Nino. Particularly strong earlier in the year.

TexasDude's avatar

It’s clearly the Haliburton weather machine at work.

That, or just plain “d.”

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Black Helicopters again.

downtide's avatar

I vote (d) with maybe a small side of (b). Weather goes in cycles, everywhere.

Ltryptophan's avatar

D for Deluge.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would go with <D> though I would not rule out it being helped by <C>, what Uncle Sam won’t do to gain an upper hand, if he could he would. If the US had a way to undetected influence weather patterns in areas of people they see as threats I believe they wouldn’t think twice in doing so.

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